Your Parents Disown Your Baby (Part 2)

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"I know I know, but I just feel bad.." He says and sits on a barstool in front of you and puts his head in his hands.

You walk over to him and stand in between his legs and grab his face, forcing him to look at you.

"I don't care about my parents opinions anymore and neither should you. I love you and that's all that should matter. If they don't want to be in our baby's life, then thats a life that their missing out on. I don't give them a second thought anymore, neither should you." You said as you held his face in your hands.


You were finally on the last leg of your pregnancy and you still hadn't heard from your parents, but you weren't upset about it because you really didn't need any stress during the pregnancy.

You and Shawn finally decided to have a baby shower, and out of kindness you invited your parents not expecting them to come. But to your surprise, they showed up.

When Shawn noticed your parents, he immediately ran over and stood in front of you protectively.

"What are they doing here Y/N?!" He asks out of concern

You had to say that you were pretty nervous yourself, "I invited them, but I never expected them to come!" 

You quickly grabbed Shawn's arm and pulled him into the kitchen.

"Oh my gosh Shawn please don't leave my side, I don't know what their intentions are." You started to cry and Shawn quickly pulled you into a hug.

"Don't worry baby, I won't leave you. And I'll have security follow their every move" He wipes your tears and leads you back to the party

You tried not to pay much attention to your parents, but it kept bugging you. You finally decided to talk to them.

"Shawn I'm gonna go talk to them.. Don't come with, just keep a CLOSE eye out." You tell him

You quickly walk over to your parents, "What are you guys doing here?" You asked them rudely

"Why so rude darling? You invited us." Your mother says

"What do you want. You obviously came all the way up here for something. What is it?" You ask getting agitated

"We came to see how our grandbaby's baby shower, what's so wrong with that?" Your dad says

"Well after you f****** 'disowned' me as your daughter, I wouldn't expect you to come."

Your parent's faces softened as they looked at you sadly, "We're sorry Y/N.. We were wrong for the way we treated you and your husband. Also we never should've talked about your unborn child in such a way." Your mom said genuinely

"Yea whatever, I don't believe a word you're saying." Your parents have always been two-faced

When you said that, their faces automatically changed into bitter ones as they said, "You little b****! I hope your child dies when it's born!" Your mother growls at you

You were quick to slap the hell out of her, "Don't ever come near me again. I'm getting a restraining order against the both of you." You yelled and called for security to throw them out.

3 months later

You finally had your son Jason and you were so blessed that he was happy and healthy.

The words of your parents always rang in your head, but you just prayed about it and put it in God's hands

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The words of your parents always rang in your head, but you just prayed about it and put it in God's hands.

One day as you were cleaning up the house a bit, the phone rang. Jas was at Shawn's parent's house and Shawn was in the in-home studio downstairs.

"Hello?" You answered

"Hey Y/N..." you recognized your mom's voice

As you were about to hang up the phone, you heard an evil laugh on the other end.

"That little boy of yours is so handsome! And his little cries are adorable!" she says making your skin crawl

You never sent them any pictures or videos of Jason, so how could they know what he looks/sounds like?

"What the hell are you talking about?!" You ask with worry

"We have the little demon right now, he's sleeping so peacefully. If only he could sleep forever huh?" She laughed again.

You heard a small cry in the background and you quickly stood up and ran to get Shawn.

"You better not lay a finger on my baby!" You scream at the evil woman on the other end

"Well you better come get it before I do. And your slave master's parents are here to, they aren't speaking very much!" she laughs

By this time, Shawn was listening and he immediately ran toward the front door, with you close behind.

A/N: Woaaaaah 743 words! Not what you expected huh?? Well I hope you enjoyed! Let me know if you want a part 3! Love ya.


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