A Woman Can Only Take So Much

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A/N: I got this idea from someone on Facebook, I forgot the person, but I remember the topic. Enjoy! Read the end Author's note!

You're at it again. You and Shawn are at each other's throats during another argument. Shawn was mad this time because he saw you 'flirting' with the waiter at the restaurant. Shawn was a very jealous person and got upset over anything that had to do with you. But if he was 'flirting' with a girl and you said something, all hell would break loose.

"Y/N don't f***** deny it! You know that you were flirting with that guy at the restaurant!" he yelled at you

"Shawn why are you so f***** insecure?! I'm with YOU, I don't want anyone else!" you yelled back

"You are just a f****** slut huh? Y/N the slutty slut... has a ring to it." he rudely joked 

"I am so tired of this Shawn. I can't keep doing this. Yes I worked my ass off to get with you, but its not worth the way I'm being treated right now." You said, tears threatening to fall

"You know what. I don't care anymore." he says walking away from you

You said nothing more and walked toward your bedroom to start packing your bags. While you were doing so, you pulled out your phone and called someone.

"Hello? Y/N? Are you ok?" he asked 

"Uh.." you paused for a while and let out a deep breath, "No.. can you come pick me up from the house please." you whispered to him

"Sure, I'll be there in 5 minutes." he said quickly before hanging up the phone

You finish packing your bags and head downstairs and walk past Shawn.

"Where are you going?" he asked standing up

You tried to ignore him and walk out the door, but he snatched the luggage from your hands.

"I'm leaving Shawn! I told you I'm tired of being treated this way!" You yelled, annoyed

"Y/N I'm sorry, don't leave" he begs

"You say that every f****** time" you say through gritted teeth, snatching the luggage from him and walk out the door.

Once you're outside, you see His car and walk over to it, He gets out and smiles. Shawn sees who it is and starts to yell.

"Cameron?! Are you seriously with Cameron?!"

You ignore his cries and hand your bags to Cam before getting into the passenger seat of his car. He puts them in the back and joins you, driving off into the distance.

A/N: Wow that was saucy! I hope you enjoyed! Now I want to say something. I have written every single imagine that you've read in all 8 of my books. I never used an outside source for help with writing or anything. So if I choose to use the same imagine in my other books, that is my decision because I am the author. As a matter of fact, I'm going to use this imagine in all of my other stories. And if you have a problem with that, I will be happy to block you or you can excuse yourself. Thank you for your cooperation. 


Shawn Mendes Interracial Imagines/ PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now