He Tries Your Cooking For The First Time

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You and Shawn have been dating for a few months and you are now officially moved into his apartment that he insisted you move into. Shawn was really health conscience and only eats the food he makes which upsets you sometimes.

"Shawn do you want me to make you some dinner?" you asked, knowing the answer

"Oh no babe, I've got it. I need to watch my figure." he says going to he fridge to get the usual dinner, chicken and rice.

"So what, you don't think my food is healthy?" you leaned against the counter and put your hands on your hips.

He let out a breath, setting the 2 ingredients down and walking over to you, "I'll let you cook for me one day baby, don't be upset." he said leaning down and kissing your pouted lips, grabbing your hips.

"I loooove you" he whispered in your ear cutely, he always knew how to get you to forgive him

"I love you too" you grumbled

He chuckled and went back to cooking his very bland food.

The next morning was a pretty hectic one for Shawn, he'd gotten a call from his manager Andrew at about 3:30 in the morning telling Shawn to get down to the studio immediately. Shawn was stressing about whatever was going on and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and bolted out, grabbing a couple bananas on the way out.

Later that day, Shawn still hadn't made it back home and knowing him, he was dedicated to working and not eating. So this was your chance! You got up with a smile on your face and started to make some of your famous recipes, attempting to make them healthy. 

"Ehh he can work it off" you said while you were contemplating how much butter and cheese you should add to the mashed potatoes.

When you were done you grabbed the keys to the car and headed out with the food in your hand. You drove to Shawn's studio and made your way inside, the receptionist telling you where they were.

You walk into the studio and see Andrew and Shawn with their head in their hands.

"Hey guys, is everything alright."

"No, we lost all of the tracks and we're trying to get them back." Shawn groaned

"And we haven't eaten in 7 hours.." Andrew groaned

You smiled and replied, "Well I guess it's good that I brought some food with me." you say, setting the bag on the table and opening it.

Andrew's head shot up and he ran over to you, "Oh my gosh did you make this?"

You nod and smile at him, handing him the to-go box filled with food, "Shawn are you gonna eat?" you ask hopefully

"Umm no." was all he said before he went typing on the computer

"Oh... ok." you said sadly letting a pout take over your face,"Well I'll leave this right here for you just in case."

He looked up at you and smiled weakly, "I guess I'll have a couple bites." he says opening the box.

You look over at Andrew to see him inhaling the food, "Oh My Lord Y/N!!!!!! This is amazing! Can you cook for me more often? This food is bringing me to tears." he says wiping his eyes playfully.

You chuckle and look at Shawn to see him digging his fork into the potato salad you made. He looks up at you before slowly bringing the fork to his mouth, as the flavors hit his tongue his eyes widen.

"Oh. My. God... why did I wait so long to eat this?!" he exclaims digging into the rest of the food

"Because you need to 'watch your figure'" You and Andrew answer at the same time, laughing at the boy eating the amazing food you made.

"You can cook dinner more often babe, I won't complain!"

A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed, if you want a part 2 to the imagine "A Woman Can Only Take So Much" let me know! Love y'all!


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