Akashi IV: Mine, It will never change pt. 11

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Akashi : Mine. It will never change.
Chapter 11


"No,no~" Keiko answered, "I came here to surprise you."

Akashi frowned, he looked around and found that you were still conversing with the old lady, but then someone is standing next to you and was eyeing you closely.

"So, did you like my surprise?" Akashi ignored Keiko's question and walked to where you were standing. "Seiju-"

"Excuse me!" Akashi's stern demanding voice startled few people who was with-in earshot.


Akashi wasn't really listening to Keiko. His eye was always directed at you, watching you...watching the people who is around you.

Few were able to recognize you, some weren't...but Akashi doesn't need them.

While Akashi wanted the world to recognize you, a part of him wants to lock you up--so that only he can appreciate your talents, your works and of course...your existence.

A man catches Akashi's attention as he halfheartedly listen to what Keiko was saying...

"So, did you like my surprise?" He didn't completely hear what she said that time as his eyes catches a hand creeping slowly to his wife's waist.


"Excuse me!" Akashi was instantly standing protectively behind you.

His voice though, earned a few eyes on his direction.

"Uh-" The man stepped away from you in surprise "Akashi-kun, I didn't see you there." He laughed as if he wasn't caught in doing what he was doing.

"Yes, of course." Akashi played along.

"Akashi?" you turned and looked at Akashi standing behind you. "Where were you?" you whispered.

"My apologies, (name)." He answered coolly, "I was having a conversation with some...people."

"You know her Seijurou?" Hearing a woman's voice, you looked up...but that is not the only reason. The person seems to be close to Akashi because they're on the first name basis.

You looked at the woman and you immediately recognized her...

"Welcome back, Seijurou." came a gentle greetings of a brunette who was wearing an expensive coat, you just got out of the train from Osaka "How was your trip?"

"Keiko." Akashi acknowledged the brunette walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss.

Your eyes widened as you watch the scene in front of you...it wasn't surprising really, for Akashi to have such a beautiful wife...? He's rich and all, and she's beautiful and all too. Match made out of heaven.

"Keiko. Your actions are really inappropriate." Akashi scolded and the lady named Keiko pouted. "I am with someone."

"But I missed you! And I waited for a long time to see you! you didn't come at my party in Paris last month! I was waiting for you to come and surprise me, but I was disappointed!" the woman sulked playfully. "And who is she?" Keiko turned to you.

"This is (full name)" Akashi introduced, pulling you to stand next to him, you felt suddenly frozen when he did...also, the woman he called Keiko stared at you from head to toe and looked at Seien in disgust.

'What the hell!? Am I being criticized!?'

"(full name)?" Keiko titled her head to look at you. "Your new secretary? Why is she with her kid? so unprofessional!" Keiko commented.

Your eyes widened.

You have completely forgot...Akashi has a wife---No, wait...not wife, but the lover?...yes, it had to be his lover...she kissed him after all, but doesn't live with him to be the wife..and he is like temporarily married to you...

'Yes, it had to be...the girlfriend, the lover.' You were surprised to see her there really. And Akashi seems to be not expecting her appearance as well.

You didn't want to mess up with her... she's Akashi's special someone.

It's embarrassing to be standing between the two of them... you decided to step away from Akashi to let him handle his lover and pretend that you are a random attendee.

"What? You looked like you have seen a ghost." Another voice erupted from the crowd.

Your eyes traveled to the direction of a woman in black dress. She was beautiful...and you know her...she was one of those faces you didn't want to deal with.

"You wan't to know who she is?" She questioned.

"Oh look~! You're here too, Kaoru." Keiko greeted happily.

"Of course... My husband was invited, but he's busy dealing with some cases that needed his attention." the black haired woman informed you as if she was not talking to Keiko.

"So, (l/n)-san-" Kaoru studied your appearance as if she was eyeing someone in lower status.

"Oh wait!" Keiko interrupted, "Seijurou, this is my friend Kaoru." Keiko pulled Akashi to her side.

"We have already met once...with her husband." Akashi mentions as he pry Keiko's hand off him gently.

"Really?" Keiko turned to Kaoru, it was as if you weren't existing as the three of them converse.

"Tomoe Kaoru." Akashi's voice was cold as he acknowledges her unwanted appearance.

"Yes, its a pleasure to meet you again...Akashi-san." Kaoru smiled pleasantly at Akashi. "I didn't know you are betrothed to my old friend, Keiko." Kaoru's voice was clear as she mentioned the word betrothed.

"Betrothed?" you gasped in surprise.

"Yes, aren't we? You gave me a ring after all." Keiko showed it to him to remind him.

You froze on the spot when your eyes met Kaoru's knowing glance...

"Now you should know, (l/n)-san..." Kaoru called your attention. "They are to be married."

"What is this all about, Kaoru? You know her too?" Keiko asked gesturing to you.

"Yes." Kaoru answered disappointingly, "Unfortunately...I happened to know her."

"Who is she then? Why is everyone talking about her?"

"Let me do the honors." Kaoru smiled, "This is (Full name), my husband's college lover." Keiko gasped in surprise.

"You mean- she's the one who you-" Kaoru smiled at Keiko and nodded in confirmation.

"You're Tomoe's ex-lover?" Keiko gasped.

"She was Tomoe's ex-lover." Akashi interrupted disgustingly.

"Oh- this is awkward... Should't she not be anywhere near you Kaoru?" Keiko asked. "I mean, she's your husband's ex--and she might still have bitter feelings towards what happened."

"I don't."

"She doesn't!"

Akashi's and your's answer came out at the same time. One calm, one defensive.

You weren't the defensive one...

Keiko turned to Akashi. To her, your answer was ignored and she didn't want to hear your opinion of the matter either.

...But Akashi's tone came a bit different to her.

"Are you protecting her?" She asked in surprise, "I mean...she's someone's ex lover...that someone happened to be my friend. You shouldn't side with her!"

"Keiko!" Akashi was starting to get fed up of Keiko's antics.

Well, its not really Keiko nor Kaoru's fault which irritates him. For the first time...Akashi felt threatened.

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