Don't Go to Bed Angry

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A/N: I am so excited for this imagine! It's sooo goood!

"Shawn we've been married for 3 years, what do you mean you don't want kids all of a sudden?!" You yelled at your husband

You and Shawn have been together for 8 years and married for 3 of them. When you were younger, the both of you would always talk about your future kids' names and imagined what they would look like.

So when Shawn came up to you and told you that he didn't want kids, it upset you.

"Y/N I said I don't want kids right now." He corrected with an obvious attitude, walking into the kitchen.

You followed him, "Why Shawn?! You have yet to tell me why!"

He stopped and turned toward you angrily, "Because I am at the prime of my career and I don't need some fetus ruining that for me!" He yelled.

That was it for you, "Fine."

You angrily turned around, tears threatening to fall, walking upstairs to your shared room with Shawn.

You quickly put on some pjs and got into the bed and curled up into a ball, letting your tears hit the sheets as you placed a hand over your stomach. 

About an hour later Shawn came in and took off his shirt, laying in bed next to you. He tried to wrap his arm around you, but you were quick to flinch and swat his hand away.

"Baby I'm sorry..." He whispered to you, but got no response.

"Y/N/N you remember what our parents said to us when we got engaged? They told us we should never go to bed angry. So I'm gonna sit here and bother you until you talk to me." He chuckled

Your face fell as you realized how right he was, tears started rolling down your face again as you sat up and looked at him.

"I'm sorry.." You chocked out, "It's just that..." You were about to tell him, but you just shook your head and looked down.

"What is it Y/N/N?" He asks, taking your hand in his.

"I don't want 'some fetus' ruining your career..." You whispered

"What are you talking about Y/N?" He sounds confused

"Well you don't want kids... but I'm pregnant." You confessed, the ruffles on the comforter becoming a lot more interesting.

Shawn was silent for a while and that just made you worry, so you just turned your back to him and laid down again.

A few moments later Shawn grabs your shoulder and rolls you over to face him. When you do, you notice that he has a big smile on his face as he leans down and plants a kiss on your lips.

"I'm gonna be a dad?" He asked, his eyes filling with tears.

You nod hesitantly, "Why are you happy now? You were adamant about not having kids now.." You whispered

"Yea that was until I found out that you were actually pregnant!" He squeals like a girl and kisses your stomach, "My little girl.."

"What makes you think it's a girl?" You asked him

"We always talked about our first baby being a girl.." He said, admiring your stomach. You felt your heart fill as you watched him.

A/N: I hope y'all loved this as much as I did! This will DEFINITELY appear in a couple books! Love y'all!


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