Akashi: Father and Son pt 1

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Akashi I

Father and Son

(probably two shot, I don't know...what do you think?)


You're a 3th grade Teacher in Teiko Gakuen.

For some reason there's this one student of yours who always stay after class.

"Akashi-kun," you started as you walk to the young boy with a smile in your face. Akashi Yuu, is one of your brightest students and one of the most quiet one at that. "Aren't you going home yet?" You asked.

"Not yet, sensei." He answered truthfully. "I want to study here before I head home," you raised a brow at him.

"Hm? Why is it? Is your home not comfortable?"

"No, sensei. I'm comfortable there, but here, in school, if I stay to study..." he said, "I can spend quality time with (l/n)-sensei." He declared proudly.

You smiled and patted the head of the boy.

Ah yes, another student that you can brag to your friends. Somehow, you find it amusing to brag about the students who likes you to your friends outside the school. And there's another one here. Isn't that cute? And this kid is one of the brightest. Isn't it nice when your students think of you as an inspiration or a role model or something?

You nodded at your own thoughts.

"Because I love (l/n)-sensei."

"Uh-huh~" you were pleased to hear that, well, you are used to such things since you're a teacher and well loved by your students especially those that are in 1st Grade.

"Thank you, Akashi-kun." You responded, "(l/n)-sensei loves you too, because you're a really really good kid." You said smiling at the golden eyed boy.

His red hair and his golden eyes are really mesmerizing, how you wish you'll have a son that will look cute like him. But that's not part of your plan...yet. You just started teaching. And you really want to work more with children, before settling down.

*faculty room*

"(Y/n)-sensei!" One of your co-teacher called you out.                      

"Hai,Taki-sensei?" You looked up from the book that you were checking.

You found the young navy-blue haired science teacher leaning down your table and smiling. Taki-sensei is the 4th grader's teacher in Science and physical education. He is your senpai, being in the profession for 2 years before you. He is handsome, but he is a playboy type. And he seems to be interested in you for some time now, but you never give any damn about his obvious gestures.

"Do you have time for a coffee?" He asked.

You stared at him for a couple of second, and you smiled. For the first time since he started showing his feelings for you, this is the first time he really invited you out bluntly, most of the time, he was inviting everyone and then flirting with you. But now, he's asking you out...just the two of you type of coffee...right?

"Um..." you were going to decline of course. “I'm sorry, but I can't." You answered. His smile disappeared and frowned.

"But its Friday." He reasoned "Are you going somewhere else?"

"I-" you were going to explain and of course lie to him about your reason for declining when you were suddenly interrupted by a loud ringing of the emergency bell.

The whole grade school building almost vibrated from the loud ringing of the fire alarm bell.


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