You Fight and it's Your Fault

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You and Shawn have been going through that rough patch that all couples seem to go through, but you were making it hell for Shawn.

You would constantly be on Shawn's back about different things, like dishes in the sink, why he wasn't home on time, and other absurd reasons.

But tonight was different.

You were laying on your back in your shared bed, looking up at the ceiling, when a twinkle of light reflected to the ceiling. You ignored it and walked downstairs to get something to eat.

As you sat down to enjoy the bowl of popcorn that you prepared you heard Shawn's car pulling up, so you walked over to the door to greet him.

After a hug and a kiss, he laid his phone on the counter and went upstairs to take a shower. A few minutes later as you were indulged into The Haves and The Have Nots you heard Shawn's phone ding.

You quickly stood and picked up the phone, looking to see who texted him.

It was Hailee Steinfeld.

"I had such an amazing time with you today. We've gotta get together again soon! ;)"

Now you weren't the jealous girlfriend, you didn't mind if Shawn hung out with girls, as long as he didn't do anything that you both would regret. But this was different.. That little winky face just made your blood boil.

You were about to storm up the stairs, but Shawn walked down before you could.

"Hey baby I-" You interrupted him.

"What were you doing with Hailee today?" You asked him angrily.

"What are you-" You interrupted again.

"She texted you Shawn. What. Were. You. Doing?"

"Why are you acting like this all of a sudden, nothing happened, we were just hanging out!" He started to get irritated.

"Well then why the hell did she put a winky face after it?" You roared like a maniac, causing Shawn to clutch his pearls.

"You sound crazy.. I'm gonna walk away." He said, quickly turning on his heels, headed to the living room.

"I haven't gone crazy yet, you better tell me what you did with her or I will leave right now Shawn." 

He looked at you, rolled his eyes and faced the TV, "Well bye, see you tomorrow love."

"What the hell?! What do you-"

"Bye Y/N" He interrupted.

You grabbed your keys and walked out of the house.

You drove to Chipotle to get something to eat, then sat in the parking lot for a while to think about what happened.

The next morning you woke up in a cheap hotel room and realization hit you.

You picked up the phone and dialed Hailee's number, she answered quickly.

"Hey Y/N, what's going on?"

"What were you doing with Shawn yesterday?" You asked calmly.

"Umm, it was supposed to be a surprise Y/N/N.." She said nervously.


"I can't talk about it, bye!" She hung up, and you automatically felt terrible.

I guess it's time to call Shawn...

"What Y/N?" He answered annoyed.

"...I'm sorry Shawn." You whispered.




"..Um ok, I completely understand if you're mad at me. I'll leave you alone." You started to cry, about to hang up, but Shawn stopped you.

"Come home Y/N." He said causing you to smile.

You quickly grabbed your stuff and drove back home to your amazing boyfriend. When you got there you walked in to see Shawn down on one knee with a ring in his hand.

"I was out with Hailee trying to pick this out. I have a matching necklace in the bedroom drawer that you were supposed to find.." He says.

Tears prick your eyes as you walk over to him and put your hands on his face.

"Y/N will you marry me?"

Your smile grew as you answered,


A/N: Hey guys, long time no read! I have been so booked with dance and school that I haven't had time to write, I hope this makes up for it. My other books will be updated soon, so please bare with me! Love y'all!


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