Akashi IV: Mine, It will Never Change pt.4

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Akashi IV: Mine, it will not change

Part 4


The next day, Akashi found you and Seien in having lunch at a family restaurant across the park. Akashi found Seien enjoying every moment of it. And somehow, seeing him with you irritates Akashi in a way he cannot understand.

'It's just a kid. Her son to be exact.' he says to himself. 'Tomoe Saruhiko's too...' another voice whispers.

"Ah, I know now." He opened his car door and stepped out of the car and fixed his coat. "It's because the fact that he is Tomoe's son." His red eyes glinted along with irritation, but it was immediately hidden behind a small smile that was plastered on his lips.

He walked into the restaurant holding a box in his arms and walked casually to your direction.

You were feeding Seien when you noticed that he was smiling at someone behind you, that is when you looked over your shoulder and found Akashi standing smiling at your boy and you.

"Ara? Akashi-san? You're still here in Osaka?" you asked.

"Good day, (name)." He greeted with a smile. "I'm currently on a leave too, just like you." he said.

"Oh, I see now." you turned your back at him and busied yourself with wiping Seien's face.

"Are you not going to invite me to sit with you?" Akashi voiced out.

"A- Ah, please take a seat." you stuttered in realization, "I'm sorry, I was too busy looking after Seien." you excused.

"No worries." and Akashi smiled at you before he took a seat across you.

"Sei-san!" Seien cheered.

"Hello, Seien. We meet again." Akashi greeted Seien. "I have something for you." Akashi placed a box in front of Seien who just blinked in return.

"A box!" he squealed.

"A present." Akashi corrected. "Happy 5th birthday

"You didn't have to, Akashi-san."

"Open it, Seien." he said and the young boy stood up on his chair to have a good look at what is inside the box.

"Waa!" he squealed, and you noticed the young boy's eyes twinkled in excitement on what was inside the box. "Basketball!" he called out as he gets the ball out of the box. "Thank you , Sei-san!"

You smiled at your son'd excitement when he held the ball on his hand and Akashi was smiling at him too.

"Have you ever played basketball before?" Akashi asked Seien.

"No. I dont go out. I play inside with my toys and draws" He answered proudly.

"He never played before?" Akashi turned to you.

"He never really go out, after day care... he prefers to stay indoors and draw or play on his own." you said.

"Well then, we shall try and play with your new ball, Seien." Akashi said.

"Mm." And Seien turned to you, as if waiting for your confirmation.

"Yes of course." You nodded at the boy, "Yes you can play with Akashi-san when you are done with your homework."


Actually, the day was spent with Akashi and Seien spending time together at the inn's recreational center. There was a small court made for little kids to play with and Akashi taught him how to play. It was a good sight really, and watching Seien play with Akashi makes you happy...

If only Saruhiko would play with you like that...

It has been five years since you give birth to Seien...does Saruhiko even know he exists?

No. He doesn't.


"Are you driving back to Tokyo?" Akashi asked when he went to your Inn the next morning and saw you packing up your bag.

"Yes." you answered.

"I'm on my way back Tokyo too, we should just go back together."

"Aren't you taking the train?"

"Yes. We Let's take the train, I'll have someone pick up your car here."

"But Akashi-san, its more fun than train. We could also stop by to have lunch on our way back and have extra time to enjoy the scenery."

"You can do that in the train too. Besides, I heard from the weather report that there'll be rain showers later today, it's dangerous to drive alone."

"Dont be ridiculous, I've been driving all my life."

"(name)." Akashi grabbed your wrist gently, "Rain is dangerous and you are alone with Seien. Please take the train." It was a gentle command that it surprised you.

"But Akashi-san...if we take the train, it will take time to book for a ride back to Tokyo."

"I will take care of it." Akashi said. "We will leave later after lunch, leave your keys to me." he ordered and after you placed your things at the back of your car you handled Akashi the key, he was waiting for it after all. "Great. You will see your car at home safe as you two are." Akashi assured you and he walked back with you following right behind him.

"Where is Seien?" he asked when he noticed that you weren't with Seien at the parking lot.

"He was still sleeping so I left to place the bags at the car." you said.

"I see." Akashi walked inside your your room like he owns it and glanced at Seien who was sleeping, teddy bears and crayon around his sleeping form.

"Akashi-san, would you like something to eat?" you walked to the table where the phone is and dialed a number, "Breakfast, anything?"

"Tea, but anything is good." Akashi responded as he walked closer to Seien's side and examined the boy's face who was sleeping comfortably.

Moments later your ordered breakfast came to your room, and you ate with Akashi quietly.

"It has been a long time since we had breakfast together." Akashi started, and you were at first confused as to what he was saying... until you remembered that day.


You grumbled as you opened your eyes when the light hit them coming from the windows.

'Why is the curtains open?' you seethed as you tried to cover your eyes.

"Good Morning, (name)." you heard a voice say. "I believe we need to get up early today, don't you have a paper to submit today?" You groaned quietly...

'why is Saru's voice so irritating so early in the morning?'

"the hell with the papers Saru... I can pass the subject without it. " you answered sleepily...

"Saru?" you closed your eyes and within a minute you drifted back to lala land...until you felt a cold hand caressed your cheeks gently and moved them and you felt a kiss on your lips, you responded but then it was gone, and you fell asleep again.

When you opened your eyes, you found yourself sleeping on a large bed that isnt yours.

"Shoot!" and you sat up immediately as you take in the surroundings and you winced when you suddenly feel dizzy and the slight electric shock that you felt on your hips.

"Well, good morning to you to, (name)." Akashi greeted. You found him standing in front of a large full mirror and is fixing his clothes. He just finished taking a shower, and his hair was still a little wet.

"Se-Seijurou-senpai!" you gasped pulling the covers closer to your body to hide yourself.

Akashi chuckled at your actions.

"I didn't wake you up in time for your Advance class in Math, it seems like you can pass it even without passing your paper for this semester." Akashi said.

"W-what?" it took time for your to realize that you just missed the submission of your final paper in one of your major subjects... when you did, it was too late. "W-where is my clothes senpai?" you asked hurriedly as you looked around.

"I have them washed at the cleaners downstairs." Akashi answered, "But you may use Gou's clothes, I have them at the closet over there." Akashi pointed at the closet at the other side of the bedroom and you jumped off of his bed immediately with a red face.

"I have ordered breakfast, we will eat first before we leave for the university."

"But-" you tried to reason out that you need to at least show up at the faculty to try and submit your paper, but Akashi glared at you from where he was standing as if he knows already what is going into your head.

"We will have breakfast. And you will not wear that." Akashi pointed at the black shirt you were holding. You looked at the shirt, and gently placed it back.

It was the only casual clothes available at the closet...the rest are girly dresses.

"Wear this one." Akashi pulled a semi-formal blouse and a back pleated skirt that looks really expensive.

"Isn't these too much? I black shirt is alright- its just the univer-"

"Yesterday, I went along with what you want to do. Today, I will take you with me to meet few friends that I should be meeting last night."

"But- I need t attend my class."

"We will, and you don't have class u till later in the afternoon. This is just a lunch, so don't worry about it." With that Akashi left you alone in the room with the clothes he picked. "I'll wait for you outside."

You took a short shower to clear your thoughts and have some thinking time.

'Why was I with Seijurou-senpai?' You asked yourself. Then you quietly massaged your sides because they are slightly hurting...you remember falling down last night when you and Akashi was skating.

'Strange...I hope I didn't embarrass myself last night...' you silently prayed.

And you stepped out of the bath wearing the clothes Akashi picked and dried your hair before walking out of the bedroom.

"Have your breakfast here. Its almost noon, we will leave in ten." Akashi informed you as you took the sit across him in small table.

Akashi's apartment was big for a normal student, its like a house good for a family of 5 but he lives alone, occasionally, his cousin comes over to stay, but that happens only once or twice in a year.

You quietly finish the bacon and egg that was laid on your plate. Akashi on the other hand as quietly drinking his coffee.

"Senpai?" You started and Akashi looked up at you.

"What is it (name)?"

"I apologize for taking up your time yesterday." You stood up and bowed at him in apology. "I was not thinking good- I'm sorry for wasting your time instead of preparing for your finals, I -"

"There'a nothing to be sorry about. What happened , happened. It will never change. We will just have to make sure that next time, you wouldn't do it again." He told you and you nodded.

"And last night-"

"You fell hard on the ice last night. Are you still hurting?"


"We will get something for that later." Akashi watched as you quietly at back and finish your plate.

*end flashback*

"We only had breakfast once, Akashi-san." You commented.

"Exactly. It was that morning."

"Mm. You made me miss the submission of my final paper." You chuckled. "I remembered the professor's face when you came I'm informing him that I don't really need to submit that paper because I already have enough scores to pass the semester-"

"You spent the night with me." Your froze at the memory, yea, it was that day too...after Saruhiko informed you about his wedding... and you wanted to kill everyone, and ended up meeting Akashi on your way home and went for a drive instead of going home, and you played at the park and ice skated, and hell... you fell asleep on Akashi's place...

Akashi examined your face for any reaction and he noted the redness of your cheeks from the memory.

"Sorry about that..."

"Nothing to be sorry for. Sometimes, people needs to loosen up and do something they wanted to do once in their lives." You only nodded at Akashi in agreement.


"I have a reservation at a restaurant for lunch before we go back to Tokyo." Akashi informed you.


"Are you going back with us, Sei-san?" Seien asked as he watch Akashi finish his tea.

They were hanging out at the veranda of the room, you were cleaning up the mess of Seien's colors from the bed. And the boy just won't leave Akashi alone.

"Yes." Akashi answered. "But we're taking a train."


"Yes. Have you been in one?"

"Mm! It goes choo-choo! I ride one when we to a trip! It has lots of colors and has faces too."

"Really?" Akashi seems to doesn't mind as well.


"But this time, we're riding one that is bigger than that. You can sleep inside too when you are tired." Akashi watched as the child's eyes twinkled in excitement, when he stood up to his full height, Akashi turned to you. "(name), Seien haven't been in a real train before?"

"We dont usually take train during outing, Dad drives...and well, we dont usually go so far." You answered.

"Then that means he haven't been in a plane too."


"Yes, the one flying in the sky, it takes you to other parts of the world."

"Fly! I want to fly Mommy!" Seien turned to you with flowers and sparkles in his eyes.

"EH? A-Akashi-san.. that's ..."

"(name), aren't your relatives in America?" Akashi asked.

"Yes. My aunt and cousins."

"Visit them. So Seien could try riding a plane."

"When I get another vacation in the future..." you sweat-dropped at Akashi's words and chuckled a little. "..we will go visit our relatives in US. But for now, lets settle for local trips, okay Seien?"

"Yes Mommy!" You smiled at Seien.

"Akashi-san, please stop putting thoughts of going out of the country on Seien's mind. While I would like to have another vacation, Seien needs to attend to his school and I have to work." You said.

"That is fine." Akashi walked to the doors and waited for you and Seien to follow him. "Are you all set?" he asked and you nodded as you lifted up Seien in your arms.


"Good." He said opening the door. "And give me Seien."

"huh?" you looked at Akashi in confusion. "What?"

"I'll carry him."

"You'll get tired."

"Its not everyday that I carry little boys." Akashi told you as he took Seien from you.


"I'm not a little boy Sei-san."

"You still are. You still let your mommy carry you." Akashi contradicted.

"But she wants to."

"Then dont let her." Akashi whispered and Seien nodded.

"Where are we heading, Akashi-san?"

"There's a good restaurant near the station, we will have lunch before we leave for Tokyo." Akashi said.

"Oh, ok." you followed Akashi and Seien as they entered a quiet restaurant.

"Welcome, table for three, sir?" the waiter asked.

"I have a reservation, Akashi Seijurou."

"Ah, yes. This way, sir." And they were led to a private room upstairs. The waiter waited till you were settled in everything and he even brought a high chair for Seien.
"Your orders will come in fifteen. Is there anything you'd like to add sir?"

"That's all. I'll just call you when we want something else."

"Yes, sir." the waiter bowed and left your table.

"Akashi-san, isnt this place quite expensive?"

"Its the least populated restaurant here in Osaka and I don't want to bring you two in an area with lots of people. It really crowded outside." Akashi said, "And besides, this place is private and the food is good too."

To be honest, Akashi was quite uncomfortable with letting you and Seien on your own since the time he learned of those other men following you around at the park the other day that his men reported to him. He doesn't have any lead as to who sent them yet. So its safer if you two are with him.

'I found her first. Therefor she is mine. Any one who will interfere will suffer...even if you're a kid.'

It was another quiet lunch until a man walked over to Akashi's table when while you walked Seien to the restroom.

"Akashi-san?" the voice called in surprise that it made Akashi frown.

The place was supposed to be noise free.

"I can't believe I'd see you here in Osaka." Akashi finally faced the man with a straight face.

"Tomoe." He acknowledged him with his business tone.

"You should have told me you'll be around here in Osaka, we could've prepared something for your at our place." So it was Saruhiko Tomoe. Of all people, why must it be him? Akashi was silently glad that (name) went to accompany Seien to the restroom. It wouldn't be a good reunion when it happens...

"Are you with someone?" Tomoe asked.

"Yes. My Family." Akashi answered, "And you?"

"Oh, I didn't know you have a family already, nobody mentioned it to me." Tomoe commented, "I'm with my wife, Kaoru."

"She's where?" Akashi's eyes glanced at the empty side of Tomoe.

"She went to the restroom." Tomoe answered, "She'll be around in a bit. I told her about you and she can't wait to meet you. I believe this is a perfect opportunity for us to introduce our family to each other dont you think?" Tomoe suggested.

"Saruhiko." A gentle smooth voice called from behind that made Akashi's eyes narrowed and made Saruhiko's eyes smile in recognition. "An acquaintance?" A woman appeared beside Saruhiko wearing a very appealing red dress that compliments her body curves --which Akashi cannot appreciate, mind you-- that would've made anyone double take at her appearance.

"Kaoru, this is Akashi-san." Kaoru gasped as she looked at Akashi.

"Oh my! My apologies, Akashi-san." The woman bowed at Akashi.

"Akashi-san, this is my wife, Kaoru." Saruhiko introduced.

"My pleasure to finally meet you, Akashi-san. I am Tomoe Kaoru." The women offered an extended hand at Akashi.

"My pleasure to meet you too, Kaoru." Akashi smiled and shook Kaoru's hand, the lady smiled gorgeously at him as if trying to impress him, but it was nothing on Akashi's eyes.

"I would be great if our family is to meet privately like this, Saruhiko." Akashi then turned his attention to Saruhiko instead of lingering at his woman, he smiled but it didn't reach his eyes and anyone would've noticed that he dislikes the idea in spite the smile he was gave him. "But unfortunately, we have a train to catch after this-"

"Sei-sa--!" a jolly squeal made Akashi's words cut off and Kaoru's eyes wide open followed by a boy running and Akashi lowers down to his height to welcome him like a father would when he sees his son running to him.

The boy stopped in midway when Akashi did so, it seems like he wasn't expecting Akashi to act like that. Akashi looked into the boy's eyes as if silently ordering him to do something, and seconds later...Akashi smiled warmly at him and this time, without hesitation the boy jumped to his arms. And like a real father, Akashi lifted him up in his arms which surprised Saruhiko and mostly his wife.

"That child..." she whispered which didn't go unheard by Akashi.

"Where is your mother, Seien?" he asked.

"Mommy is talking to someone on her phone. I left her finish first." Seien responded

"I see. That's good." Akashi smiled at the boy then he turn towards Saruhiko's direction.

"Are they your friends?" Seien asked as he looked at Saruhiko and his wife.

"They are from where I work, Seien." Akashi answered, "Greet them, Seien."

"Mm 'kay." Saruhiko looked at the boy and tilted his head to the side. "Konichiwa. I'm Seien. Nice to meet you." he greeted.

"I am Saruhiko, nice to meet you too young man." Saruhiko reached for the boy's hand but Akashi was quick to step away which surprised Saruhiko and the boy.

"Ah- S-sorry. He just looked familiar." Saruhiko commented. "And her mother?"

"He takes after her mother a lot." Akashi said smiling, "She's currently engage in a conversation with someone over the phone." Akashi informed him.

"I can't wait to meet her, would you like to join us even just for a coffee." it was Kaoru who suggested this time, she gave Akashi a smile that no one could say no to.

"I will have to decline to your offer, Tomoe-san." Akashi responded with a straight face. "Maybe some other time, our train will be leaving in an hour an we have to be at the station to check in." Akashi added.

"Oh, that's unfortunate. I would really like to meet the mother of that young boy." Kaoru smiled disappointingly at Seien as she reach for the boy's cheeks.

"We would be good friends, I bet. I love children too." Kaoru started again as she lovingly looked at Seien, "Would you like to visit our house sometimes, young man?"

"My mother won't want me to go to stranger's house." Seien answered as he tightened his hold on Akashi's shirt. Akashi frowned at Kaoru.

"Kaoru, you're frightening the boy." Saruhiko said chuckling.

"I am not, he's just so adorable. We will have one too, soon." Kaoru promised her husband. Akashi observed the couple before he turned to Seien and whispered something in his ears and he nodded before he climbed down Akashi's arms and skipped to the direction of the restroom.


"Mommy!" Seien voice called as you closed your phone, you just finished conversing with Ayumi regarding the designs and the materials that they would suggest to be used at the redecoration of Akashi's office.


"Mommy, Sei-san said we should wait for him downstairs. He's still talking to his friends."

"Friends?" you contemplated on walking back to see who Akashi was talking to, but its none of your business. So you held Seien's hand and walked to the stairs. "Let's go then."

"Mommy, Sei-san's friends are creepy, the lady said she wants me to come to her house and play with them. You said not to talk to strangers right?"

"Yes, Seien." you said to the boy, "Whoever it is, you shouldnt go with them. You only need to go with me or Sora-san, okay?"

"Mm." Seien nodded.

You and Seien was waiting downstairs for Akashi and in less than 2 minutes, Akashi was already next to you with an not pleased expression.

"You look unpleased, Akashi-san." was your worried comment.

"It's nothing." Akashi turned to you and gave you a rare smile, "Come, lets go." he offered and took your wrist and walked out of the restaurant as if in a rush, but he played it coolly.

The train ride to Tokyo was nice and Seien enjoyed the view from the window next to you and Akashi who was typing something on his laptop. It was 3 hours later when you found Seien sleeping quietly next to you. The VIP coach has only 50 seats and about 15 people was seated there with them. It was a nice experience, all thanks to Akashi.

To: Akashi Seijurou
From: xx123@sai.jp
Subject: Photos


I apologize for interrupting your holiday in Osaka, but we have found the person who sent those men to take photos of the boy and his mother.
It comes out that Tomoe Kaoru who lives in Osaka was the one who hired them. Also, the said woman has been following them since her parents died in the accident in Osaka last year. We have confirmed to that she was preparing to file a custody case against Ms. (last name). She had prepared a number of accusations against her too. And recently, she just filed another regarding the fact that she didn't inform the father of the child anything about the existence of the boy. Everything was ignored until that last part. Since Ms. (last name) was a working mother, it is possible to have the case won by the Tomoe's especially, if they present a legal form that Tomoe Saruhiko and (last name) Seien is related by blood. Being married is always favored by the court, and being a single mother Ms. (last name) will have hard time standing against them.
It has come to our knowledge that a letter was already sent to her home address regarding the matter. She will be needing a good lawyer to stand beside her when the time comes..."

Akashi frowned and turned to his side and found you looking at the scenery outside quietly.

It looks like you haven't got any idea of what is to happen in your life soon...then he turned to the young boy who is sleeping on your lap.

Isn't it better if the father gets custody to that child? There'll be less thing for you to concern yourself on. Then you'll have extra time, and Akashi will be able to take advantage of it again.
Akashi closed the email and his laptop.

Couple of hours later, they have arrived at the station in Tokyo where you quietly carried Seien in your arms and refused to let Akashi assist you.

"Thank you for the ride, Akashi-san." You said as you stepped out of the train next to Akashi.

"It's nothing, I wouldn't mind to be in that train with you for another 5 hours." He smiles.

"Really, Akashi-san! Stop it." you chuckled at his response and when you turned, a young woman was standing in front of you and Akashi.

"Welcome back, Seijurou." came a gentle greetings of a brunette who was wearing an expensive coat and she was looking at you. "How was your trip?"

"Keiko." Akashi's tone changed into a neutral one when he responded, the woman on the other hand didn't care...instead, she walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss.

Your eyes widened as you watch the scene in front of you...it wasn't surprising really, for Akashi to have such a beautiful wife...? He's rich and all, and she's beautiful and all too. Match made out of heaven.

"Keiko. Your actions are really inappropriate." Akashi scolded and Keiko pouted. "I am with someone."

"But I missed you! And I waited for a long time to see you! you didn't come at my party in Paris last month! I was waiting for you to come and surprise me, but i was disappointed!" the woman sulked playfully. "And who is she?" Keiko turned to you.

"This is (full name)" Akashi introduced, pulling you to stand next to him, you felt suddenly frozen when he did...also, the woman he called Keiko stared at you from head to toe and looked at Seien in disgust.

'What the hell!? Am I being criticized!?'

"(full name)?" Keiko titled her head to look at you. "Your new secretary? Why is she with her kid? so unprofessional!" Keiko commented.

"Keiko!" Akashi's voice startled you and Keiko even Seien stirred up in his sleep.

"Mommy?" Seien grumbled sleepily.

"I-I'm sorry, (name)." Akashi immediately apologized, but you pushed his hands away gently.

"No worries, Akashi-san." you assured him, "We'll go ahead."

"Your car-"

"I'll take a cab home, its not far from here." You answered, you didnt dare to look at Akashi's face. Yet, it has come to Akashi's knowledge that you were quite offended at Keiko's unprofessional comment on you.

"(name)." You didn't look back at him.

"Seijurou, what is with that woman? a secretary shouldn't take children when in work." Keiko pushed. "You should fire her."

"That person isn't my secretary. She's a friend Keiko." Akashi glowered at her.

"Oh! I'm sorry! But she really look like a secretary type and I--"

"I dont want to hear anymore." Akashi silenced her, and she immediately did. She watched as Akashi walked ahead of her and fished his phone out.

"All the mails addressed to (full name), take it. Leave nothing." Akashi ordered "I want all the letters from a legal office directed to us. I don't want her attention averted when working for me." Akashi closed his phone almost immediately after he heard the 'Yes, sir.' from the other line.


You quietly sat on the back seat of the cab you took outside the station, Seien lying on you lap and still sleeping.

"She's probably Akashi-san's fiancee?" you said quietly as you remembered the face of the lady who walked towards him and accused you of being his secretary. While that isnt really offending, the thought of she's looking at Seien disgustingly irked you the most. You pushed the Seien's hair back to get a clear look on his quiet face.

"Sleep well ,my Seien." you smiled as you watch him smile in his sleep. He clearly enjoyed the train ride but he gets easily tired. You will have to thank Akashi for treating him on Monday when you start working on his office's interior. A sudden feel of your phone's vibration on your pocket startled you.

From: Unknown Number +xxxx-xxx-xxxx
Subject: None

Take care on your way home.
Your car will arrive tonight, it was raining in Osaka that it got delayed.
I'll see you on Monday.

Akashi Seijurou

"Akashi?" You quietly closed your phone after reading the text. "Did I gave him my number?" You can't remember really...you just mentally noted of replying to him when you get home.


Akashi reads the letter that one of his subordinates handed him later that night. He have also received your response earlier and now its time to check what is that Tomoe Kaoru is doing. As expected, Kaoru had filed for a full custody of the boy. It seems that she had done tests that proved that Seien is Tomoe Saruhiko's son. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, she had a miscarriage and cannot have a child anymore. It didn't bother Tomoe, but it was Tomoe's father's wish that Kaoru wants to fulfill. When the car accident happened to the (Last Name) last year, she was present at the hospital checking out her condition and observing the child.

Akashi watched as Kaoru talked to the nurses that was taking care of Seien when he was unconscious, as is she was a concerned relative. She seemed to be eager to watch over (name) who was now unconscious in the next room...if she would still wake up...or not. Then the video showed nurses in panic and Kaoru moved away and a (hair color) haired woman weakly stepped out of the room and looked around with the nurses assisting her. She immediately walked to looked at the room next to her. She was crying and she was smiling and now crying again. A doctor came and assisted her inside and Kaoru then disappeared.

Akashi opened his phone again and dialed a number.

"This is Akashi, I want to have all Seien's medical records. ALL THE ORIGINAL as soon as possible. And also, checkout if the Tomoe had made a test regarding the child. Clear all files if they did."


You made breakfast the next morning, Sora hasn't arrived yet. Since its Thursday you are still on your week vacation and later you will have to drive Seien to the daycare. He missed 3 days of school already. He needs to catch up. But unexpectedly, even with Tomoe's stupid blood line, Seien grew up to be an intelligent child. It was surprising really, you weren't really that smart, but Seien is unexceptionally a smart one for his age. He's good in arts and that is not really surprising since you are more into arts and its in your blood, your father was an architect and your mother was a designer...but this kid is good at everything in academics. You were thankful for it, maybe it was because your parents had focused on teaching him while you are away and you did the same when you are around.

"Mommy! I'm ready for school!" you heard a voice call behind you and when you turned, you found Seien standing with his bag on his back and ready to go.

"Ara? Seien, isnt it too early for you to leave for school?" you asked smiling as you assist him on his chair.

"But today, Mommy is taking me to school! I want to be with mommy longer while walking." He announced.

"We can take the car." you offered with a smile.

"No. Because I see my friends walking on their way to school with their mommies too." You patted your son's head and smiled.

"Ok, ok... I understand. We will take a walk to your school today." You said, "But first, you need to finish your breakfast." you said and walked to get the plate you prepared and placed it in front of the boy.

"Yes, Mommy!" Seien answered and you smiled as you watch him eating.


Akashi prepares his suit for today, there is a meeting that requires his presence. But after that, it was you who he was going to meet. Last night, you had sent him the plans you have made for the interior design of his office. Normally, anything would've been acceptable and or he could leave it all to his secretary/right hand man Saito. But the office in Shibuya is different, it was his mother's old office floor that was unused for a very long time. And he wanted it to be perfect and homely.


Kaoru frowns as she checks the recent photos that her men sent her. Last night she wasn't able to sleep when she saw the face of the young boy who was with Akashi.

"...It can't be!" She closed her laptop in a snap. She cant believe it... that its Akashi's child? "...Impossible!"

"That child cannot be his child!" She groaned.

"What child cannot be his child?" Saruhiko entered the room that moment and this startled Kaoru who was still in bed. "Hm?"

"Nothing, honey." She smiled as if nothing is wrong. "I was planning on adopting a child for us. You know...what do you think of this child?" Kaoru opened her laptop again and shows him a photo of Seien on his way to school.

Saruhiko glared at Kaoru and ignored the photo.

"Didn't I tell you I'm not interested in having child yet? And why are you always using father's name? He's already in peace."

"He want's to have a grandson."

"Kaoru." Saruhiko warned, "We talked about this already didn't we?"

"But look at this child, doesn't he looked familiar to you?" Saruhiko sighed and surrendered. He looked at the screen and his eyes widened.

"Kaoru! That is Akashi-san's son! What are you thinking!? and how did you managed to have a copy of this?" He gasped.

"Akashi-san? I'm not sure about that." Kaoru smiled when Saruhiko looked at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about? We just met them yesterday, he's with his wife and son."

"This boy is that one I'm talking about last year! The child who was involved in a car accident with his mother and grandparents!"

"Why are you so interested with that child?" Saruhiko doesn't really care and Kaoru could see that.

"Why?" Kaoru narrowed her eyes on him, "Because this boy's mother is (FULL NAME)."

"(FULL NAME)!? What's she to do with this?"

"I'm sure you recognize the name, Saruhiko. The kid is four years old, turning five. You do the maths." Kaoru pushed the laptop in her husband's lap who seems to be still processing the information as she slipped off the soft covers of their bed. "Last time I checked, Akashi Seijurou is not married to anyone nor have an illegitimate child."

"Kaoru! How did you get all this information!?"

"Simple... your father told me before he passed away."


"When are you going to give me a grandchild, Kaoru?" The old man Tomoe asked Kaoru who immediately looked up from the tea she was drinking.

"Father?" she chuckled in a lady manner. "Isn't it too early?"

"Early? I don't think its still early. I let you marry my son because I was expecting that you are ready to give me a grandchild." He says.

"B-but fathe-"

"(Full Name) is better than you are." The old man dropped photos of a young boy in front of her.

"I-it cant be!"

* end flashback*

"At first I cannot believe it... but when I calculated... and I'm sure its your child! He might look more like her mother now! But I'm sure his your son!"

"But she said she wasn't-"

"Visit her and confirm! I want the child now! I want him to grow up knowing that you are the father and I AM HIS MOTHER!"



Gomen! GOMENASAI! Like seriously sorry this chapter took sooo long, I was busy last week, I was planning to post a chapter of this every Tuesday...but I got distracted last week, I went out with my friends, and I cant just you know... let it pass... It's rare to be out with them since they are still studying and all.. and my off is Wednesdays and Thursdays. Aside from that, our PC broke so we share in using laptop, I work in the morning to 3pm and my sis uses it afterwards, no time to check and start working on my useless fanfics.

So there, I hope you guys are ok with this update.

Please inform me if there was something confusing here, I haven't checked it yet, like the usual coz I want to post it up immediately.
I apologize in advance and thank you for reading.

Lastly, this might get longer than I expected...

Thank you again.

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