You See Him Cry For The First Time

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You were working late one night and were on your way home. You stopped by Chipotle to grab some food for Shawn and yourself. 

Shawn wasn't acting like himself lately, the both of you have been married for 2 years and you could read him like a book, yet you'd never seen him cry. Recently his sister was in a car accident and she was currently in the hospital. Shawn was a lot quieter and wouldn't sing or work as often anymore. You didn't want to upset him so you continued to work and let him stay at home with your year old daughter.

You grabbed the bag of food and walked into the house to see the lights off in the living room but the light on in the kitchen. You heard small whimpers coming from there, knowing it was your daughter you went in to see a frustrated Shawn and Y/D/N.

You looked in Shawn's face as he looked at you, pleading with his eyes. He'd been crying. You quickly walked over to him and gently took the baby from him. You touched his arm soothingly and told him you would be right back.

You went up to Y/D/N's nursery and put her to bed in record time. You grabbed the baby monitor and went downstairs to find Shawn sitting on the floor in the kitchen bawling his eyes out. Your heart broke as you saw him.

You placed your hand to your heart as you knelt down beside him. 

"Shawn baby-" you were interrupted by Shawn

"Y-Y/N p-please go, I-I don't w-want you to s-see me like t-this" He cried out

"No Shawn," You pulled his hands from his face gently, forcing him to look at you, "I'm your wife, I'm supposed to be here for you babe. For better or worse. You can trust me to listen to your emotions." You held his hands in yours, "You always hold me when I cry, now its my turn." You whisper in his ear as you hug him 

He looked at you for a minute before he broke down again, "That's my baby sister Y/N! I can't lose her."

"You won't lose her, she's in recovery now. I'm her doctor remember? If you can trust me, you can trust that I will take good care of her babe." You remind gently, "She's doing great! She's responding to our touch, she's making different faces. All we're waiting for is for her to open those beautiful brown eyes ok?"

"She does have pretty eyes huh?" He asks

"Yea she does" You chuckle lightly

After holding him for a while and talking about different things, Shawn pulled away from you and grabbed your hands. 

"Thank you Y/N" 

"Of course, that's what I'm here for" You smile

A/N: Wow.. I got a little bit emotional writing this! if you enjoyed this story, share, like, and comment! Thanks guys love ya!


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