You Hate Each Other (Part 2)

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"You know what.. nothing. I'm leaving" he says quietly, his face and eyes turning red as he walked out.

My heart started to break as I watched him leave. I stand up and run out the door and try to catch up to him. When I do, I grab his arm and turn him around, forcing him to look at me.

"Shawn what's wrong?" I ask as I see tears rolling down his face

"It's you Y/N"


"What do you mean it's me Shawn" I asked him reaching to wipe his tears as he jerks away from me.

"No.. don't touch me Y/N.." he says harshly

"What do you mean Shawn" I put my hand down and crossed my arms

"Nothing Y/N go back with the rest of them" he turns his back on me, walking away.

Once again, I grab his shoulder and turn him to make him face me.

"Shawn don't you dare act like you're the victim in this situation. You have treated me so badly in the few months that i've known you. Sure, the names were funny at first, but now calling me a 'slave' and a 'b****' isn't ok. I have let you call me these names for these few months, and the 1 time I defend myself you get mad and act like a big a** baby. So please just stop with the pity party and grow up. And about the whole Cameron thing, it was a joke, nothing is going on between us, even if there was, you have no right to be angry and storm out of the house like a child because you're jealous!" I yelled at him

Shawn just looked at me, "Are you done yet?"

"You know what Shawn. Yes. Yes I am" I turn to walk away until it was Shawn's turn to pull me back around. He looked like he was really pondering on telling me something.

"What Shawn?!" I ask getting annoyed

"Nothing.. Bye Y/N" we both go our separate ways..

3 months later...

It's been about 3 months since I've talked to Shawn, Taylor, Nash, and Cameron. I've just been off doing my own thing I guess. 

I was babysitting my cousin's little girl River, she was 2 and the most adorable little girl i'd ever seen, her dad was white and she turned out be just perfect.

We were headed to the grocery store to pick up some baby supplies, when we got inside, I put River on the ground since she was starting to walk and I wanted to let her practice

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We were headed to the grocery store to pick up some baby supplies, when we got inside, I put River on the ground since she was starting to walk and I wanted to let her practice. Well I wasn't expecting her to go into a full on sprint and run away from me and down one of the aisles of the store. 

"River! Get back here" I whisper loudly

All of a sudden I heard a loud thump and a baby's cries, then it was me who went into a full on sprint and quickly turned the corner and went toward the cries. When I finally got to the source of the cries, I saw River in a tall man's arms. 

"Oh my God River! You can't run off like that baby!" I gently scold the crying girl as I take her from the man's arms, still not looking at him. 

River wraps her arms around my neck and crams her head into my shoulder. I finally look up at the man and see it was the man I haven't talked to in 3 months.

"Y/N?" He questions "Is she.. Is she your daughter?" 

"No.. she's my cousin.. Thank you for grabbing her Shawn" I say looking away

"No problem, she's adorable" he smiles at the baby whimpering in my neck

"Thank you.. Well I'm gonna go-" I start to turn away

"WAIT! Please don't, can we talk please Y/N?"

"In the middle of the aisle Shawn? No." I chuckle and I tell him to meet me at a nearby restaurant in an hour.

After I buy all of the necessary items for River, I head to the restaurant and sit down inside waiting for Shawn. A few minutes later he walks in and sits across from me at the table.

"Hey" he says

"Hi" I answer back "So what do you want to talk about?"

"I just really want to apologize for all that I said and did to you 3 months ago, that's not like me at all and I really only did it because I was afraid to truly like you Y/N. I didn't want to like you, so I went above and beyond to try to convince myself that the feelings I felt were fake, but in reality they were real, and it's you... the one I want to be with" he says not breaking the strong gaze we had. 

I looked over at River who stared at us like she knew what was going on, she had a smirk on her face as she looked between us. That made me chuckle as I looked back at Shawn.

"So what are you trying to say?" I asked

"Will you be my girlfriend Y/N?" he looks hopeful

"Not yet Shawn!" I smirk as I see his smile fade "You have to earn this honey, you can't just say some nice and pretty words and expect me to just fall into your open arms" I said dramatically, throwing my hand over my eyes as if I were a damsel in distress.

Shawn just smirks and agrees to my plan of action. A few loong and teasing months, Shawn passed the test and asked me to be his girlfriend, and this time... I said yes.

A/N: Heey y'all! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know the ending was a little crusty, but hey! It was pretty darn good! But I hope you loved these parts as much as I loved writing them! Stay tuned for another chapter! Love y'all.


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