Your Son Doesn't Think You Love Him

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A/N: If this ever happened in real life oh my gosh I would feel so bad :(

You and Shawn had a 5 year old son, Aiden and you just had your daughter Zoey about a month ago. Aiden still wasn't used to having another little person in the house, so he got jealous easily, but you brushed it under the rug and kept moving forward hoping he would get used to it.

Aiden was the biggest football fan, he played football, and he would watch it all day everyday with his dad. Instead of cartoons, he wanted to watch football. His favorite team were the Dallas Cowboys (A/N: We Dem Boyz...) since y'all lived in Dallas. (A/N: I live in Texas so I have to represent honey) He's been wanting to go to a Cowboy's game forever, but not with his dad, he wanted to go with you. So you finally told him that you would take him to the game this weekend and he was so excited. All week he was running around the house telling everyone and everything that he was going to the Cowboy's game.

The night before the game, Zoey got a really bad cold and Shawn was too nervous to stay with her while she was so sick. So you made the decision to tell Aiden that you wouldn't be able to go to the game the next day.

"Hey Aiden can I talk to you?" You say tucking him into bed

"Mommy I'm so excited to go to the game with you tomorrow! We finally get to have some Mommy-Aiden time!" He beams

"Well my love we're gonna have to cancel the game tomorrow, Zoey is really sick and Daddy can't stay with her."

Aiden looks at you, tears filling his eyes before he mumbles,

"Why can't we just give her away. Ever since she's been here, she's taken you away from me"

"Aiden that is not nice at all. She's still a baby! Just like you were and you got sick too."

"Goodnight." He says rolling away from you

"Lord give me strength" you whisper as you walk out of his room and into yours.

Shawn is putting Zoey into her crib as you walk in. He looks up, sees your face and quickly puts the baby in the crib, turning to you and asking what's wrong.

"Aiden is so upset with me Shawn. I feel terrible"

"You know, before you agreed to go with him to the game, he would ask me if you still loved him."

"Shawn really? I already feel bad and you're just going to make it worse?" 

"You keep forgetting that you have 2 kids Y/N not one. I understand that Zoey is a baby and needs most of your attention, but you can give some to Aiden sometimes." He says and walks into the bathroom.

You decide to go back and talk to Aiden. You walk into his room and turn on the light, walking over to the bed and notice that Aiden isn't in his bedroom. You start to panic and run around the house, tearing everything upside down looking for your baby, screaming his name tears rolling down your face. You go back downstairs and notice a note written by Aiden that reads,

"Mommy Im sorry 4 whatevr I did 4 u 2 not luv me enymore. I am goin to leve"

Shawn runs downstairs and asks what all the commotion is about. You can't even answer him as you sit down on the ground, head in your hands, the not held tightly in your hand. 

"Y/N what's wrong?!" he says alarmed

"I really messed up Shawn. I'm such a bad mom"

"What do you mean? Where's Aiden?!"

"He's gone" 

A/N: Hey lovelies! How are y'all? I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, let me know if you think I should do a part 2! Love you guys! 

P.S. I really had to channel my inner child to write that little note from Aiden lol


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