Baby in a Basket (Part 3)

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"Oh.." she relaxed and continued her story, "Well my boyfriend Treven (IF YOU REMEMBER TREVEN YOU GET BONUS POINTS! KNOWING HIM WILL COME IN HANDY!) was super abusive. He got me pregnant and told me that he only wanted me and that the baby would get in the way. So I left her with you.. that was the worst decision I've ever made.. So he started to beat and rape me, and I got in contact with one of his exes named Zoey (MORE BONUS POINTS!) and she told me that he did the same thing. So I finally had enough. One day when he was beating me, I had some grits cooking on the stove and I dumped them all over him and threw peppers in his eyes.." she smiled wickedly.

"Wow..." you said looking at her

"But he's after me, and I don't know what he's capable of! Please help me, I'm 15 (I know she's young, that adds to the story!) and I have no one, my parents died and my family lives in Russia!"

Wow, a baby having a baby.. You thought to yourself

You couldn't leave her to fend for herself, "You can stay here, don't worry honey you're safe"


You and Abigail were sat the bar and eating some leftovers as she told you her story about how her and Treven met.

"So what exactly are you wanting hun? You haven't made that clear yet." You asked her

"Well I was hoping that I could stay here until I hear back from my family in Russia." she said quietly.

"Oh ok, well I'll have to talk to my husband about it first. But you are definitely welcome to stay the night and use the phone to call your family. Have you been able to shower and clean yourself? The bathroom upstairs is free for you to use if you'd like." You said gently and led her upstairs past Sophia's room.

You could tell that she had a weird look in her eye, but ignored it and continued to lead her to the guest bathroom.

Once you got there, you gave her some clothes and left her alone to shower. Something told you to bring Sophia down with you, but you decided against it knowing that if you didn't, there would be another long and restless night. 

You went downstairs and started texting Shawn but you were interrupted by glass breaking and a baby's cries. You sprinted up the stairs to see Sophia missing and her window broken in her room.

"Oh my god!" You screamed and ran to the bathroom to see that Abigail was missing as well.

"That bitch stole my baby!" you screamed and ran to call 911 and Shawn.

A/N: Aww snap! Let me know if you want a part 2! Love y'all!


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