Your Kids Get Sick

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(Lol sorry I'm doing so many with kids!)

It was the season of allergies and illness and just when you thought it would pass over your family, you were awoken by your oldest daughters cries.

You and Shawn have 2 daughters, one is 5 and the other is a year and a half.

You and Shawn have 2 daughters, one is 5 and the other is a year and a half

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You were awoken by Macy (Your 5 year old) crying to Shawn.

"I said I wanted my Mommy!" She chokes out.

"I know, but Mommy is asleep and so is Melanie (The year and a half)"

"Mommmyyyyy!" She yells out and you immediately get out of the bed and walk to her room.

"What is it baby?" You ask as you kneel down in front of her.

"My tummy huuuurts" She says sniffling.

As you were about to console her, you heard Melanie wake up and cry a painful cry.

"I'll get her babe" Shawn said as he stood up and went to get the little girl.

When you turned back to face Macy, you saw her laying on the ground with her knees tucked under her chin as she cried silently.

Your heart broke as you picked her up, "Come on my sweet girl, you wanna lay in Mommy and Daddy's bed?" You asked her.

"Yes please.." She sniffled and wrapped her arms around your neck, laying her head on your shoulder.

When you got in there, you turned on the TV to a random kid show and handed her the remote.

"I'm gonna go get some medicine and check on sissy ok?" You told her and she nodded, getting comfortable in the mound of covers and pillows.

You walked out and headed back down the hallway where you saw Shawn sitting in Melanie's crib with her as he patted her back.

You noticed that she had a different outfit on than the one you put her in to sleep.

"What's wrong? Why did you change her clothes?" You asked him.

"She threw up." He mouthed to you.

A pout formed on your face as you walked over to them and took the baby out of his arms.

You had a very dramatic baby, when she opened her eyes and saw that it was you holding her she cried in a very drama filled cry as she leaned back with her arms in the air.

You tried not to laugh at the girl, but consoled her anyway.

"Aww both of my babies are sick huh?" You asked her and she nodded, "You wanna go lay with Mimi?" She nodded again.

You looked over at Shawn as he struggled to get out of the crib, "You need some help babe?" 

He chuckled as he held out his hand for you to help him.

The three of you walked back to your room and you set Melanie next to the sleeping Macy.

Not too long after, you noticed that Melanie had joined her sister in slumber.

"Don't they need some medicine or something?" Shawn asked you as he wrapped an arm around his girls.

"No, they can just sleep and sweat it off. They should be fine when they wake up, just a little hungry." You explain.

"Wow, Mommy magic" He winks as his eyes start to close as he falls asleep.

A/N: Awww I hope y'all enjoyed!


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