Kitsune! Imayoshi Part 5

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Imayoshi Shouichi was casually watching you from your widow as your back face him and you’re concentrating on your homework later that day after the two of you parted. Sometimes, he just wanted to devour you right there and then...but of course, he won’t do that...not unless you let him.

It was then that moment when your mother knocked on your door...

“(name)-chan, I brought you cookies.” The woman called, behind the door. “I’ll come in now ok?”

“Have some cookies while doing homework.” She said as she placed down the plate of cookies on your table.

“Don’t forget to have dinner later okay? I’ll call you when you father comes home. We’ll have dinner together, the three of us.” Was what she said before she left your room, almost immediately.

Imayoshi knows that you didn’t notice the way your mother speaks in a hurt, placed down the plate on your table, smiled at you and immediately hurry out of your room like your room is burning her soul...

‘If it wasn’t already burning in hell...’ Imayoshi added the thought, he watches you there sit on the floor, look up from your homework and smiled back to your mother as she leaves, closing the door behind her.

Imayoshi Shouichi watches you there silently, you cannot see him yet, he was just right there behind you sitting on your window sill, watching you stare at the cookie you are holding in your hand as you silently deliberate on doing something on it.

He noticed you flinch slightly as you silently stare at the cookie...then you took a small bite of it.

That action made Imayoshi Shouichi frown.

That exact moment he hopped off the window sill and let himself into your room. He waved his hand in the air as if to clean the air around you and his finger nails turned sharper and a little longer for a normal man to have.

When he kneeled beside you he wasn’t the black haired Imayoshi anymore, instead was replaced by whitish silver and gold...

He watches as your eyes closes as you yawned and fall asleep on top of your homework. He maneuvers himself behind you and pulled you seated between his legs...the cookies fell of your hand down on the table as he pulled your back to close he could place his chin on the top of your head and let it rest there—but he didn’t.

Your unmoving body leaned on top of him as he held your hand with his left one...while the other he let his free one on your stomach, hid nail making circle movements on your stomach.

“I told you to not accept any food from strangers, (name)-chan didn’t I?” he whispered to your ears. “No matter whom was it from...”

Imayoshi watches as you peacefully lay there on his arms...his thoughts wonders between staying like that forever and taking you back with him somewhere where there’s only the two of you...

Stopping the circular movements of his finger on your stomach, he opened his palm as if waiting for something to drop from it—and something did...a crystal –like ball floated and dropped magically on his palm.

He examines the thing and smiles before closing his palm crushing the ball easily into crystal dust.

“Thank you for taking care of it for me, I know you wanted to return it but you didn’t find a good chance to do so...” the kitsune said to you.

“Now let’s see...” he mused, “How to punish little girls who doesn’t listen to my warnings...” Imayoshi then smiles to himself and carried you up like a sleeping princess and placed you down on the comforts of your bed.

He sits beside you and moves the strand of hair that is blocking your face.

“Ne, (name)-chan~” Imayoshi speaks, “Do you know you really look tempting like this?” he moves the back of his palm on your jaw, feeling the little warmth it provides him.

With a small grin on his face, the Kitsune leaned down on you and pulled your chin slightly and placed a kiss on your lips, he let his tongue wonder slightly on your unresponsive lips trying to coax you into opening your mouth, he heard you sigh into the kiss, and this make Imayoshi pull away- he was getting too much into this act...while he wanted you so much, he isn't one to take advantage of the dead.

He smiles contently; at least he was able to get a reaction from you.

“Tomorrow, you wake up. You go straight to me…I’ll be waiting at the gym.” He instructed in a whisper before leaning down once again and giving you a small kiss on your lips again then on your forehead.

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