Arranged Marriage (New Version)

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"Y/N why are you doing this? Marriage at first sight? How do you know that you will be happy with the person?" Your mom questioned you

"I don't know. But I'm tired of waiting on these fuck boys to man up."

You were tired of being alone and you weren't getting any younger so, you went out on a limb and signed up to be matched by professionals to marry a man you didn't even know.

They weren't giving you any info on him and you would be meeting him and his family at the altar.

"You only live once Mommy, and I'm not getting any younger." You told your mom in a soothing tone.

"Okay Y/N..." She says reluctantly

A few weeks later...

It was the day of the wedding, the day you would be dedicating yourself to a stranger for the rest of your life.

"Aww my baby is getting married" Your mom cried as you were getting your hair and makeup done.

You had all of your friends and family in the room with you getting ready for the wedding that would take place in a few hours.

The bridesmaids had their dresses on and it was your turn to put on your gown. When you did, it was like everything hit you suddenly.

You were getting married...

To a stranger...

"What am I thinking?" you whispered to yourself, tears rolling down your cheek

"Girl if you don't man up!" Your best friend yelled, coming over to you, "You are gonna mess up your makeup!"

"I'm sorry, I'm just scared" You grabbed a tissue and starting dabbing at your eyes. (Don't even do it lol)

"You'll be fine," She says leaning closer and whispers, "And I heard he's super hot" She winks

You both burst out laughing and you instantly feel ready to meet this man that you were matched with.

You were finally behind the doors, about to walk down the aisle.

"I'm about to meet my husband for the first time" You whispered to your dad

"Yea you are" He laughed and you put your arm through his

A few moments later, the wedding planner came to your side and told you that it was time for you to walk down the aisle. The doors open and your eyes automatically go to the tall, brown haired man that was standing at the altar.

Oh my gosh... Is that Shawn Mendes?

Your jaw dropped slightly but quickly turned into a smile when you saw him doing the same. 

When you finally got to him you grabbed his hand and handed the bouquet to your best friend. 

"You're so beautiful" He says and takes your other hand, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, "What's your name?"

Your smile grew as you answered him, "Y/N"

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl" He smiled down at you.

After saying your vows, the both of you joined hands and walked down the aisle where you were greeted by various family members.

You walked up to Shawn's mom and held her hand, "I am so happy to be marrying your son, I promise I will take good care of him" You smiled when she grabbed your hand with hers.

"Thank you, I like you already." She laughed and led you to the photographer who would be taking your wedding photos.

After a fun photoshoot the both of you went to the reception where you spent time having a fun night with your new friends and family.

A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed!


Shawn Mendes Interracial Imagines/ PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now