Midorima V: Cross With You Pt.1

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Cross with you pt. 1
Midorima x Reader

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"I'm busy." You responded immediately after hearing your sister's favor.

"Please do it, she's not familiar with the streets of Tokyo." Your sister added.

"She can do it on her own—or why not ask her boyfriend to fetch her? Why me?" You stared at them.

"Please? And besides, aren't you bored here at home?" you heard your niece said.

"Bored." You answered after some thought, "But I'm enjoying my last full week of vacation—you know how it's going to be like when I get back to work next week."

"Please, you'll just teach me and my friend how to take the train and the bus or whatever transportation we can use to make it to school on time."

"Your friend doesn't know how to go to school?"

"A little, her brother is the one who drives her to school but she also wants to learn how to go there on her own."

"Why don't you just explore the area on your own?"

"That's tiring and we're both scared. Her brother said we should have someone with us...ALWAYS"

"What are you, elementary students? For Kami's sake! You're already senior high students! Lots of students are traveling on their own!"

"That is why we are asking you to accompany us and teach us how to travel safely—please?"


You agreed to accompany them for the whole week--and taught them how to travel by bus and train and even cab—but they are still a little troubled so you decided to fetch them for the whole month after your work.

"You're lucky that I'm quite in a good mood that I decided to show up and pick you two up even though I'm busy in work." You said while the two are excited to finish their drinks—the three of you that evening are having dinner in a family restaurant, it was Shiori who insisted because her mother said they should invite you for dinner at home but you were too busy so just have some dinner after your work.

"Yes, thank you very much!" Your niece's friend Shiori gratefully said, "My mother is very thankful for your assistance."

"No problem." You stared at her and smiled, for a while now, you have been thinking how she looks somewhat familiar but then again, anyone could have green hair--- you're in a fictional shitty world anyways.

"How is work?" your niece asked you.

"Fine. Quite boring since we always have meetings and meetings and non-stop meetings." You grumbled, "but maybe around next week I cannot fetch you since it's almost time for the children to come back to school."

"Oh, you're a teacher!" Shiori was clearly surprised.

"Yes." You replied, "It's quite fun..."

"But if you are not a teacher, what do you think you are right now?"

"I don't know, maybe a writer or something—I enjoy writing and reading and editing—or maybe I'd be a coffee shop owner, my friend and I are thinking about collaborating." You tell them.

"That's cool!" She exclaimed, "My brother's dream is to be a doctor, he is a doctor now, and he's very boring. Your dream looks very exciting and your work as well."

"It is exciting but not all the time especially when you are going to deal with some paper works and hard headed parents." You laughed and then you looked at the time, "Shall we go?"

"Yeah, we're done finishing our food." They answered.

"Great, let's go." The three of you left the restaurant and walked to the nearest bus stop.

"Ah! Shoot! I left my umbrella at the cashier!" You looked back at the restaurant and told the two girls to wait for you there as you decided to return for your umbrella.

Moments after you left the two girls a black car stopped in front of the two girls. When you got back you found two green head arguing.

"What the hell, Onii-chan!" you heard Shiori said, "Don't get angry over little things!"

"Then explain to me how come the two of you are here on your own, and it's already late!"

"I said we are waiting for Yuki's aunt!" Shiori almost shouted which irritated the tall green head more.

"Didn't I tell you not to go out without supervision!? What if something happens to you here while waiting--"

You stared at the green-head, somehow he looks very familiar...so familiar you want to throw up right there and now.

'Oh fuck.' you silently cursed...it was indeed that person you once loved when you were in high school—broke your heart year later during your first year in college.

You gathered your entire coolness and walked to the group and greeted the green-head.

"And how come you are waiting for her here at this time of hour!? Didn't she know that it is dangerous for girls to stay in this area at this kind of time!?"

"Ah, so you really are related to her?" was your greeting and with that, you noticed that Midorima straightened up from hearing another voice aside from his and his sister.

He didn't look over his shoulder to look at your direction though, but he knew that that voice he heard was a little familiar.

"I just went back to pick up my umbrella that I left at the restaurant, I didn't let them wait...and Midorima-kun, they're safe here in the bus stop." You commented you looked up at the camera recording at the roof of the sheltered waiting area.

"Nii-san! Please apologize to (Name)-san!" Shiori demanded to her brother but Midorima did not falter. "(Name)-san, I'm sorry you have to hear that." It was Shiori who apologized, you just motioned at Shiori that it was nothing then you turned to your niece who was now staring at Midorima face.

'She must've recognize who this person is since I called him by the name' you sighed in defeat—good thing that you are going to be busy again tomorrow, no question and answers.

"Be more attentive of your things next time, (Name)." he acknowledges your name without looking at you, "And next time, don't include my sister with whatever you do on your free time." This time, Midorima slightly looked over his shoulder giving you a slight view of his face.

"Nii-san!" Shiori shouted at Midorima but he ignored her.

"Sure." To be honest, you wanted to tell him more than that word, but you have learned it through experience that it is useless arguing with Midorima—he's a narrow minded shit!

"Get in the car, Shiori!" Midorima demanded as he walked back to the car and opened the driver's seat and the younger girl grumbled before turning to you and apologized.

"Please forgive my brother for being rude, (Name)-san." She said with a bow.

"Go and follow your brother before he gets mad." You whispered to her with an understanding smile on your face.

"Yes. Thank you. I'll get in touch with you later, Yuki-chan." Shiori turned to your niece who nodded back at her before she gets inside the car of his brother.

Before you hear the car start, you turned away and walked off, Yuki following right behind you. You need to get away from that car—you really want to punch his face right ow—you were surprised with your own thoughts.

"Where are we going? I thought we're taking the bus?" Yuki called after you.

"I changed my mind, we will take a cab back home." You replied without looking at her.

"I was surprised that you know Shiori-chan's brother..." Yuki said, "It's my first time seeing him in person though."

"We-" you paused "We were classmates during my senior year in high school."

It was true, you were classmates, and they don't need to know any more than that. It's all in the past anyways—you have moved on and that's that—snapping back at him would just cause trouble.

"Bastard." You murmured angrily.

You quietly thought of the things that you could've thrown at him earlier but your brain seems to have just emptied itself when you registered that it was him who was standing right in front of you—after 10 years.

That night you weren't able to sleep because you keep thinking of him and all the bitterness that you felt after he left you---but then again you reminded yourself that you have already moved-on but at the end of the day, you wished that he shouldn't have appeared earlier that night as your niece's friend's older brother—that could've been anyone, but it still has to be him.

'I don't love him anymore, but he affects me like the same.' You admitted quietly.

"Kami-sama, why are you doing this to me? Is this some kind of test?" you said to no one, before covering your face with a pillow.

"I don't want to see him anymore—well, we won't because tomorrow I know that Shiori-chan will be asked to stay away from your niece because he's related to me."

Midorima Shintarou

Few weeks later...

After that fateful encounter with your Ex, you got too busy with your work that you don't even see the faces of your family when you get home—you'd just go straight to bed wake up the next morning and leave for work...

"You're going to school again? It's Saturday." you just got out of the bathroom and met your niece.

"I always go out on a Saturday."

"I thought you're free today, I was going to ask you to drive me and Shiori to the Aquarium today." Yuki said.

"What time are you going to meet Shiori there?"

"We have to be there by 11, Shiori's brother gave us free tickets" You raise a brow upon hearing the person involved.

"Can't." you answered almost immediately, "I remember that I can't drive tonight."

"Eh? Why?"

"We will be going out tonight." You told her, it was not another lie, your co-workers are planning a drinking party tonight, but you weren't planning to come since you're not good with alcohol...but now you will be, what's a drink or two can do to you?

Without hearing furthermore of what Yuki will say, you went straight to the kitchen to get something to eat inside the fridge and you found your favorite pudding which you immediately opened.

Your niece then found you eating with only robes on.

"I thought you're leaving immediately." She said and you shrugged before taking another spoonful of the sweet.

"Nah, I can be late sometimes."

"Great then just drive us there. Please?" Yuki begged, "You can leave me the car keys and we have Midorima nii-san to drive us back home." You stopped eating when you heard his name...

"Midorima nii-san?" you almost laughed, "That's kinda gross—hearing you call that bastard's name like that." You commented.

"Huh? You still hate him after what happened?"

"He's a shit—don't tell him that." You added, "I might hate him every now and then but that is only because I know what he really is like—I have a feeling that he's being a thoughtful nii-san to his sister and her friends that he even let you call him 'Midorima nii-san'."

"Well, he is quite a strict brother, but I heard from Shiori that their mom reprimanded them after the incident with you last time and even told him to apologize to you."

You chuckled, "I don't think that idiot even want to see my face—we're not in good terms—that guy and I." you told her.

"Eh? I heard from Shiori that you are good friends with him." You stared in surprise, "Shiori said that her brother told her that the two of you are quite close back during the high school. So which one is it really?"

"I can't believe that came from that guy's mouth." You looked at the pudding before spooning it all and eating it, "Anyways, that guy didn't apologize—it's not like I care, he's been like that always."

"Oh, he did." Your niece said and you looked at her, "Since he was busy at the hospital, he gave me that pudding. He said it was for you." She pointed at the empty pudding cup you were holding.

"Eh?" You blinked, "This?"

"Yes, that." She nodded, "you liked it?"

"..." you frowned. "This is probably his lucky item." You murmured.

"His what?"

"Nothing. I'll drive you guys to the aquarium, but I'm bringing the car home before going out tonight..." you grumbled and walked off the kitchen.

Midorima Shintarou

It was a quiet drive to the Aquarium with Yuki and Shiori who you picked up from their home—which you somewhat remembered from your previous secret coming over session with you ex-high school boyfriend, Midorima.

If this was noticed by your niece, she never asked why you knew their house...

"I was surprised that my brother asked us to go to the aquarium today, he is usually busy at the hospital." You heard Shiori said, "But I'm glad he did, because it was really hard to get a hold of him since he started working at the hospital and he lives with his girlfriend."

Ah, girlfriend...

You weren't surprise, you already knew that he's with that girl who you saw with him in the picture back before—you remember him saying she just wants to take a picture of them together then the following week—he broke up with you...

You sighed heavily and turned to the next street, finally you can see the aquarium as you tuned out the conversation of Shiori and Yuki...

♪ ♫ ... you then were interrupted by the sound of your phone.

"I think you got a mail." It was Yuki who checked your phone, "It was from your high school, and they said come to the reunion tonight."

You ignored the message and then pulled down in front of the aquarium entrance...

"We're here." You said, the two girls cheered and stepped out of the car, you can slightly see the tall green haired man walking up to your car—his normal irk face was on when he noticed that it was you.

"I'm driving off, you two take care." You reminded them from the window before closing up as Midorima gets closer.

"Noted!" Yuki replied, you were going to start the car when you heard a knock on the passenger seat window—it was no other than Midorima—you felt like your heart jumped from your chest when you saw his face.

"What is it?" you asked when you opened the window.

'He still as good looking as ever...oh, are those bags under his eyes? It's probably because of his job at the hospital—he's a doctor after all—and doctors needs to be around for a few days straight...'

"You're not going?" Midorima asked and your thoughts finally interrupted by his question.

"Eh—I have to go to work." You replied, Midorima straightened up and somehow you noticed how his eyes hardened upon hearing your answer.

"It's the first time I'm hearing that teachers are asked to come to school even though it's the weekend." Midorima commented.

"Well Midorima-sensei, unlike you...we normal school teachers needs to finish some paper work that needs to be done before the week ends." You smiled at him "Is there anything else?" Midorima frowned which made you smile.

"Nothing, drive safely." You heard him say when you closed the window which made your heart jump like hell.

"What the hell!?" you shouted inside the car as you grasp your chest that is beating rapidly...

"Nanda..." you said to yourself, "Why do I act like I'm in love with that bastard!?"

You drive out of the place but you can't keep your eyes away from the side mirror and admire the reflection of Midorima—he still look so—handsome and more mature—somewhat, you were glad that you were inside your car or else he would probably hear how loud your chest is beating right now...

"Fuck! I don't want to see him again—I really need a good drink to forget this!"

Midorima Shintaro SIDE

Midorima was on his way home – it has been a while since he last went back to his parent's house. His sister now is attending a new school for senior high that offers the track that she'd like to take and when he heard of this he talked to his parents to reconsider the decision as she is still too young and she is not familiar with commuting around Tokyo but the girl had told him:

"Don't worry, my classmate's aunt is helping us."

"And this classmate of yours is she trustworthy?"

"Yes of course, Yuki is very nice—and her mother is very strict same goes with her grandmother."

"That place is very dangerous in the night, you have to go home early and don't stay late on your own." Midorima reminded her.

The next evening, when he went home to check out on his sister he found out that she's still not home and its already late.

"I thought she's doing fine there in the school. Why is she not yet home?" he demanded from his mother.

"Don't worry, they're just eating out tonight—I asked her to treat her classmate and aunt to dinner as a thank you for taking care of her--" Midorima's mother looked behind her only to find that there was no son of hers is standing there


It not Midorima's first time in being an over-protective brother...he's been like this since he heard from his mother that Shiori's been dating someone from her school and since then he's been so protective of her.

While driving around the university area he saw someone cross the street and then caught sight of his green-head sister standing with her friend at the bus stop—on their own.

He pulled over in front of them and frowned before climbing out of the car.

"Get in!" he demanded immediately, he can see how surprised his sister looked when she saw him.

"Onii-chan!" she greeted "Why are you here?"

"I said get in!" Midorima repeated.

"Wait! Mom knows why I am late today and besides I'm with my friend and her aunt I'm not totally on my own here!" she reasoned out.

"I don't see her Aunt anywhere. I said get in!"

"What the hell, Onii-chan!" you heard Shiori said, "Don't get angry over little things!"

"Then explain to me how come the two of you are here on your own, and it's already late!"

"I said we are waiting for Yuki's aunt!" Shiori almost shouted which irritated the tall green head more.

"Didn't I tell you not to go out without supervision!? What if something happens to you here while waiting and how come you are waiting for her here at this time of hour!? Didn't she know that it is dangerous for girls to stay in this area at this kind of time!?"

Midorima looked at the direction of Shiori's friend who was just staring at him—speechless. The girl seemed shock of his sudden burst—he will not apologize, he's not at fault.

"Ah, so you really are related to her?" Midorima immediately straightened up when he heard a familiar voice behind him---it was very familiar, but at the same time it was not.

He didn't look over his shoulder to look at the face of the person

"I just went back to pick up my umbrella that I left at the restaurant, I didn't let them wait and Midorima-kun, they're safe here in the bus stop."

'This friend of Shiori's is...'

"Nii-san! Please apologize to (Name)-san!" Shiori's demand interrupted his thoughts...

(NAME)...(full name) he didn't have to look at the face of the owner of the name, he was already sure that it was her.

"(Name)-san, I'm sorry you have to hear that." It was Shiori who apologized for him and then he glanced slightly at Yuki's face who was still staring at him.

'Did she recognize me?'

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