Murasakibara: Sweet Soury Candy You

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You and Murasakibara are friends back to your elementary days. You were his senpai. And people always had mistaken the two of you siblings since Murasakibara doesn't leave your side. And to those who don't know the two of you, they see you a couple.

It started back in 2nd grade.

You were on your way home and saw a purple haired kid crying at the gates of the kindergarten. You remember that kid; it was the same kid at the new house beside yours.

"Uwaaa! Uwaa!" He cried out, moments later, the sensei of the day-care came out and hushed him, comforting him and probably telling him lies about the probabilities as to why his parents weren't there to get him yet. The sensei's eyes caught you watching.

She smiled at you; you were also once a student there. You approached the sensei and smiles at her.

"Konichiwa, Imonoyama-sensei." You greeted. And bowed like a good child. And then you turned to the purple haired kid. "Why is he crying Imonoyama-sensei?" You asked.

"Ah, his mother isn't here to pick him up yet." Imonoyama-sensei explained.

"Ah." You finally understood. "Hey!" You turned to the kid, "How about I just walk you home?" You asked the kid.

"Mm." He immediately nodded at your invitation. You turned to the sensei and waited for her permission.

"Okay." She agreed, but that is only because she knows that you just live around the corner and he is the new kid who just move just beside your house.

"Come." You called and held his hand and the both of you bowed at the sensei. He had stopped crying, and wiped his teary eyes with his sleeve, and he too, held your hand back.

The two of you walked together, you two didn't notice that Imonoyama-sensei was following you two, just making sure you two will make it home safe.

On the front gates of the Murasakibara's you two stopped.

"Here is your house right?"

"Mmhm" He nodded.
"Great." You ring the bell and waited for someone to open for him. You turned to him and saw the traces if tears from his cheeks.

"My name is (y/n)" you told him, "you shouldn't cry, just because your mother forgot to pick you up or whatever." You told him as if scolding him, "When I was in first grade I didn't cry when my mom forgot to pick me up, instead I walked myself home."

The purple haired boy stared at you and sniffed his nose and nodded.

"Here take this candy." You gave him a candy "I always see you eating candies from up there from my room." You pointed at the window at the house beside theirs.

"Ah! But that isn't an ordinary sweet candy okay?" You said, warning him, "It's a sour flavour at first then it will turn sweet." His face turned disgust. "Don't worry, it taste nice. You'll love it."

After you left that day, Murasakibara Atsushi ate the candy you gave him, it was freakin sour his face almost twisted, he wanted to spit the damned candy but then the flavour changed, it seems that the coating was the only sour, and the rest of the candy ball was sweet.

Murasakibara Atsushi really looks up to you since then; you were like a genius or magician of some sort because of that candy, that sour candy that turned sweet.

*present time*

"(Y/n)-chin" you looked ahead of you, in front of your school's gate. There stood your childhood friend and best friend Murasakibara Atsushi.

"Ah, you're here again, Atsushi." You said, "Don't you have practice?" You looked up at him, and woooah! He's now like 12 inch and or more taller than you.

KnB Love Shots [KnB x Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें