Akashi V: A Seal of Eternity pt5

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Title: A Seal of Eternity
Characters: Akashi Seijurou x Reader
Chapter 5

For the past month, Akashi made sure you are comfortable and Sato attends to all your needs. Sato also placed two servants to follow you around to make sure you are not in trouble into getting lost—after all, the manor is quite big and you got lost more than thrice already.

"Today, the master went out." Sato informed you while you were reading the book you found in the study.

"Where did he go?" you asked, looking up from the book you are reading.

"He did not tell me. But he promised that he will be back before dinner. He wants you to stay comfortable."

"Oh." You closed the book and stared at the window where you can see the gardens. 'It has been a while since I arrived in this big house—yet, I haven't done anything--.'

You cut your own train of thoughts when you realize that you want to serve that man you have only met once – as a bride. You cleared your thoughts and inhaled deeply.

"Can't I go out?" you asked Sato.

"I'm very sorry, Madam." Sato bowed at your direction, "Akashi-sama specifically instructed that you are not allowed to go out of the manor whatever happens."

"But why is that?" you asked sadly.

"There are impure things outside this manor that wants to come near you and Akashi-sama is not okay with it."

"Eh? What do you mean impure things?" you looked up at him, confused.

--Akashi Seijuurou: Seal of Eternity--

Akashi walked around into the forest, white coloured ball of light followed him like a shield.

"Kami-sama..." one of the ball spoke,

"When are you going to claim your bride?"

"Isn't it about time?"

"Please don't waste more time, we cannot contain the impurities any longer--"

Akashi stopped walking and the ball of white got alarmed of the sudden change of his mood. Golden eyes glinting which made it more colder.

"Our apologies, Kami-sama." One spoke "We are just worried, please—do take your time."

"I know that you are worried and tired. But bear with me a little longer. After all, this will be beneficial for all of us."

It was evening when Akashi arrived and found you sitting out in the balcony and looking out in the cold evening sky. Akashi watched you from a far and he was sure that you cannot see him nor feel that he was just standing right behind you.

The cold wind blows and you were prepared to feel the chilly wind on your skin, yet it didn't touch your skin which confused you.

"??" A warm soft blanket was placed around your shoulder and the smell suddenly invaded your nostril—a sweet smell that you knew for a while now.

"The evening breeze seems to comfort you." was the greeting that you heard before you turned to look and meet the man with a familiar face and a golden pair of orbs.

"Ye-yes." You stuttered. "You didn't allow me to go out in the day light---but you allowed me at night when it is cold."

"The night is safe. But not for your health." He said which made you frown.

"Why?" you questioned, "You speak like there are monsters outside." It was a joke, it was just how you understood his words.

"Something akin to those." You looked at Akashi like he spoke something idiotic but his face was serious.

There was silence.

"Come, let's have some tea inside." Akashi said, taking your hands and leading you inside the manor.

When you came inside you found the servants preparing a small table filled with fruits and sweets.

"Isn't it too late to have some fruits?" you spoke when you sat down and saw the number of fresh fruits that you bet isn't in season yet.

"A friend dropped by and brought fruits from his land. The fruits are good when they are fresh." Akashi replied.

"Madam, fresh fruits will make your skin smoother." One of the maids commented excitedly.

The servants prepared everything and always made sure that both your cup is always filled with tea that taste you cannot recognize but so sweet you can't get over it.

"What kind of tea is this?" you asked suddenly, smiling as you emptied your fifth cup that time.

Akashi chuckled, "you liked it?" he asked.

"Yes." You answered, "It doesn't taste like a normal tea you get from the market, but it's very sweet." You commented.

"It's one of the wedding gifts we received." Akashi said, "It's a special tea from the east. I was told that they'd been keeping the tea for more than a millennium and gave one of it for us as wedding gift."

"Oh, a millennium?" you didn't believe him, really.

"Yes, a millennium." Akashi gave a smile.

An hour passed and somehow you enjoyed the presence of Akashi with you even if it was a quiet one. But of course, the thought of why he hasn't done anything to consume your marriage never left your mind—not that it matters to you.

Akashi held your hands and kissed them once you closed your eyes while lying back in the soft chair across him. He knew the effect of the tea that Imayoshi gave. But that doesn't mean he will take advantage of you.

You are too pure. Too pure--to consume in one eating. He plans on taking you one step at a time...and when he do, he will make sure you will both enjoy every minute and moment of it.

--Akashi Seijuurou: Seal of Eternity--

Hanamiya Makoto watches as Imayoshi make his way to the kitchen; it was a sight he has never seen in his entire life!

The fallen one claims that his woman is under his spell, but it was clear that it was him who is under the spell of the woman—this mortal human who he claims to be the mother of his heir.

"Makoto-sama?" a voice spoke to him.

"What is it?" answered the man with a very thick brow.

"Imayoshi-sama acts like a doting husband now." He commented.

"Of course." Makoto chuckled, "A heir makes a man stronger and powerful—a child is a symbol of eternal strength especially to his kind."

"Does that mean he will be the strongest?" the spirit asked.

"We cannot guarantee—after all, there's still that golden eyed one. Then the great mage who stands next to him both are said to have not been disgraced."

The spirit swallowed heavily upon the mention of the name of the two highest ones that walked upon the mortal world---to their kind, the mention of their name brings punishment—after all they rule not just immortals of the earth, but also the immortals in the other side.

"Hmpf, I don't want to be part of whatever they are playing." Hanamiya turned and walked back inside his room not listening when Imayoshi tried to call him from the kitchen holding a tray of fruits and tea.

"Aw—and we would like to invite you to have tea with us, Makoto-kun!" he still called.

"I refuse." Came the response from behind the closed doors.

"Aw-what a pity." He just smiled and proceeded to the room where the mother of his heir was waiting.

--Akashi Seijuurou: Seal of Eternity--

"Akashi-sama, when are you going to consume your marriage?" a spirit asked as the red head carry the unconscious body of your to the bedroom.

"You need to be cleansed right away!" another interjected.

"It's her job to purify you."

"Be calm." He said with assurance, "I am cleansed."

"Akashi-sama?" the ball of light paused and waited for the red head to speak.

"Your job is to make sure she is safe and unharmed inside the manor, when she comes out make sure you lead her back inside—I don't want her to be tainted with the impurities."


"She will be the mother of my children." Akashi announced.

"Akashi-sama!" the spirit gasped. "We thought she is temporary--"

"At first that is my plan, but when I met her—I knew right then, that I have found the one who is worthy to be the mother of my children."

"But what will we say to Ojii!?"

"Yaksha will take care of him." Akashi said as he settled you down on the big bed for the night. He tucked you under the comfort of the blanket that he knew is made of the finest quality.

"A mere touch of your hands purifies the darkness inside me," he whispered as he kissed the tip of your fingers then he kissed your lips.

--Akashi Seijuurou: Seal of Eternity--

A loud sound startled the entire house and the pink haired woman immediately recognizes the sound—it was her crystal ball-- his crystal ball that she owns.

"His power is over flowing." She commented, the crystal ball cannot contain them inside.

"What else do you expect?" the blue haired man commented lazily, "After all, he is a kami-sama."

"If he is like that..." the red head trailed as he moves his eyes from the shelf where the crystal ball is placed, to the direction of a certain green haired megane who is standing in front of the large window, "Then that means, he is also..."

"Possible." A gentle voice from the shadows answered, "They are the same after all."

"For now, let's go back to our human form." The pink-haired said, "It will be suspicious if most of us disappeared."

"Momoi-san is right. Let's get going."

And in a flash, the four beings disappeared in the darkness, leaving the green head on his own, holding a pineapple stuff toy in his left hand.

"Settle down—to spend your eternity with someone..." he repeated the words of the fallen one in his head.

"Hmpf, not yet." He stated, "I need to make sure that Akashi will not cause trouble." He sighed before walking into the dark shadow and disappears into thin air.

--Akashi Seijuurou: Seal of Eternity : TBC--

Iam back!
Im very sorry.
I hope this will not mess up—this update.
I promise to update again soon—hoping right after I do my clearance in work—then its vacation time—cant wait to write more shits.

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