Baby In A Basket (Part 2)

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"No Y/N we will not-" he starts before the baby starts crying

"Here hold her for me while I find some old diapers and bottles and stuff from the kids I used to babysit." you say, handing Sophia to Shawn, who holds her like a piece of fine China.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD Y/N WHAT DO I DOO!" he whisper yells


The next morning you woke up and dressed Sophia in some clothes that you had from the previous kids that you babysat. You didn't want to wake up Shawn, so you got in your car and headed to a pediatrician to get the baby checked out.

"Sophia Grace?" The nurse called.

"Here we are" you answered and followed her into a brightly decorated room.

The nurse took all of Sophia's measurements and told you that the doctor would be in shortly. As you were waiting, your phone rang.

"Hello-?" You were cut off by a screaming Shawn.


"Shawn honey... It's ok-" you were cut off again




"Are you done yet? I have somethings to add, but I'll wait until you finish"

"Ugh.. yes."

"I have Sophia, we're at the doctor. After this we're going to the grocery store."

"Ohh... Ok well I'll see you later, I'm going to the studio!"

You chuckled and hung up the phone as the doctor came in and told you that Sophia was perfect and healthy. He gave you a couple prescriptions to prevent her from getting sick and sent the both of you on your way. 

After you went to the grocery store, you went home and put Sophia into the bed for a nap. You were sitting on the couch waiting for Shawn to come home, when there was a knock on the door. You got up and looked through the peephole seeing a young woman with long brown hair looking back at you desperately.

You opened up the door and looked at her, she looked familiar.

"How can I help you?" You asked gently

"Please, please help me." She sounded as desperate as she looked, tears started rolling down her pale cheeks.

You stood to the side and invited her in, leading her toward the the kitchen. The both of you sat at the bar and you waited for her to start talking.

"My name is Abigail, I'm the one that left my baby with you that night. Please tell me you still have her?!" She asked, her eyes widening worriedly 

"Of course we do, she's upstairs taking a nap."

"Oh.." she relaxed and continued her story, "Well my boyfriend Treven (IF YOU REMEMBER TREVEN YOU GET BONUS POINTS! KNOWING HIM WILL COME IN HANDY!) was super abusive. He got me pregnant and told me that he only wanted me and that the baby would get in the way. So I left her with you.. that was the worst decision I've ever made.. So he started to beat and rape me, and I got in contact with one of his exes named Zoey (MORE BONUS POINTS!) and she told me that he did the same thing. So I finally had enough. One day when he was beating me, I had some grits cooking on the stove and I dumped them all over him and threw peppers in his eyes.." she smiled wickedly.

"Wow..." you said looking at her

"But he's after me, and I don't know what he's capable of! Please help me, I'm 15 (I know she's young, that adds to the story!) and I have no one, my parents died and my family lives in Russia!"

Wow, a baby having a baby.. You thought to yourself

You couldn't leave her to fend for herself, "You can stay here, don't worry honey you're safe"

A/N: Wooow! Finally a part 2 to this one!! I hope you enjoyed, Love y'all!


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