Nijimura I

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Nijimura X Reader

    You and Nijimura Shūzō are living together in an apartment. You live together because “it’s more convenient than living alone” is what Nijimura had said to you back during your freshmen years; Now you are on your 3rd year and Nijimura is already on his senior term, meaning he’ll be graduating soon.

The two of you met during one of your advance minor subject in first year. You, that time has a lot of extra time for breaks so you decided to take extra advance classes and one of the subject is where you got Nijimura Shūzō as your classmate.

The professor gave your class a pair project, that time you decided to go alone because you don’t know anyone from the class, but Nijimura walked to you and asked if you want to be his partner. You stared at him and immediately you answered “Yes.” After that he left you and submitted a paper to your professor. The paper has his name on it, and yours too.

That time you wondered why you agreed ˗being in a pair project is a pain in the butt. Especially if your partner is lazy, you will end up just doing everything on your own…but Nijimura Shūzō doesn’t look like one…of anyone looks like a lazy shit, it was you.

Upon starting the project, the two of you would meet somewhere quiet, like the university library, but since its research project, the two of you always end up roaming around different libraries around Tokyo gathering different notes from different sources.

Eventually, the two of you will always end up staying late at Nijimura’s apartment; having late night coffees, and snacks and sometimes sleepover because Nijimura scolds you when you decided to go home in the middle of the night.

“You should just move here, I have an extra room upstairs available…it’s more convenient than living on your own…”

You agreed, everything is accessible from Nijimura senpai’s place.
And its not like he's a bad person. He's just somewhat strict in some aspect. And besides you admire Nijimura. So why not take the chance to be close to him right?

Nijimura likes you. You didn't know what of course. He is always looking after you, he decided that he'll take things slow. After all, you are 2 years younger than him. And he doesn’t want to scare you by confessing like 'I always have my eyes on you...'

Nijimura like your cooking. And he isn't good at it, so you took over his kitchen. You are in-charge of cooking.

It started with a random Nijimura waiting for you outside your classroom.

“Ah! Nijimura-senpai! What are you doing here?” You were surprised that day when you saw him leaning outside your classroom after your class.

“Your classes are over.” He said, it wasn’t a question. And the two of you walked back home together, stopping on some random grocery store to get something for dinner together and somehow, it developed into a habit, with him waiting for your dismissal, and walking together back to his house.

Then there’s that one time when one of your schoolmates was asking you out on a date, he is from Nijimura's year. The idiot gave you time to think, because he wants you to think about it...and you didn't know what he is thinking. Or probably he's just not thinking at all...because he just gave you enough time to think of a good reason to reject him...but before you could think of a reason, the news have reached Nijimura.

He overheard. No wait, eavesdropped probably, when he heard your name was mentioned.

"Taneda asked you out," he said standing from the kitchen door while watching your we're cooking for Nijimura's lunch before you head to your class. Nijimura happened to have no classes that day. So he was just staying at home.

"Yes, senpai." You answered flatly without looking at him.

"..." Nijimura took a chair from the table and sat down, he didn't say anything anymore...and so, you just decided to fill it up for him.

"But I’m still thinking about it." You said, filling a bowl with miso soup, and placed it in front of Nijimura. "Here senpai, miso soup. For your lunch. There's more here, I'll place it n the oven, so you can heat it if you’re hungry." You didn’t hear anything from him anymore he took a sip of the miso soup and you smiled, admiring him from your spot.

You went to school after cleaning up.

Nijimura liked you at first sight. That was a fact.
He even put an effort in getting your name. But that's not the issue right now...


Taneda is trying get his hands on you. That is what he doesn't allow.

You finished early decided to get some snacks before coming home, so you stopped at the convenience store; When you got back, you found Nijimura on the couch, sleeping, with his arms covering his eyes. 

Slowly you closed the door, to prevent him from waking up. You walked past his sleeping form quietly. You heard him stir in his sleep, then was followed by a murmur.

"(Y/n)" he murmured, you turned surprised.

Did I wake him up?
Shit I'm screwed.

"Senpai?" You called, quietly, "I'm sorry--did I wo-"

"(Y/n)..." you heard him again.

Is he awake or not? You wondered now, it seems like he didn't hear your response earlier; you walked back and crouched in front of him and listened to him.

"..(y/n)..." he called again; this time you weren't mistaken, he was really calling out your name while sleeping, thinking of this for a short moment, you smiled, you think it was cute... but then spoke again...

"(Y/n)..." his quiet words made your face turned red upon realization...

You fell down on your butt, causing for your back to collide with the table, and the table making a noise that woke up Nijimura from his nap.

You immediately covered your mouth in embarrassment when he slowly turned to your direction...sprawled on the floor.

"G-Gomenasai Ni-Nijimura-senpai!" You stuttered, apologizing from waking him up.

He just stared at your form, and then he closed his eyes again. 


He opened them again and stared at you. His eyes were filled with relief.

"You're home." Sighed in relief, "and you're late...weren't you dismissed early today?" he said scolding you, sitting up "What are you doing on the floor?" He extends his hand for you.

"I thought I heard you calling my name, senpai." You answered, as you reached for his extended hand, and pulled you up.

He stopped when you were already on your two feet. But his hand around your own tightened.


"Did you meet with Taneda?" He asked suddenly. 

"I didn’t-"

"I see." He said, letting go of your hands immediately. "Come lets have dinner." He said, walking to the kitchen.

Confused, you still followed him.

"Eh? Senpai didn't had his dinner yet? But its late already..."

"Be quiet and sit down." Nijimura said as he prepares for the table and the food. Tonight they're still going to have the Miso soup. He re-heated the soup while you prepared the table. You just can't sit there and do nothing.

The dinner was quiet like the usual. You were going to ask hi something about what he said earlier but decided to just drop the idea. Probably, you heard it wrong...or wish.

From: Taneda
Subject: tonight

Can you meet up with me now?
I really can't wait any more.
And I haven't seen you for a while now,

You frowned at the text msg you just received. As far as you can remember, you didn’t ask Taneda to wait for your answer, and you remember that you told him that you are not interested.

'What the-!?' You frowned at the message.

"What's wrong?" Nijimura asked you, when he saw you frowning at your phone in the living room on her way out.

"Nothing senpai." You smiled at him, you noticed that he's on his way out. "You going out senpai?"

"Ah yea. Its Suzu's birthday, he wanted to have a get together with the rest of the class." Nijimura said. "It was supposed to be later tonight, but Taneda asked me to come early."

"Taneda-san?" You looked at Nijimura and closed your phone.


"Ah-er...nothing senpai." You smiled instead, "I understand."

Nijimura paused and turned to you.
"(Y/n)?" He called.

"Yes, senpai?"

"Are you going out too?"

"Nope. I'll probably stay here. Sleeping and all." You said.

"I see. Them don't forget to lock the door, I'll bring my own key so you don't have to stay up late waiting for me." He instructed.

"Hai." You said.

After that, Nijimura left. You locked the door after him. And went up to your room to probably surf the net or laze around your bed. You did both, but 30 minutes later, the doorbell rang.

You thought that it was too early for Nijimura to come back. And you remembered he told you he has a key. So it wasn't Nijimura.
You weren't expecting anyone too, nor did Nijimura. So you went downstairs to check up on it.

After a couple of bell, the person knocked.

"(Y/n)-chan!" The voice called. "You're there right? Open the door its me, Taneda." He called.

You froze upon hearing his voice.

"(Y/n)-chan!" He repeated. "Open up already!" He sounded mad, from behind the door. "I just want to talk with you..."

You had second thoughts in opening the door. But yu don't want him to cause a scene, it will trouble Nijimura for sure.

"Taneda-san?" You called, peeking to the window. And Taneda came at view standing at your door step. 

"Ah, there you are, (y/n)-chan!" He said, seeing you. "Open up already."

You noticed that his face was slightly red.

"Taneda-san! Are you drunk!?"

"No, I just want to talk." He said.

"Please go home...dpnt cause a scene here- the neighbours-"

"Just let me in, we'll just talk, I haven't seen you in a while."

"Taneda-san! Let's talk when you're sober-tomorrow!" You said, promising him.

"I don't believe you. Let's do it now!" He half shouted, it startled you, that you almost went on panic and grabbed your phone, taking it with you and immediately picking up the nearest thin jacket you can and putting it on before opening the door and closing it immediately.

"I'm here! Don't shout!" You said to Taneda irritated, leading him away from the house towards somewhere ypu don't know where.

"Great! I really wanted to see you so badly (y/n)-chan," he took your hand and held it with him-but you immediately pulled it from his grasp.

"Please, Taneda-san." You said, "you're under the influence of alcohol! At least sober first!" You scolded, stopping in a nearby park.

It was almost sunset. And it’s starting get dark.

"I just want you to give me your answer now,"

"But I have already told you that I don't feel the same way about you!" 

There was an awkward silence between the two of them.

"Is this because of Nijimura?" This surprised you. "You're living with Nijimura! You must probably whoring yourself towards him!"

"Why you-" you were going to slap him but a hand grabbed yours, stopping you in mid-action, and the next thing you knew Taneda was on the floor, his cheeks red and there was a cut on his lip.

You look at the person standing beside you, he has a blank face on. His bangs hiding his eyes.


"Think before you speak, Taneda." He said. "Let's go home, (y/n)." He said, taking your hand.

You let him guide you back home. He let you inside first before he entered and checked the lock of the gates and the front door. You stood there waiting for him to speak. But he just sat there quietly after he closed the door.

"S-senpai." You started, "I thought you're attending a party?" 

You saw his hand gestured for you to come closed to him, while he was just sitting on the couch, eyes hidden from you.

"Senpai?" Now you stood there in front of him, waiting for him speak, instead, he just gave you an irritated look.

"I thought you're not going out?" He said. "But you were with Taneda!"

"Gomen senpai!" You immediately answered, "but Taneda-san is causing a scene outside--so I took him somewhere where the neighbours won't hear-"

"You idiot!" Nijimura snapped, grabbing your elbow, pulling you down to his level. You were surprised at how 'violent' he could be---or not really violent, just a little harsh. "Didn't you think that it was more dangerous than to let the neighbours hear him?!" He demanded.

He wasn't dangerous- he was just mad, concern...worried.


"What would've happened if I didn't come right on time!?" He asked you, "you would've probably slapped him, and he would've probably done something worse than calling you a whore!" 

"I-" realizing the possibilities from the previous situation, you were suddenly speechless.

You then heard Nijimura's tongue clicking. 

"But don't worry too much about it." He said, " I did manage to egt there on time. Nothing happened. " he assured you.

You felt his grip on your elbow softened, but his grip was firm. He pulled you to him, causing you to stumble on top of him.

"Senpai..." your face turned red, when your eyes locked with his own. You used your other hand to steady yourself on the couch. While your left knee was between his thighs supporting your position.

"I thought you were going to see him behind my back. I was going to let it slide because you looked surprised earlier when I said that Taneda asked me to be there earlier. I let it slipped, since I dont care if you want Taneda--but when while on my way to Suzu's I'm starting to get irritated..."

"Senpai I do-"

"When I got there Suzu asked me why I came early? And if I possibly saw Taneda on my way, because he was drunk and was looking for you. I got worried that I immediately fled back. When I got there, the front gate was unlocked and I immediately went in to look for you."

You stared at Nijimura's face, it was filled with irritation and worried.

"I found the house empty, and when I got out, to look for you, Akira-san said there was someone ringing the doorbell and that you pulled him away to the direction of the park."

"Sorry senpai-"

"I was worried-irritated and mad." 

"I was running and then there you were. He was accusing you of whoring for me. That stupid idiot not thinking of what he was saying." He paused and his other hand touched your cheeks. "I was glad though..." He suddenly added. "That the two of you were fighting."

You were surprised.

"I like (y/n)." He said, your face turned redder.

'Why is he confessing at a time like this!?'

"Because I like (y/n) that I have to tell you this now, before Taneda gets in the way again." He said, as if reading your mind, "but like Taneda, I also wanted to hear your answer now."

You were speechless.


"Shall we try?" Nijimura tilted his face a little and leaned closer to you, and the next thing that happened is your lips touched briefly.

At first it was a brief touch, it felt...good but he immediately pulled away. Though you felt the need for more.

Nijimura chuckled at your response.


"I like (y/n) a lot..."

"I- I like senpai too!" You confessed, "senpai, is the reason why I didn't go out with Taneda-san..."

"Good." He said, before pulling you completely to sit on his lap.

"Ah-" once again his lips covered yours, but this time, the kiss was deeper, passionate and sensual.

*later that night*

You were preparing for dinner like nothing happened- Nijimura didn't go to the party anymore, instead, he stayed there and cuddled with you for an hour before he heard your stomach growling.

(Insert phone tone here)

You looked behind you and found your phone on top of the table, it was blinking, vibrating and ringing with your fav call tone.

You looked at then screen and frowned upon seeing the person on the other line.

"Taneda?" Nijimura said, appearing from behind you.

"Senpai!" You gasped out, startled.

"I'll take that." He took your phone and answered it. "This is Nijimura. (Y/n)'s boyfriend." You turned red when you heard him said the word boyfriend.

Nijimura eyes you and then he smiled, taking the phone call somewhere else. When he came back five minutes later.

"That will take him off your back." He said. Giving you your phone back.

"What did you tell him senpai?"

"The truth."


He walked to the table and helped you prepare for dinner, dropping the topic.

*3 years later*

You were sleeping peacefully when you felt a hand moved around your waist pulling you closer to a warm body behind you.

"Mn? Shu?" You murmured in your sleep, you know that it was just Shūzō, hugging you first thing in the morning before he get ready for his work.

"Mm-hm." He answered.

What confused you is that he don't usually wakes you up whenever he leaves the bed. But today...

"Let's have an early start today, (y/n).." he said, sitting up, you looked over your shoulder...

"I thought you don't have work today?"

"Yea, I don't. But I want to spend some quality time with my wife of course." He said, leaning down and kissing your shoulder.

You smiled at the affections he was giving you today,

"What? You don’t want to get up yet?" He asked.

"Of course I want to." You answered. You sat up slowly, but you suddenly paused, and Shūzō looked at you.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked,

"Nothing." You touched your stomach and soothed it, "I think I ate something bad last night..." you murmured, standing up.

"Why? Are you feeling sick?" 

"Yeah...probably that pizza, I was eating last night."

"You ate too much pizza last night."

"But pizza is life!" You reasoned. Then your face paled, and you jumped down from the bed and went straight to the bathroom.

"(Y/n)!" He followed after you and saw you throw up. "We should take you to the doctor."

Later that day...

You were quietly waiting for the result of the test that the doctor has given you.

"Thank you for waiting Nijimura-san." The doctor said.

"How is my (y/n) doctor?" Shuzo asked, worried.  The doctor smiled at the two of you,

"Don't worry too much about it, Nijimura-san, it’s a normal symptoms of pregnancy." He started,


"Congratulations! Mr. and Mrs. Nijimura, you're 7 weeks pregnant." 

"Eh!?" You nervously turned to Shūzō.

"Shu...I-" you were scared that Shūzō wasn't ready yet- you didnt mean it too-

"Wow! Thank you doctor!" He held and kissed your hands.

When you reached back home, you were quiet and he led you back to the bedroom, you two shared. He made you sit on the bed, and he kneeled down in front of you, staring up at your eyes.


"You...gave me the greatest gift of all, (y/n)." He smiled at you. And he wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning his ears to your stomach. "Thank you for this wonderful gift."

You smiled and held him close to you.

"I love you."

"I love you too." You responded. "But Shu?" Shuzo looked up on you.


"Can you first get me something? I think there's more pizza at the fridge." You gave him your sweetest smile.

"Okay, anything for my love." He stood up, giving you a soft kiss on the lips before going downstairs to get your pizza.

Nijimura and you got married after you graduated and is not living together at your new place in Tokyo. And 2 years after getting married, the two of you are now expecting your first baby.

The end

Sorry about that, it was just a test if I can do a Nijimura. I've been keeping this story on my folder for like a month now. I wasn't sure how to end it. I even have 4 files with the same title, but with different content, I just don’t know how to do him.
Do him...meaning write him.

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