Small Arguments, Massive Apologies

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"Are you serious Shawn?! Why would you do that!" You screamed at Shawn.

"Y/N I'm sorry, but it's not that big of a deal." he says calmly

"What the hell do you mean 'it's not that big of a deal?!' Has no one taught you not to dry your hands with the decorative towels in the bathroom?! I would've gotten beat for that shit Shawn! Oh my gosh now I have to wash them and call my mom so she can teach me how to refold them!" you rambled loudly at him

Shawn was completely oblivious to the strange rule you were yelling at him about as he dried his hands on the towels in the guest bathroom. Why he was even using that bathroom, you will never know.

"Y/N I'm sorry baby" he laughed at your outburst, pulling out his phone to put you on snapchat.

"No you're not!" you yell and pout at him

"I really am" he laughed again and that started to irritate you. This is major! How could he take this so lightly! It's like a black person being the last one to die in a horror movie... UNHEARD OF!

You didn't say anything else and just walked up the stairs to your bedroom, grabbing the towels on the way. You closed the door behind you and locked it, laying on the bed thinking about what the world has come to.

After a few hours, Shawn came knocking on the door.

"Y/N babe? Are you still alive in there? I'm really sorry about the towels." he sounded genuine.

"Whatever Shawn.." you mumbled

"Please let me in baby" he begged slightly

"No." you grumbled

It was quiet for a while so you decided to grab your phone and check twitter. When you logged on, the first thing you saw was a picture of Shawn, a 6 ft teddy bear in the mall, and a bunch of shopping bags from your favorite stores and restaurants. You gasped and read the tweet.

"I didn't know that you weren't supposed to dry your hands on the towels in the bathroom.. I hope these make up for it :)"

You smiled and retweeted it, deciding to reply.

"I forgive you Shawn, now hurry home with my goodies!"

You got out of the bed and went downstairs to wait for him, he got home about 30 minutes later and struggled with all of your gifts. When he finally made it in, he took a seat next to you and started a very dramatic yet sincere apology.

"Y/N I am so sorry for drying my hands on those towels, I should've known better. I bought you some new ones in case the ones I used are ruined."

You laughed and pulled him into a hug, "It's okay Shawn, I maybe overreacted a little bit."

He joined in your laughter and the both of you started to open all of the things he bought for you.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It was very fun for me to write, love y'all!


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