Akashi V: A Seal of Forever pt3

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Title: A Seal of Eternity
Characters: Akashi Seijurou x Reader
Chapter 3

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A small and short ceremony happened at Ojii's house that afternoon right before sunset. It was witnessed by some people you didn't know but there is this one person whose image got stuck into your head... a beautiful person with a raven colored hair—you heard one called her name as Yaksha.

'Wait! That a man!?' you almost gasped so loud when you heard his name.

But your attention was immediately taken away from the man when you saw Ojii with his eyes closed standing at the side of the hall. You approached him leaving Akashi who is still talking to one of his guest—you didn't notice that he was watching you as you made your way to Ojii...

When you reached Ojii, you shakily bid your farewell to him. Knowing that Ojii didn't approve of you taking over his debt, you held his hand tightly and you knew immediately that he will once again apologize and beg you to stop this nonsense—so before he could open his mouth you spoke first.

"I'll be fine, Ojii." You promised him.

"I'm sorry—you shouldn't be in this kind of mess if it wasn't for me."

"Please. I am already upset as it is, and hearing you apologizing like this is making it worst."

"I should've sent you back to your family instead of having you he-" Ojii's sentence was cut when Akashi placed his hand on Ojii's shoulder surprising the old man.

"Your words are starting to upset my bride, Ojii." Akashi warned coldly, this made you and Ojii alarmed.


"He's upsetting you by apologizing." Akashi pressed and then eyed Ojii, "Ojii, My bride accepted me with all her heart during the ceremony, I believe you should be thanking her and not apologizing."

"She didn't get the chan-"

"I gave you a chance, I gave her a chance to run while I was away." Akashi interrupted, "As we can see, she stayed and decided what is best for all of us."


"Ojii," Akashi glared this time, fully silencing the old man "Fuku sui bon ni kaerazu, there is no use crying over spilled milk."

"Please Akashi-san, that is enough." You grabbed Akashi's hand away from Ojii's shoulder. This action surprised Akashi, as no one has ever tried to take his hand away to whatever he pleases to place it—until today.

"Akashi-san, please." You repeated, "He is just worried."

Akashi stared at your hand that is still holding his and then looked at Ojii.

"I understand my (name)." Akashi took your hands off him, but he didn't let you go, instead he held it gently and lift it closer to his lips before planting a small kiss on the back of it causing you to almost pull it away from his hold—almost, as the red head was holding it tightly.

"Ojii, my apologies." Akashi looked into Ojii's eyes, "I should be thanking you for bringing her to me." Akashi smiled at Ojii.

"Thank you."

When Akashi finished thanking Ojii, he immediately pulled you gently to go with him.

"Come, My (name)." he said, "Reo had brought presents for you. I'd like you to see them before we put them inside the car."

"Is that necessary?" you asked quietly as you let him take you to wherever he wants to—as long as it's far away from Ojii—you'll accompany him, you decided—you cannot bear hearing Ojii apologize and Akashi taunting the only person who cared for you.

"Not really." Akashi admitted, "But we have to bid our guest goodbye before we go."


Ojii watched as Akashi take you away back to the hall where the small celebration is happening.

"She grew up pretty well, you did a very good job in hiding her..." came a comment from behind Ojii.

"I didn't hide her." Ojii corrected calmly, "I wasn't expecting that she will volunteer herself—I tried my best to find a suitable bride for Akashi-dono...but why does it have to be my only family."

"Your only family?" The owner of the voice finally revealed himself from the shadows; it was none other than the raven haired man who stood out from the crowd from being beautiful...

"Yaksha." Ojii acknowledge his appearance from behind.

"Your only family? Or you meant to say, the only person who was able to feel the connection to you" Yaksha stated, "And please call me Reo." He added, "Using one of my old name will make me look weird, though I am quite happy that you still keep my name in your head after all these years."

"Reo-dono." Ojii sighed.

"Well done, Ojii." Yaksha smiled as he watches Akashi stare at the woman standing next to him blush when a guest commented something that they couldn't hear properly "Does she even know that you are her grandfather in blood?"

"Being considered as a family is already a big thing for me."

"You know, while I am aware that you are cursed by the gods that you will never be recognized by your family, I still believe that you are quite blessed..." Reo said as he studied Ojii.

"How can you say that?"

"To be able to be acquainted to your granddaughter and be regarded as a family even though she is not aware that you are her biological grandfather – isn't your curse is to be unrecognized by all your family for hundred years? To be forgotten?" Reo didn't wait for Oji to answer, instead he continued

"But seeing this situation changed everything..." He concluded, "It could be that the gods lifted your curse in order for them to get their hands to your granddaughter that is the most suitable bride for Sei-chan."

Reo laughed. Reo laughed in awe. He couldn't believe it...

"I can't believe this..." Reo said, "Aren't you happy that your punishment is lifted?"

"I don't believe that it is lifted, Reo-dono." Ojii said quietly.

"Why is that? You should be happy! You have your granddaughter!"

"If she is to be a bride for Akashi-dono, then I would endure a hundred thousand years more of this damned curse just to stop that from happening."

Reo studied Ojii then laughed.

"But it's too late already." He said, "The moment you let (name)-chan enter your life is the moment you allowed the gods to make sure that you will be handling her straight to Akashi's arms." With that said, Reo or he who was called Yaksha walked towards the direction of the newlywed couple.

--Akashi Seijurou--

"I have been rude to you on our first meeting, my (name)" Akashi said as he held your hands tightly with his own "Please accept my apologies." He said with pure sincerity.

"I-it's alright." You mumbled quietly, "I was rude too—I am not like that at all, you were just being rude to ojii—and I cannot accept anyone being rude to him."

"I understand it will not happen again." Akashi promised.

"Akashi-sama, the car is waiting outside." Before you could respond, Akashi's driver interrupted your conversation.

"We will be out shortly." Was what he told him and the man excused himself, leaving you and Akashi on your own.

"Come. We have to leave before sunset." He said and pulled you towards the doors where you found the man named Yaksha who calls himself Reo and Ojii standing in the door way.

"It's about time for you to leave." Reo said, "I was going to get you inside, I'm glad you finally came out."

"Well then," Akashi glanced at the old man's face before taking your shaking hands with him towards the car.

"Wait--" you almost choke but when Akashi turned to you Ojii spoke.

"Akashi-dono," Ojii called out.

This made you look at Akashi's reaction. But you saw only was a blank expression as he looked over his shoulder to give a look at the old man.

"What is it; we don't have time for your continuous begging." He said,

"Please take care of (Name)." Ojii said in defeat

"Of course." Akashi answered.

"I will be waiting for her return." Ojii said and you looked at him before you were suddenly grabbed by Reo, his hold was gentle but it was firm and when you looked up at him in surprise you saw him smile at you.


"Hi there," he greeted, "Shall we get inside the now?" he asked upon opening the door of the car and shoving you inside.

"Wait—I want to say goodbye to ojii!" closing the door after you, he smiled as you looked at him in confusion while inside the car then your eye caught a glance of Ojii and Akashi talking.

You couldn't hear nor decipher what they were talking about. But studying the look on Akashi's face after knowing what he seems to be like for the past 5 hours that you have been with him, he doesn't look like he is angry—he doesn't look like how he was looking like earlier that day.

He looked calm to you right now.

You stared carefully to make a better look at the two but Reo had once again diverted your attention to him by waving at you and pointing on his face—you notice that he was mouthing something you couldn't understand so you stared at his mouth carefully to understand what he was saying...

"I cannot hear you Reo-san, I'll open the door—"when your hand reached for the door handle, you heard a thump coming from Reo he thumped the window and gestured a "no-no" with his finger.


"I will be waiting for her return." Ojii said to Akashi.

With that said Akashi turned to the old man fully and said "I believe that you will be wasting time if you'll wait for her to come back."

"She needs a family once she come back-"

"Ojii, your son is waiting for you." Akashi interrupted "You should visit him; the curse on you was lifted. He will recognize you once he sees your face."

Ojii's heart tightened and the sudden urge to immediately see his son filled his heart and head but it will not be the same if (Name) isn't there to live with them.

"I will be taking my (name) home." Akashi said before turning away finally and walked towards the car where Reo was standing.

There were few words exchanged between the two of them and Ojii caught the sight of Reo glancing at him then nodding at Akashi before the red head climbed inside the car.

"I kept you waiting." Akashi said, "My apologies."

"I wanted to say goodbye to Ojii, but Reo-san said I can't." you told him.

"You can visit him in the future, but for now we have to leave." Akashi assured you.

Then there was silence inside the car. You didn't question him any longer he seems to dislike it when you question him so you decided to be quiet for the rest of the trip back to his place.


"They have left." Reo then turned to Ojii once the car disappeared from their sight "You should get going as well, Ojii."

"Like I said earlier, I will wait for her here." Ojii pressed.

"Don't waste your time waiting for someone who will never come back, Ojii."

"What do you mean by that?" Ojii demanded

"I am not in the position to answer that question, Ojii."


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