You Meet Him (Request)

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Harini's POV

I was walking through the mall shopping for gifts for my birthday, looking for different things to add to my list.

I was about to walk into Forever21 when I heard screams and yelling from the food court.

I quickly grabbed my bags and walked swiftly to the screaming teens.

"What's going on?" I asked one of them

"Oh my gosh Shawn Mendes is here!" She squealed 

Oh wow...

"Ehh I guess I have time to get an autograph. After all it is my birthday." I smiled to myself and got into the very long line.

About an hour later the line got shorter and I was next but Shawn had to leave.

"I'm so sorry ladies, but I have to go!" He waved and started to walk away

I got a burst of courage and decided to yell after him, "Shawn wait! Please, it's my birthday! Can I please have a quick autograph?"

Shawn stopped and turned around and I saw his eyes widen as he looked at me.

He waved me over and I quickly walked over to him and handed him my phone to sign the case.

"What's your name?" He asked, smiling down at me

"Harini.." I almost whispered, grateful that he couldn't see the blush forming on my brown skin

"Beautiful name" He smiled again, handing me my phone

"Thank you.. I'm sorry if this is held you up" I looked down

"It's not a problem, See you later." He waved and started to walk away

What does he mean, "See me later?"


I was walking back to my car when I decided to look at my phone to see what he'd wrote.

"Happy Birthday Harini, call me for a special birthday wish 708-xxx-xxxx"

A smile spread across my face the rest of the way home where I called and received a lovely version of the birthday song.

A/N: Happy birthday Harini


Shawn Mendes Interracial Imagines/ PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now