Break Up/ Make Up

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You and Shawn have been together for about a year, but lately you guys have been fighting and Shawn has been becoming pretty distant. So tonight you were going to confront him about it because you were tired of being in an unhealthy relationship. Shawn was at the studio and would be home in a couple hours. So you decided to make some dinner for the two of you. You made some grilled chicken, vegetables and mashed potatoes. You were just finished when Shawn walked into the house. It had been a routine that when Shawn would get home he would get his food and eat alone in his in-home studio, while you ate alone in the kitchen then go to bed alone because Shawn would fall asleep in the studio.

Today though, it was going to be different. When Shawn walked in the kitchen and noticed that the table was set he looked over at you and asked "What is all this for?"

"Well tonight were gonna have dinner together.. Please?" you answered sheepishly

He sat down at the table and you sat across from him. You guys ate in silence until you decided to speak up and ask,

"Do you love me anymore Shawn..?"

He looked at you for a while and answered "We lost our spark Y/N.. I think we need to move on."

You looked at him and started to cry. "Ok Shawn."

You stood up and went to pack your bags. When you were done you grabbed your keys and went to the door and whispered "I love you Shawn.." and with that you got into your car and drove off to the Jacks' house.

You knocked on the door tears streaming down your face. Jack G opened the door and saw your tears and knew what happened. He pulled you into a hug.

"He did it Jack.. He did it" You sobbed

"It's OK Y/N you can stay here with us for as long as you need."

"Thank you.. I need to go shower.."

"We'll get your bags out of the car for you Y/N/N"

You went upstairs and turned the shower on and stripped off your clothes and sat on the floor in the shower tears rolling down your face. You started to sing one of Shawn's songs

"And I know you'll find someone who

Gives you the time I didn't give to you

I'm running low

I'm sorry, but I have to go

It may be I who never feel

You gave me something so real

I'm running low

I'm sorry, but I have to go..."

By this time you were in hysterics. And the Jacks could hear you from the other side of the door. You turned off the water and just sat on the ground crying until the boys walked in and wrapped a towel around you and took you to your room and just sat and cuddled you until you fell asleep.

The next morning

You woke up really late the next day. You put some clothes on and went downstairs to be welcomed to an empty house and some pancakes and bacon on the counter with a little note that read,

"Hey Y/N/N we had to run into the studio for a little bit, we should be home in a couple hours."

You sighed and grabbed the pancakes and went to sit in the living room to watch some TV. You flipped through some channels until you saw Shawn and Camilla pop up on TMZ.

"Shawn and Camilla seen holding hands and walking around Time Square together! Where's Y/N? More up next, Stay tuned!"

A/N: Part 2 is coming soon I promise!

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