You Are... NOT THE FATHER!! (Part 4)

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Were y'all able to read part 3?? Let me know.

Karma is a bitch...

Karma is a bitch...

Karma is a bitch...

You were currently sitting in a hospital bed as your doctor just told you that you had stage 2 cancer. Your hands went to your face as you cried and listened to the treatment plan that she planned out for you.

You went home and sat on the couch, waiting for Noah to get back home from school. Noah is now 16 and has a job as an intern with an NBA team, he loves basketball.

 Noah is now 16 and has a job as an intern with an NBA team, he loves basketball

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(Im sorry I literally use him for everything!! hahaha!)

When he gets home you sit him on the couch and tell him the bad news, surprisingly he doesn't cry, he just pulls you into a hug and holds you for a while.

Noah's POV

My mom has been devastated ever since she found out about her cancer, she's started talking to her family and friends, but I know that there is someone that she hasn't told.

Shawn Mendes.

And my dad.

I found out about Shawn when I was cleaning out my mom's closet while she was at work, there was a big box with pictures of the two of them. And one of them while she was pregnant with me.

That was before he found out that I wasn't his I guess.

I needed to get them to talk to each other.

"Bye baby, I love you." My mom said as she grabbed her briefcase and walked out, heading to the VOGUE building.

"Bye mom." I said and waited for her to leave before I got in my car and drove to Shawn's house.

What? It's not my fault that he wrote his address on old letters.

Shawn's POV

"Shut up Loren!" I yelled at my wife.

"You still have feelings for that whore?!" She yelled again.

"Don't. Fucking. Call her that." I said through gritted teeth.

"So you do?!" 

"Yes! Are you happy! She was the first person I loved and she should be here with me and not you!" I yelled, "Hell, you even named my daughter after her, so now I have a constant reminder of her."

"Well maybe I'll leave then, and you can take the baby if she reminds you of her so much!" She yelled before she grabbed her purse and walked out. 

I sat on the couch with my head in my hands as I listened to her leave. "Who the hell are you? I don't even care, yea he's inside."

I heard footsteps and I looked up to see a tall mixed boy looking at me, he looked just like Y/N.

"Hey... what are you doing here Noah?" I asked him.

"How do you know me?" He asked and I motioned for him to sit down.

"I was your father at one time bud." I said as I looked at him.


"So what are you doing here?"

"My mom has cancer, she's too scared to tell you though." He says and my heart pulls.


"Yea, she started chemo, they think she'll be fine but she's been preparing for the worst. She wrote up her will and everything." He told me sadly, tears prickling his eyes, "My dad sends more money in an effort to help, but he won't come see her, just me he's too scared."

The tears start rolling and I instinctively pul him into a tight hug, but it's cut a little short when Y/M/N starts to cry.

 I get up and bring her in to see Noah, he picks her up and looks at her.

"She's pretty." He says before handing her back to me.

"Her name is Y/M/N, like your mom."

"Wow... Well I've gotta go before my mom comes home, I hope you come by." He says before handing me a piece of paper and walking out.

A few weeks later...

Your POV

It was my day off and I was sitting on the couch with a bandana wrapped around my balding head, eating a tub of ice cream when the doorbell rings.

I go to get up but Noah comes sprinting down the stairs and to the door, "I've got it mom!"

Maybe he ordered a pizza?

I was about to go back to watching my show until I heard a baby cry.

"Noah baby who's at the- OHHHH" You said as your eyes widened to see Shawn holding a baby.

"Noah what is he doing here? How did you know?"

"I have my ways, I met up with him a couple weeks ago, now talk." He said before walking up to his room.

"Hey Y/N.."

"Hey.. how's your family?" You asked as you sat down on the couch.

"Lauren and I are getting a divorce and I am keeping Y/M/N." He told me and sat next to me.

"Can I.. hold her?" 

He didn't answer and he just placed the fussy baby in your arms and she immediately calmed down.

"You've always had the magic touch.." He whispered, making you smile.

"Yea..." You whispered.

After a while of silence he spoke up, "I know about the cancer, and I want you to know that I'm here for you."

You looked up at him and smiled, "Thank you."

A/N: Wow that was a long one, I hope y'all enjoyed this lil series, make sure you read part 3. This private thing is new to me, so let me know if you were able to read the other part! Much love,


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