You Meet His Parents (Part 2) *Edited*

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"Please don't leave me forever Y/N"

"I will always be with you honey! Just call me and I will be here, we can still hang out." You tell her and walk her to the door.


You hug her one last time before turning and walking back to the car. You pull away only so far that you can make sure Liyah gets inside, but none of them could see your car. You drive off into the distance and drive for a while and you stop at Chipotle to get a bite to eat, since you didn't get the chance to eat at the restaurant. (A/N: I am in a second relationship with Chipotle lol!) You order your food and decide to sit and eat and think about what happened. You didn't get a chance to think or cry about what happened since you wanted to be strong in front of Aaliyah. You sat in a booth in the back of the restaurant and started to cry. When you couldn't cry anymore, you left and went to a hotel.

When you walked in, you went to the check-in desk and were greeted by a very sweet teenage girl. 

"Hello welcome to the Hilton how may I- Y/N what are you doing here?" she was a fan of Shawn.

"Hey..." you look at her name tag "Sarah how are you, I'm just gonna need a room for about 2 weeks." 

"Yes ma'am" she replies sadly "That will be 1,326.02" 

You hand her your credit card and head up to your room after receiving the room key. When you get inside you put your bag down and lay on the bed and fall asleep. 

A week later...

As you were packing to leave the hotel your phone started to ring. You put your stuff down and went to answer it.


"Y/N hey its Aaliyah" she answered

"Hey Liyah what's going on?"

"Well you know my birthday's tomorrow.. and I was hoping you could come...Please?"

"Of course I'll come sweetheart just text me all of the details OK?"

"Ok, thanks Y/N" she says

"No problem, see you tomorrow" you both hung up.

You decided to go out and find an outfit for the party. She told you that it was going to be like a red carpet party so everyone needed to dress up. You chuckled when she told you.

You went to the mall and were on the hunt, you wanted something simple but pretty at the same time.

'I don't know why I'm putting so much effort into a 13 year olds birthday' you chuckled to yourself

You found a beautiful black dress that wasn't too flashy and was perfect to fit the party theme.

You found a beautiful black dress that wasn't too flashy and was perfect to fit the party theme

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The Next Day...

You got up early and went to get your hair and make up done, as ordered by the birthday girl.

You got a glittery smokey eye with bright red lipstick, and you got your hair done into a cute up-do. You made it back to the hotel and started to get dressed. As you were putting on your shoes, your phone started to ring. Thinking that it was Aaliyah checking to see if you were still coming, you answered without checking the Caller ID. 

"Hey Liyah I'm putting on my shoes no-"

"Y/N. It's me.."

"Ohh... Hi Shawn.." you answered

"So you are coming to Aaliyah's party?"

"Yes Shawn" You say putting on your other shoe.

"Well when you get here can we please talk?"

"Shawn I'm not coming for you or your parents, I'm going for your sister."


"I'm leaving now Shawn bye." you hang up and put on your jewelry. You grabbed the keys to the car and headed to the venue. 

When you arrived there were lights flashing from the paparazzi.

'This girl was not kidding' you thought

You parked and went to where the red carpet started and were greeted by millions of lights and your name being called. You started to walk and pose and look to all of the cameras. When you got halfway there was an interviewer waiting to ask you questions.

"Y/N! It's so great to see you here for Aaliyah's party how are you?"

"I'm great thank you" you smile

He asks a few questions and as you were about to walk away, he asked one last question.

"Are you nervous about seeing Shawn again?"

"No not nervous, anxious maybe" You answer and walk off, posing a few more times before you were met by the lady of the hour.

"Y/N! YOU ACTUALLY CAME!!" she yelled hugging you

"Of course I did! How could I miss your 13th birthday!" you say hugging her back.

You both pull away and take a few pictures together, when one of the paparazzi yells


He glances over at the two of you with surprise and walks over to take the pictures. He stands next to you and wraps his arm around your waist and puts his other hand on Aaliyah's shoulder. You copied what he did and smiled for the picture. For the next one you both leaned in and put a kiss on Liyah's cheeks. 

As you went to walk away, the paparazzi wanted pictures with you and Shawn. You rolled your eyes and walked back over to him. He wrapped his arm around you again and leaned in and whispered in your ear,

"I'm sorry"

You looked up at him and turned back to the camera. You took a few more pictures when the next few in the bunch walked up. You guessed it! Shawn's parents! Yaaaay.. You inhaled deeply as they came over. You smiled and didn't say anything. Liyah came back over for the "family photo." When it was over, you darted away before you were pulled into anymore crazy pictures. 

When you got inside you grabbed you table card and went to find your table. When you got there, no one was at the table so you picked a seat and sat down. You quickly checked you phone to see tons of twitter notifications. When you looked up from your phone you saw the three people you were dreading to see, sitting at your table. You gave a blank expression to them and looked away. Shawn made the bold decision to sit right next to you. 

The MC of the night started to talk and explain what all was going to happen that night. When he was done he walked away and came over to our table. 

"Hey family we're about to do Aaliyah's entrance, if you all would come with me." you looked at him like he was crazy. 

'Aaliyah is really trying me today.. were gonna have to chit chat' you thought to yourself

You all got up and went to the back. Liyah looked at you with a sorry smile and you just shook your head. You stood next to Shawn and waited for further instructions. The coordinator put you both in the front with Aaliyah and her parents behind you. She instructed that you and Shawn hold hands, so he grabbed you hand and ran his thumb over your knuckles like he would when you were dating. You looked up at him and smiled slightly and he looked down and smiled back. You turned around and saw that all three of them were smiling brightly at you.

A/N: Well this is the edited chapter! If you want a part 3 to see what goes down leave a comment! Thank you so much for reading!


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