He has a baby from a previous relationship

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"Hey babe I have to go to the studio, it's an emergency! Can you please go pick up Emma and Erin from Courtney's house please?" He yells, running out the door.

"Well I guess I don't really have a choice" you chuckled grabbing the keys to your car.

You loved Shawn's 6 month old Emma and 4 year old Erin very much, like they were your own. But you hated having to deal Courtney, she was always so rude to you and to the girls. You always worried about what was going on at home when they weren't with you and Shawn.

You drove the 30 minute drive to Courtney's house and walked up to the door, not having to walk very far when you noticed the girls were sitting on the steps waiting for you to arrive. You could hear Emma start to cry. It was chilly outside and Emma was only wrapped in a thin sheet.

"Hey babies, what are you doing outside? Where's mommy?" you ask Erin

"She left us out here.. she said she had some stuff to do and she couldn't take us... Y/N its cold outside.." she mumbles

"It is cold isn't it?" you say grabbing Emma's carseat and Erin's hand, "Let's go home and we'll make some hot cocoa and bake some cookies!" you tell her trying to cheer up the little girl squeezing your hand.

She looks up at you and smiles "YES Y/N LETS GOOO!"

You giggle and put the girls in the car and make sure they are buckled in properly. You get in the drivers seat and turn on the heat for the chilly girls in the back and start to drive home. While making the drive back home you and Erin start to sing along to different songs. When you get back home, you unbuckle the girls and go inside. You let Erin go play with some toys while you get Emma out of her carseat and you feed her and put her to sleep in her crib. After putting the fussy baby down, you go into Erin's room to grab her so you can make your cookies and hot cocoa like you promised.

You both skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen and got to work dancing around the kitchen and singing loudly and off key until you heard your little fussy monkey start to cry again. You rush upstairs and grab her and bring her down and put her in her highchair and start to dance again. Emma started to get entertained and began to clap her hands and put them in her mouth. You picked her up and grabbed Erin's hand and started to dance around, all 3 of you giggling.

You heard the door open and Shawn walk in with pizza, but you guys kept dancing. Shawn stood taking pictures of his 3 favorite girls.

"Well look who's having fun without daddy!" he exclaims

"DADDY!! PIZZA!!" Erin runs over to her dad and hugs him as you walk over and hand him Emma, then go to take the cookies out of the oven.

"Look daddy we made cookies and hot cocoa! And I played with my toys..." she rambled on

You got everyone to sit down and served everyone except Emma some pizza, cookies, and hot cocoa. You grabbed Emma and sat to feed her for the last time before she went to bed. When everyone was finished you went upstairs to give the girls a bath and get them into bed. You go over to the window and lock it and tell the girls goodnight. You walk back downstairs to talk to Shawn.

"She left them on the steps Shawn. Do you know how cold it is out there? Emma was wrapped in a little thin sheet. Nothing else. And all Erin had was a little windbreaker."

"What?" he looks astonished

"I think they should stay here Shawn. With monitored visits. I honestly think she's hurting them. While I was bathing Erin there was a big gash along her back"

"I agree.. gahh how could I not have seen the signs. I feel like such a bad parent. I'm calling CPS in the morning."

"You're not a bad parent babe, let's go to bed ok?"

Shawn Mendes Interracial Imagines/ PreferencesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang