He Gets In A Fight With Your Boyfriend

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You and Shawn have been friends for about 3 years, but it feels like longer. You were his biggest supporter and supported him in everything that he did, and he did the same... sometimes. You had a boyfriend named Hunter that Shawn absolutely hated. Now Hunter wasn't the most perfect human on the planet, but you loved him for him.

Shawn recently asked you to help him throw a party at his house for all of his friends, and of course you were happy to oblige. You went over to his house early with millions of grocery bags in your hands.

"Shawn!" you yelled as you unlocked the door to his house, "Can you help me please!"

He came running down the stairs and took many of the bags from you, giving you a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you so much for coming Y/N" 

"Of course! You know I'm always here to help, now do you want to help me cook?" You asked him

"Sure" he answered happily, starting to take things out of the bags

The both of you danced around the kitchen singing terribly off-key, having a grand time as you guys cooked the food.

"Are you down to beee a distraction baby? But don't distract mehhh!" the both of you sang loudly.

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door and Shawn went to answer it. When he opened the door, he was greeted by Hunter.

"Hey man" he smirked, knowing that Shawn didn't like him

"What are you doing here Hunter." Shawn asked unamused

"Y/N invited me" he smirked again

"Well I didn't so you can leave-" Shawn started before he was cut off by the angelic voice of Y/N

"Hey Shawn where's the- Oh Hunter you're here!" She said before hugging her boyfriend, "You don't mind that I invited him right?" she asked Shawn with a slight pout and puppy dog eyes.

Shawn tried to say no to her, but he couldn't as he said, "Fine Y/N. Let's go finish the food."

You smiled happily and grabbed both Hunter and Shawn's hand and ran back to the kitchen to keep cooking. Hunter just sat on a barstool and watched both you and Shawn cook. 

A few hours later, the guests came and the party started. Everyone was enjoying the foods that you made and were happy about the last minute decorating that was put in.

Currently you and Hunter were dancing, you could tell that he'd had a couple of drinks because he kept touching your a** and rubbing all over you. It was starting to make you uncomfortable, you continued to push him away from you but like a leech he was back. You were about to go off on him, but Shawn beat you to it.

"Hey man, didn't she tell you to stop touching her like that?!" he yelled as he ripped his arm off of you

"That is none of your concern." Hunter said, letting his hand rest on your butt

"It is when it's my friend. So get your hands off of her." Shawn was starting to turn red in anger, he came closer to Hunter.

"And what'll you do if I don't." Hunter challenged

"This." was all Shawn said before he through a punch and Hunter's nose.

The fight started and you started yelling for people to help you get them off of each other, but they were too busy putting it on WorldStar. You looked over at Matthew to see him with the whole bowl of chips, a plate of wings, some desserts, and nachos, running out the door.

"Sorry Y/N! I don't condone violence! I'm gonna get out of here, I'll bring these plates back soon! Love ya!" he yelled before running out the door.

You couldn't even laugh as you decided to just go in there yourself. 

"Hunter get off of him!" You yelled as you tried to peel him off of you boyfr- best friend

"Get off of me Y/N you f****** b****!" he yelled as he turned and punched you.

"Oh hell no!" You screamed as you let your anger take over

You used all of your strength and pulled him off of Shawn, throwing punches left and right. All of a sudden you were lifted off of him and you kicked him one last time in his no-no square.

"Get the f*** out of here!" Shawn yelled

After things had calmed down, everyone left and it was just you and Shawn. You were in his bathroom nursing his wounds.

"I love you Shawn." you said out of no where, you could see him blush, "I wish that I had a boyfriend like you."

"I love you too Y/N/N" he answered and it fell quiet again.

There was a cut right at the corner of his lip, so you started to lean in to clean it with some alcohol. You put the cotton ball against the cut and watched him wince. You made the bold decision to lean in and kiss his lips softly, letting your hands go to his face.

The both of you kissed for a while, and when you finally pulled away you were quick to apologize.

"Don't be sorry, I actually liked it.." It was like Shawn was in a trance as he leaned in again to kiss you, "Be mine." he asked against your lips and all you could do was nod as he pulled you into another kiss.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know I did! Make sure that you go follow my instagram! @shawnmendesinterracial Love y'all!


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