He's Sick (Part 2)

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"Why did you break up with me" she said after a while

"I'm sick Y/N"

"Yeah, it's a cold Shawn, that's not a reason to break up with me-"

"I have cancer Y/N it's bad, I only have a few weeks.."


All you could do was stare at him. Tears started to flood your eyes as you tried to keep your composure. 

"You're lying!" you yell as tears fall from your eyes

Shawn got up and came closer to you as you cried.

"I'm not Y/N and all we can do is try to stay together until I die" he tries to comfort you. 

"No No NO NO NO! You are not going to die! You CAN'T die Shawn please" you cry into your hands as he wraps his arm around you...

Suddenly you gasp as your eyes open wide and you feel the tears that stained your cheeks and your eyes. 

"Oh my god it was a dream! I have to go see Shawn" you say to yourself as you jump out of your bed, grabbing the keys to your car, not caring what you look like. 

You speed down the road like you did in your dream and got to his new house in record time. You jumped out of the car and ran to the door, not caring that you left the car door open and the keys in the ignition, good thing a security guard saw you running by. 

You got to his door and knocked on it desperately, waiting anxiously for him to answer the door. A couple minutes later you saw the door open and a groggy and irritated Shawn looking down at you.

"Y/N what are you-"

You didn't give him time to finish as you engulfed him in a hug, the same tears falling from your eyes again. 

"You're not dying and you don't have cancer do you?" You cry.

"No..." he answers, standing there in shock.

You finally pull away and walk with him into the house. After explaining to him what happened, you both sat in an awkward silence before you went back to your dream and asked.

"Why did you break up with me?" 

He looked at you for a minute before he answered

"I just didn't want you to be hurt, I know how bad the hate is toward you and I don't like seeing you in pain Y/N/N you know that.." he whispered

"But we could have worked through it together. And leaving me all together put me in more pain than the hate because I thought I did something wrong" 

"I know.. and I'm just going through so much right now, and I didn't want to drag you into it with me."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going on tour in a few weeks"

After him talking about the tour and you continually asking questions, he finally said,

"We just need a break Y/N we've been together everyday before the break up and I just need a break" 

"So the dream is coming true.. It's ok.. I hope you find what you've been looking for" 

You stand up and start to walk out the door and back to your car, waiting... hoping...

A/N: Hey guys I hope you didn't think this was the end of this part! Keep on reading!!

6 Months later

Shawn had gotten back from his tour and didn't make an effort to call you. Until one night, it was around 9:30 PM and you were cleaning up the kitchen after making some chicken noodle soup for yourself. You put away the last of the silverware and were heading out of the kitchen until you heard your phone ringing. You looked at the caller-ID and answered hesitantly.

"Hello?" you asked

"Y/N can you come over please? I feel terrible" he says letting out a nasty cough

You felt some deja vu, and didn't ask questions and agreed to come over.

After the slow drive to his house, you locked your car and went to the door, opening it and going inside, seeing Shawn on the couch. You sit next to him and put your hand to his head, noticing that he wasn't running a fever. 

"What's wrong Shawn, is it your stomach?" you ask, getting ready to stand up

"No Y/N I need to talk to you."


"I think I found what I was looking for.."

"What are you- Oh... Ok" you say looking down

"It's you.. I want you. It was a mistake for me to leave you like that, and during the tour, I wanted nothing more than you and your chocolate chip muffins. I love you so much and I really need you in my life, and I completely understand if you don't want me in yours-" 

You cut him off with a kiss. 

"Of course I want you in my life, I've wanted you in my life for 8 years" you say, meaning that you've wanted to be with him since you were a fan

"I love you Y/N will you be my girlfriend.. again?" he laughs

"I love you too and... Yes" you smile and engulf him in a hug.

A/N: Now that's the end, I hope y'all enjoyed!


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