You Hate Each Other

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 I don't really hate Shawn, he just doesn't like me, therefore I have to put on the act that I hate him as much as he seems to hate me.. Even though I may have a little crush on him.. maybe... you following me? Greeeaat!


Cameron and Nash invited me over to their house for a "friends night" which we used to do all the time before they started touring. And it was with them that I met the Shawn Mendes, and he's not nice at all like he seems in the interviews and videos! He's actually a Divo... Ugh it's so annoying. 

So I had just made it to Cam and Nash's apartment and I was sitting on the couch checking twitter when Nash walked into the living room.

"Heeeeey Y/N/N!" he says suspiciously 

"Oh God Nash what do you want" I chuckled at him

"Ohh ya knoooow..." he drags

"Nooooo I dooooon't" I laugh

"Ya know.. Cam and I just wanted you to make some of your famous fried chicken and mashed potatoes... and coooorn... and stuff.. We bought everything you needed, and Taylor should be here too to help you."(A/N: OMG I am so happy that Nash is dating a black girl! She's so pretty and we have the same name!! Lol sorry, keep reading) 

"Oh My Gosh my faaaaave!" I ran up and hugged him and ran to the kitchen to get started

Taylor and I go waaay back.. not really, but we just click together.

I go in the kitchen to start on the chicken when I hear a knock on the door, automatically thinking its Taylor so I run to the door and throw it open only to be kind of disappointed to see the one and only Shawn Mendes.. yay..

"Oh my God what is this doing here" I point to Shawn and yell at Nash

"No I should be asking what you are doing here you little-" Shawn starts

"Nope Shut it up" I put my hand in his face and walk back to the kitchen to work on the chicken

I'm flouring the chicken when Taylor walks in the kitchen and engulfs me into a big hug.

"Tater toooooot!" I yell


"Girrrl come on and help me with this food, you can do the mashed potatoes and stuff and I have the chicken and corn..." I'm telling her when the big 'ol tree comes walking in.

"Oh look at Y/N slaving in the kitchen.. how nice.. Hey Taylor!" he says

"Shawn I am not dealing with you today" I tell him dropping the chicken into the frier

He starts to walk closer until I grab a metal spoon and fill it with hot oil, 

"Like I said Shawn I'm not dealing with you today, and if that means putting hot ass grease all over you, I will!" I say to him holding the spoon, while Taylor stands there laughing

Cameron walks into the kitchen and sees me with the spoon of oil and Shawn with his hands up in surrender and starts to laugh too. Then Nash walks in and starts to laugh. Shawn's face turns tomato red and he storms out of the kitchen. I chuckle and say,

"I told him that I wasn't going to deal with him.." 

Taylor and I finish the food and we call the boys in to come and eat. After they all got their food, we all went into the dining room to eat. Taylor sat next to Nash, I sat next to Cameron and Shawn sat across from me. Nash, Taylor, Cam, and I continued to eat as Shawn picked at his food.

"What is wrong with you Shawn? Why aren't you eating?" Cam finally asks

"I just don't know if she poisoned it" He says looking at me

I clutch my pearls as I look at him, "Shawn. Why would I waste my time to poison you? If I were trying to kill you, I would do something way worse than that" I chuckle and go back to eating as I hear the other guys laugh

I smirk and look back at him as he glares at me. I send him a wink and look back at my food.

After we were done eating, Taylor and I went to change into our pjs and come down to watch scary movies with the rest of the guys as our tradition. 

While we were up in Nash's room changing, I was ready to just throw on a big t-shirt and shorts and go downstairs, but Taylor was quick to stop me. 

"No Y/N you can't wear that, you have to make Shawn jealous, to make him want you!" She whispers loudly, "Here put this on!" 

"No Y/N you can't wear that, you have to make Shawn jealous, to make him want you!" She whispers loudly, "Here put this on!" 

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I put on the 2 piece silk number and was about to walk out until she pulled me back again. 

"Ok Y/N I already told Cameron about this plan, so what you're going to do is go down there and sit with Cam and pretend to be all lovey dovey with him. To make Shawn feel some type of way" she winks at me.

"Haha Ok Tay, whatever you say. Let's go!" I laugh and we walk down the stairs and into the living room.

I go along with the plan and sit with Cameron and cuddle into him as Shawn glares at us as he sits by himself on the other couch. 

We start a movie and start to get really into it when Cameron leaned into my ear and started telling me jokes to make me laugh. It works as some small giggles leave my mouth. Cameron keeps going as my giggles start to get a little louder. I look over at Nash and Taylor and they are smirking at us. I guess Shawn had enough as he stood up and said,


"What does what we're talking about have to do with you Shawn" I chuckle looking up at him

"You know what.. nothing. I'm leaving" he says quietly, his face and eyes turning red as he walked out. 

My heart started to break as I watched him leave. I stand up and run out the door and try to catch up to him. When I do, I grab his arm and turn him around, forcing him to look at me.

"Shawn what's wrong?" I ask as I see tears rolling down his face

"It's you Y/N"

A/N: Heeey y'all! Long time no hear right! Lol sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I hope you liked this part! Part 2 or NAHHHH? I'll talk to y'all later! Love youu


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