He's Sick

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You and Shawn have been broken up for about 3 weeks, he just randomly out of the blue broke up with you without an explanation. You were obviously heart broken and didn't talk to him since he broke things off with you. 

It was about 9:30 PM and you were cleaning up the kitchen after cooking some chicken noodle soup for yourself. You put away the last of your silverware when you heard your phone ringing. You walked over to it, looking at the Caller-ID seeing its Shawn calling. You hesitantly answer the phone.

"Hello?" you say warily 

"Y/N can you come over please, I feel terrible" he begs letting out a nasty cough

"What about your friends Shawn" 

"Y/N/N you know I only trust you outside of my parents, please?" he begs again

You felt your heart warm as you told him that you were on your way. He thanked you and you headed to your car.

You got to his house in less than 5 minutes due to you speeding and the light traffic on the road. 

When you got inside you went on the hunt for your Ex. When you found him in his room you walked over to him and put your hand to his forehead.

"Y/N What the hell are you doing in my house?!" he yelled sitting up, but quickly laying back down due to a headache.

"Shawn calm down, did you forget that you called me less than 2 minutes ago to come over and take care of you?" you said going into the bathroom and wetting a towel

He didn't answer and he just laid down and closed his eyes. You came over beside him and placed the towel on his head, him flinching in the process.

"Are you hungry?" You ask him "I can make you some soup" 

"Sure.. thanks Y/N" 

"No problem, I'll be back"

You went downstairs to the kitchen and started preparing the chicken and noodles for the recipe you made not too long ago. While you were making the noodles and chopping up the chicken, you felt a head lay on your shoulder. You reach up and caress his head

"Are you ok? Come sit on the couch." you say turning around and grabbing his hand

You sit him on the couch and tell him to stay put and rush into the kitchen to quickly finish the soup. After finishing it, you sit back on the couch with him and hand him the spoon and bowl. He  slowly eats the soup and drinks the broth. You take the bowl from him and put it in the kitchen before sitting back on the couch. When you sat down Shawn immediately layed his head on your lap like he used to do when you both dated.

Shawn fell asleep on your lap a few minutes later and you fell asleep a few minutes after him. The next morning, you gently lifted Shawn's head off of your lap and went into the kitchen to prepare a light breakfast for the both of you. When you were done, Shawn still hadn't woken up. Not wanting to wake him and not having anything else to do, you decided to clean his messy house a little bit. Just as you finished, you heard Shawn start to stir on the couch. You walked over to him to see how he was doing.

"Hey how ya feeling?" you asked lightly

"You're still here? I thought you left" he looked surprised with a pinch of anger.

"Uh yea.. I made you breakfast.."

"I didn't ask you to" he stood up

"But you asked me to come stay here and help you" you stated loudly

"Ugh I should have called Cami to come over instead of you. You annoying b****" he mumbles

"You know what maybe you should. I'm leaving" you say sliding on your shoes, and grabbing your purse

"Y/N wait-" 

You were already out the door and headed to your car.

Shawn's POV

Damn it I thought to myself

I'm still sick as hell and I really don't want to call Camilla.. I guess I'll have to go get Y/N back. Why did I ever break up with her in the first place. She never did anything to deserve bad from me, but I did bad to her anyway. 

I got into my car and drove to her apartment to try to talk to her. When I got to the door by the grace of god, I heard her crying in the living room. I knocked and waited for an answer.

"Who is it?" she sniffled

"Y/N open the door babe" 

"Shawn, what are you doing here. Go call Camilla." she still hadn't answered the door

"I don't want her to take care of me Y/N, please open the door, I feel dumb talking to a door. It's cold out here, I'm only in a robe and slippers."

"I thought I was an 'annoying b****'" she mocked

"Fine, I hope I make it home safely, I barely made it here due to my illness Y/N..." I started to walk away.

"Wait! Wait! Shawn! Get in here I don't want you to be even more sick" she mumbled. I knew she had a soft spot in her heart.

I went in and sat on the couch while she went and made some hot cocoa. When she was done she sat across from me.

"Why did you break up with me" she said after a while

"I'm sick Y/N"

"Yeah, it's a cold Shawn, that's not a reason to break up with me-"

"I have cancer Y/N it's bad, I only have a few weeks.."

A/N: Hey y'all! I hope you enjoyed this part, let me know if you want a part 2!


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