Kitsune! Imayoshi part 6

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Kitsune Imayoshi: Chapter 6 


Miyaka is hyperventilating. She was ready to call an ambulance just for the hell of it but to see her like she just woken up from dreamless sleep...she should be dead 6 hours ago...

"That stray cat! I shouldnt've given you a chance to live! You should've died with your mother!" Miyaka cursed in front of the mirror.

'Its your fault.' A voice called from somewhere in the room.

'You were so obsessed with that man of yours...that you had to eat his wife and have their child inside your body...' there was a dark laugh.

'Its their flesh and blood...of course he'll love her more than you.'

Miyaka's face was devastated.

'Lets make another deal shall we?'

"What is it this time?"

'There's an five tailed fox wondering around nearby...' the voice stated. 'I want its body.'

"A five tailed fox! Its probably stronger than you."

'Its just a five tailed fox. I can handle him. And besides its probably the one who is ruining your plan...' the voice said. 'After all, yesterday..,he was at your daughter's room.'

"She is not my daughter!" Miyaka's voice boomed, "She is nothing but a trash of that Tsuki!"

The voice chuckled, 'you say that...but you were the one who give her another chance.'

"Shut up!"

'Ok, I will. Either way, I want the fox. Use your body. Let's not waste that figure you have there- eternal youth is something you should be proud off, Kiyohime...I just don't know why you waste you time on that weakling samurai of yours.' 

"He's not a samurai! He's the highest ranked inspector in Tokyo of  now!"

'Whatever you call him...but he's still a travelling samurai during the old days...' the voice chuckled, 'You look so proud of him, Kiyohime...aren't you worried...that he'll know what you did to his mother before you disappeared?'

Miyaka glared at the closet.

"Shut your mouth Hannya!" 

Then there was a quiet chuckle.

'Fine, Just get me the fox and I'll take care of your daughter for you.'

*-*-* Too Gakuen *-*-* 

You frowned as you slowly walk to school that morning. You're head is spinning and your stomach is slightly didn't feel like eating earlier though so you skipped breakfast.

You stopped walking and steadied yousrself at the side walk. Too is just a couple of minutes away...but your vision is starting to get blurred and you almost fell down on your knees but a hand grabbed your arm and helped you steady yourself up.

"Oi! If you're not feeling good, just don't leave your bed." The voice said to you.

"Dai-chan! Wait for me- ehh?!" Suddenly you recognized Momoi's voice not far behind you... "-(name)-chan!? What happened, Dai-chan?" You felt Momoi's cold hand holding your forehead.

"You don't feel warm to me, (name)-chan- but you kinda look pale- we should take her to the clinic Dai-chan." Momoi turned to Aomine.

Aomine easily agreed- normally he wouldn't care about anything- but it was you- you were always the one who look after him even after he skips practice and whenever he was caught and forcely tied at the corner of court while everyone is having practice...

Before you could protest, you were suddenly picked up like a princess by Aomine.

"Ah- Aomine-kun! Please put me do-" 

"Shut it, (name)." Aomine said as he walked like you weighted nothing.

The two took you to the clinic where the school doctor announced that it was just another small case of anemia. Its a common occurrence lately amongst the students and those who over-work themselves.

"You must've been pushing yourself too much." You heard a kansai accented voice. When you opened your eyes, you weren't mistaken- it was Imayoshi sitting at the bedside. The black hair and the glasses.


"Either way, today is Sunday and there is no class- I also decided to cancel the practice since I can't leave you on your own - its too dangerous, I cant just leave you open to those puny creatures unprotected." Imayoshi reached for you and brush the hair from your face.


"Yes, it's me." Imayoshi smiled strangely at her- it was a smile that sent chills on (name)'s. "Remember what happened last night? I told you to nto to eat anything coming from strangers- look what happened to you now..." 

"..." you closed your eyes again- you really don't feel good yet.

"Come with me- I shall avenge your death." Imayoshi tilted your head and kissed your lips.

"...but my father." Was the murmur he got coming from you.

"Your father is immortal- but if you want, we can keep him with us too."

"..." you opened your eyes and saw Imayoshi again, this time, he doesn't have a black hair like- there was a man hovering above you. His eyes was very familiar- yet his hair is very inhumanely normal... you cannot distinguish is his hair is silver and gold or black, silver and gold altogether?... 

You reached for his hair and he let's you...

"I have seen you before..." you said sleepily.

"Yes. Do you remember?"

"Yes...I was killed, and I ran...and you were there- I saw you standing in front of the shrine father made for me...but mother caught me...and she...again...she stabbed-" 

"Shhh." Imayoshi interrupted, your tears was falling already- and you looked like you were in pain. "Enough- you should just forget everything...your father made you experience everything every time he walked through time...stupid traveler."

"Let's end this shall we? Come with me- I've waited long enough for you."

Imayoshi stood up and and you saw that his clothes are different as well... old traditional hakama...with golden and silver threads embroidered and decorating him.

"What are you senpai?"

"What am I?" Imayoshi chuckled, "I am the creature who will protect you for all eternity." 

Then the door opens, and there was Aomine and Momoi standing- Momoi's face was filled with tears and Aomine's are mixed with anger, sadness and confusion.

"Sensei! What happened to her!? I thought it was just anemia?" Aomine growled so loud he wanted to hit the school doctor for not knowing this will happen.

"Aomine-kun?" You mumbled, and Aomine turned to you with a worried and sad face. Then he walked into you in a rush- walk through your body like you were just some sort of invisible floating object.

Your eyes widened and you looked over your shoulder weakly and found Aomine and Momoi crying beside someone who look very pale and cold.

"Senpai!" Your heart raced all of a sudden. "Imayoshi-senpai!" You called in panic, and the megane appeared beside you, holding your hand to calm you down.

"That is me- but I am here..." you turned to him in confusion.

"Calm down." He whispered, "calm down..."

"Senpai!!" You started crying, "Senpai- I'm dead!?" 

"No, you are not dead." He assured you. "Now, come here." Imayoshi pulled you up and led you out of the room- and when you stepped out of the room, everything changed.

It was like he took you to a different place.

"W-where are we, senpai?" You asked, looking around.

You noticed that you were in a huge traditional living room- no house...temple? Shrine? You're not sure anymore... but you were standing in the middle of the room anyway.

"Senpai?" You called, and then you coughed, your throat is starting to get dry. "Se-" you continued stopped when you noticed someone standing in front of you.

"Drink this." It was Imayoshi, he was giving you a cup of tea--you wanted to take and drink it immediately but you decided not to- is he really Imayoshi? What if he's just copying his face and just want to harm you like the person who wanted to take your life- that woman--

"Don't be afraid." Imayoshi spoke, "this tea will calm your nerves down." 

"I don't-"

"(Name)-chan." Imayoshi interrupted you as he leveled his face to your own. His eyes stared into your own with the silent 'drink-i-dont-want-to-force-it-to-you-and-you-wouldnt-like-me-doing-that-either' look in his eyes.

Sobbing, you shakily took the cup and stared at the content.

"Come on." Imayoshi the fox gently urged you, "drink it, love." He added, "it will calm your nerves down." 

You didn't like tea... but you still emptied the cup down. It tasted bitter- you coughed a little and there was tears forming at the corner of your eyes.

"I want to go home..." you murmured quietly.

"You are home." He said.

"But-" you tried to protest, but it died when the kitsune enveloped you with his arms and pulled you closer to him in a very warm embrace.

"This is your home." He said, "The outside is not a safe place for you anymore." He whispered gently into your ear. "Here, you will be safe- you are always safe here with me."

"But--" the kitsune frowned, he didn't like it when you cry.

"Do you want to see the flowers (name)-chan?" He asked.

"I want to see my father." Was what you replied.

"You father, huh?" Imayoshi closed his eyes and a vision of your father appeared in his thoughts.

He was reading a newspaper at the living room, there was no one else in the house besides him...and then his vision traveled up stairs past your bedroom door and it stopped in front of a door.


A name was whispered to his ears, and his frown deepened.

'Get me the fox and I'll take care of your daughter'

The vision disappeared and the kitsune tighten his hold around you.

"How about you rest for a while, (name)-chan?" Imayoshi pulled away and ypu stared up at him in confusion.

"Are you going to let me go?" You asked.

"Stay here, (name)-chan." He said, "I'll just deal with someone; if it goes well, I might bring you your father." Imayoshi smirked when he saw your eyes twinkled at his promise.

"My father?" 

"Yes, your father." He smiled at you, "So I want you to stay here and sleep until I return."

"Sleep-?!" You pushed him away, "I don't want to sleep." 

"But, you need to sleep, love." He reached for your hand and pulled you back to him. "You looked very tired- sleep." He whispered to your ear and before you could even open your mouth your eyes slowly closed and you fell down unconsciously on Imayoshi's arms.

"Sleep, my dear (name). I will just pay your mother a visit." And he carried your body inside a room and laid you down on the futon.

"Sleep well, love." He leaned down and kissed your lips. "I'll be back shortly." 

Imayoshi stood up and walked out of the room, sliding the door close behind him. His appearance changed back into his human form, the black haired Imayoshi-senpai.

*kistune imayoshi* 

Imayoshi appeared outside the clinic where Aomine and Momoi was. Aomine was standing at the side and Momoi was crying at the corner.

"Captain!" Momoi was the one who noticed Imayoshi first, standing by the door- face was unreadable.

"What took you so long?" Aomine asked, irritated. "Look what happened to her!"

"Why are you angry at me Aomine? Do you think I like it to end this way?" Imayoshi stepped inside the clinic and glared at Aomine.

"What are you two talking about?" Momoi asked, confused.

"Nothing." Aomine answered bitterly. "Do something about it now." 

"Yeah, yea." Imayoshi moved next to the bed where your body was lying down. Imayoshi caressed your cheeks with the back of his hand. "Momoi, do something for me." Imayoshi said.


"Lay down on the bed and sleep." He said, before he pulled the covers off of your body- only to reveal an empty bed.

Momoi's eyes widened.

"Where's (name)-chan?" 

"Sleeping." Imayoshi answered. "Now, get in." Imayoshi ordered.


"Just do it, Satsuki." Aomine said.

"O-okay." Momoi laid herself back to bed.

"Close your eyes." Imayoshi said, and she did.

Aomine watched as Imayoshi covered her with the blanket and Imayoshi sat down on the stool beside her and leaned his back at the wall.

"You may leave Aomine." Imayoshi said.

"How about (name)" he asked, and Imayoshi's normally closed eyes opened at Aomine's question- he looked at Aomine in amusement.

"Do you have a business with her, Aomine?" He asked.

"I want to see her of course, you selfish fox!"

"Then make sure you do your work properly, Komainu" Imayoshi pressed, "look what happened, while you were slacking off, you let a problem in." Imayoshi ignoring Aomine's groan. "Now look what we have to do..."

Aomine turned to his partner, Momoi Satsuki- but she was no longer there. Instead, there was a figure of someone resembling you, under the covers and sleeping.

"Well, if you'd only let me go near her then I would've probably gnawed the snake's head!"

"No. I won't allow anyone near her except for me."

"Selfish fox."

"Do your job properly dog- or I'll curse you back into being a stone." 

"You need my help, you won't do that." Aomine smirked, and Imayoshi frowned, the dog got a point. "You princess doesn't like your hand bloody..."

"But you see, she'll never know if I turn you into ashes, Aomine." Imayoshi gave Aomine a wicked smile.

"Whatever fox- now tell me where she is."


"Good, then I'll leave Satsuki to you." Aomine stepped out of the infirmary and walked off somewhere.

Imayoshi frowned...Aomine is an arrogant, lazy dog- but still helpful, he's been using him to look after (name) while he's not around. 


Imayoshi, the waka-sama saw a Komainu thousand of years has a horn and the other has none...the one with the horn is slacking off while the other is just there standing like a normal giant stone of lion dog; they were guarding an empty run-down temple.

"Inu." Yue said while holding hands with the taller man. Imayoshi looked at the young girl beside him and smiled.

"Would you like them to be your pets?" He asked.

"But they're stone lion." She responded.

"Look carefully, the sleeping stone lion has its one eyes open." The waka-sama pointed at the sleeping one.

The young girl walked to the stone lion and tried to pat the stone lion- suddenly it grunted making the young girl jumped back away from it.

"Uwaa! It’s angry! It’s going to eat me!" The child cried- but the waka-sama chuckled and helped her up.

"He won't hurt you, my moon." He said. "Come on, try again."

"But-" Yue walked to the stone lion again and extended her hand to try again and pat the head of the lion- she successfully did.

"Waaaa! Its so soft!" The lion moaned under the child's hand and 
later on both its eyes closed as the young girl continued to pat its nose.

The waka-sama smiled at the young girl's excitement.

"Let's go back Yue, your father is waiting." He called.

"Okay!" Yue jumped down from the stone lion's side, but the lion groaned angrily moving its body and stretching his front legs like a giant lion stretching- the waka-sama glared at him when he used his paws to pull back the young Yue back under his body, startling the young girl.

The giant lion-dog roared angrily at the young-master.

“Ara?” the waka-sama looked up at the tall beast in amusement.

“Waka-sama!” the young Yue squealed and cried.

“My, see, the young lady there you are holding is mine.” He said.

A roar. 

“I want you to let her go immediately.”

“Waka-sama! I’m scared!”

“You hear that dog? Let her go, you don’t want her scared now dont you?”

Roar. ‘She’s mine.’

“No. She is mine, dog.”

“I’m scared!”

“Don’t worry there Yue, Komainu-san isn’t going to hurt you.” Waka-sama grinned at the giant lion-dog.

“Would you like to be with her,dog?” he asked, the waka-sama’s hair turned white and the giant dog groaned in defense. “Don’t be alarmed, you will just scare her more.” The kitsune warned.

“Tell me dog.” He ordered.

Roar. ‘Yes.’

“Good. From now on, your job is to watch over her- there are times that i wont be around.” It was a strong and legit agreement between the two creatures. And then the dog opened up his front leg to let the young girl go.

“Waka-sama!” the young girl jumped away to the arms of the waka-sama.

“Now, now, Yue-chan. Dont be scared,  Komainu just want to be with you some more.” He soothed the young girl’s hair.


“Yes. Look.” The waka-sama pointed at the giant lion-dog who is now standing ant looking at Yue with a lazy look. “Try touching him again.” He instructed, and she did.

The Komainu almost purred like like a cat under her touch and leaned down to let her pat him some more.

The young girl chuckled and happily pat him more.

Later that day, they went home and the young master walked Yue back to her house where his father was waiting for her.

The two of them are living in the mountains now. They moved away after years from that painful place.

“Kamisama!” the traveler, your father gasp when Yue arrived home on top of the Komainu. “A yokai!”

“Worry not, traveler.” the waka-sama said. “He is with us.”

“Papa! Look!”

“Are they really with you kitsune?”

“Will I let someone near my Yue if they arent with me?” he asked back.


“Trust me, traveler.” The waka-sama said. 

The Komainu leaned down to and Yue jumped down to his father’s arms. “Tadaima.”

“Okaeri.” He smiled at her.

The Komainu walked to the side of the house and sat there like a statue that he is supposed to look like. Behind him was another Komainu- but the other one has no horn and is looking more dignified than the one with horn- also gentler.

The second one too, sat down beside the first one.

“Looks like your daughter is gaining new friends, traveler.” The waka-sama chuckled.

“Are they ok standing there like that? They’ll attract attention.” The traveler said.

“Did you hear that dog? If you want to stay beside her, change into something less attractive.”

Groaning, the komainu transformed into smoke- the whole place was filled with smoke.

And moments later, a dark skinned young man appeared, he has a dark blue hair and behind him was a smaller figure of a beautiful woman with pink hair.

“Is this good enough for you, fox?” the blue haired asked, scratching the back of his neck.

“Yes. better.” 

*end flashback* 

Aomine slide the door open and there in front of him was you sleeping peacefully...ALIVE.

He closed the door again and he sat down outside and guarded your door.



Fuck me. 

I thought I can finish this one with this chapter,but in the end... here i am crying because there’ll be another.

Sorry for the wrong spellings and grammar. I’m only typing on my tablet and i dotn have time to check the errors.
Please leave your comment~ thank you!


Komainu: Komainu are noble holy animals which are usually employed as guardians of holy areas. They can range in size from a small dog to the size of a lion, and due to their resemblance to both creatures, are often called lion dogs in English. They have thick, curly manes and tails, powerful, muscular bodies, and sharp teeth and claws. Some komainu have large horns like a unicorn on their heads, however many are hornless.

Komainu are fierce and noble beasts. They act like watchdogs, guarding gates and doorways and preventing the wicked from entering. They live together in male-female pairs, and are always found together. In their pairs, the female usually guards those living inside of the place they guard, while the male guards the structure or place itself.

Waka-sama: Young-master. I call Imayoshi waka-sama whenever he’s in his human form with his black hair wearing elegant clothes during the old times.

Kitsune Imayoshi: when Imayoshi is in his Kistune form.

Hannya: Noh mask possessed by the jealousy. It became a powerful demon because it absorbs the jealousy of a woman.

Kiyo-hime: a demon woman who has attained the maximum level of power. Half-snake half human. Mostly body of snake.

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