"Oh My God... He Left Me and I'm..."

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A/N: Thank you @Naynay121304 for the suggestion!

Your POV

Shawn and I have been married for 2 years and we just started trying for babies. Every time we would try, a test would never come back positive and I could tell it was hurting Shawn to know that we possibly wouldn't be able to have kids. 

"Still negative Y/N?" Shawn would ask me from the other side of the door, it broke my heart to see Shawn so upset

"I'm sorry Shawn.." I would say every time. 

One day Shawn suggested that we go to the doctor to figure out what was wrong and the doctors ran test after test and found nothing wrong. 

Day after day, I could tell that Shawn was getting more and more upset with me. Until one day we got into an argument.

"What the f*** is wrong with you Y/N?! Why can't you have kids?!" He yelled at me out of the blue, "Why didn't you tell me you couldn't have kids before we got married?! I would've been long gone if I knew!"

Those last few words hurt me to my core..

"What do you mean you would've been long gone Shawn? So you only married me to have kids with me? You don't love me?" I yelled back, "Didn't you hear the doctor?! She told us that there's nothing wrong with me! Maybe its you!"

"Me? Why would it be me? I have more than enough sperm Y/N" he says cockily

"Ugh you make me sick" I start to go upstairs, I was halfway up the stairs when I heard him say,

"You make me regret marrying you" 

I took my happy self down those stairs and b-lined it over to him and slapped the living Jesus out of him (Trying to save Jesus' life of course)

"You have some nerve Shawn. You are supposed to be supporting me and helping me through this, but instead you want to be an ass about it. If you regret marrying me, please leave baby because I am not going to be treated this way anymore." I said before walking away.

The next morning I woke up throwing up like crazy. At first I didn't think anything of it, but I realized that I could be pregnant. I didn't have any pregnancy tests left at home, but I lived around the corner from the doctor, so I hopped in my car and sped to the hospital.

"Y/N Congratulations!! You're pregnant!" The doctor told me and I bursted into tears

I sped back home, excited about telling Shawn the great news, completely forgetting about the fight we had last night. I basically ran into the house and started looking for him, screaming his name. I walked into the kitchen to find a note on the counter with divorce papers. 

"Y/N I don't think I can do this anymore. Please meet me at the lawyers office at 5."

I bursted into tears.

"Oh My God.. He Left Me And I'm Pregnant..."

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! If you want a part 2 let me know!! @Naynay121304 thank you for the idea.


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