Your Parents Disown Your Baby (Part 4)

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"When you got out of the car at that stoplight to go back home, Shawn got out and went after you. When he got back in the car to turn around, I was in the car and shot him dead." Your dad smiles.

"Oh my god you are so evil!" Shawn's mother yelled

"Ohh yes I kno-" He didn't even finish his sentence before you shot him in the throat.

It was silent for a while until you spoke up, "Let's go guys.." You untied them and walked out of the house in silence.


Life was quiet without Shawn and Jason. 

The night of the incident, the police finally showed up and took care of all the bodies and what not. The confirmed that you were doing it to protect your baby so they didn't charge you with anything.

Now everything just seemed dark.

Your sunlight was taken away from you.

A piece of you was buried 6 ft under the ground.

Everything that was important to you was gone.

Now both you and Karen are going through what it feels like to lose a son together and it hurts.

It's hard.

Too hard at times.

You hadn't eaten in 2 weeks and you didn't dare to step foot outside and be bombarded with paparazzi. 

You wanted it all to end.

You didn't have to worry about being selfish because there was no one left who cared about you.

But just in case, you wrote a letter expressing why you were going to do it.

When you were done, you walked out onto the balcony and sat on the banister and looked down to see the long drop ahead of you. After saying a mini prayer, you leaned forward and let go.

You were just about to hit the ground when...


"Oh my god" You let out a scared breath and looked around the room to see that you were in your bedroom.

You looked down at your belly and noticed that you were still pregnant. 

You looked over and in the bed next to you was your husband Shawn.

You didn't think it was real so you quickly started shaking him. He woke up with a worried expression on his face.

"Oh my gosh Y/N is it time?! Is the baby coming?!" He asked quickly and ran to the closet to get the bag.

You couldn't even respond as you started to cry, your hands covering your face.

"Y/N/N, are you ok? What's wrong? Does it hurt that bad?" He asks genuinely concerned and oblivious

"You don't want a divorce right?" You asked as you looked up at him

"What? No, never" He sits down on the bed next to you, "Where is this coming from?"

After telling him about the dream that you had he held you in a tight hug.

"Y/N/N You know your parents would never do that, they don't hate me! They love me!" He says which makes you giggle

"And we never agreed on the name Jason! I thought we were doing Matthew!" Shawn asked

After calling Shawn's family and checking to see if they were ok and telling them your dream, you called your parents.

"You would never do anything like that right?" You asked them

"Of course not Y/N! You know how excited we are for this little bundle of joy! And that handsome man of yours! We would never hurt him! I'm pretty sure he is stronger than both of us combined" Your mom says which makes you laugh.

"Alright guys, love y'all" You say and hang up the phone.

Not too long after you went back to sleep, you felt severe pain in your stomach and shoved Shawn again.

"No Y/N I'm not dead." He grunts and rolls over

"No you dumbass! I'm having contractions, we need to go to the hospital!"

Shawn jumped up and the both of you ran to the car.

A few long hours later, you gave birth to your baby boy who you named Matthew. 

Shawn's parents came first and met the baby, but a little while later your parents came and met him as well.

Everything was perfect and your parents had no intentions on hurting him so you were fine.

A/N: Thank goodness it was just a dream! What did y'all think? Was it any good? Did I catch ya off guard? That's what I try to do! I hope y'all enjoyed, love ya!


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