He Sees You Cry For The First Time

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Please read A/N!

You were heartbroken. You just witnessed your dog pass away. You felt like you just lost a member of the family. 

Y/D/N had cancer and passed away in your arms. You'd been trying to take her into the doctor, but it was too late. You were blaming yourself for your dog's death, tears were rolling down your face.

Shawn wasn't home, he was out at the studio and you were very happy about that as this would be the first time seeing you cry.

You set Y/D/N down and went to wash your hands. As you finished, you got your phone and decided to call Shawn and tell him what happened.

"Hey babe, what's up?" he asked happily

"Y/D/N is gone." you said quietly

"What do you mean? Are you out looking for her?" he asks

"No Shawn she's dead!" You yelled as you let the tears roll freely down your cheeks.

"Oh my gosh. Y/N I'm on my way home now, call animal control ok?" he said quickly and hung up.

You dropped to your knees and let all of the tears fall.

You'd had Y/D/N since you were little, she met Shawn when the both of you started dating and they were the best of friends.

As you were thinking about your puppy, you felt two arms wrap around you as you cried.

You automatically felt self-conscious and pulled away from him.

"Please call animal control.." you whispered and walked upstairs to your bathroom.

A few minutes later Shawn came upstairs and into the bathroom with you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I'm sorry baby.." he said and kissed the top of your head

You covered your face and whispered, "Don't look at me, I'm ugly when I cry."

Shawn gently pulled your hands from your face and turned you to look at him.

"You're always beautiful to me." 

You smiled weakly and laid your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around you again.

"She's in a better place now Y/N/N. She's happier now." he said and consoled you.

A few minutes later, the animal control came and took Y/D/N peacefully and respectfully.

The rest of the day was spent reminiscing about your beloved Y/D/N.

A/N: The reason for the long pause in updates was because of the loss of my puppy Bella. I'd had her for 8 years and she passed away last Tuesday.. thanks for understanding..


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