Silent Treatment

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You and Shawn were out all day and about just getting new things for your house and you decided to stop and get something to eat.

You decided to go to Chipotle. When you got there, you got your food and sat down inside. You were enjoying your time together when all of a sudden a fan pops up out of nowhere.

"Oh my gosh hi Shawn!" She says

She seemed very nice, she was really pretty too. She had long blonde hair, grey eyes, and she was really tall and skinny.

"Hey" Shawn smiled at her.

"Do you mind if I sit with you, my mom is coming to pick me up, but she isn't here yet." She still hadn't acknowledged you yet.

"Of course!" He said moving over a seat so that the girl was now sitting directly in front of you

You didn't say anything as you wanted to let the fan have her time with Shawn. But when 30 minutes went by of just her and Shawn talking, that started to tick you off.

"So has your mom texted you yet?" You asked nicely

She looked at you like you were disrupting her very important conversation, "No." and she continued talking to Shawn.

Shawn was really starting to get into talking to her, he was touching her arms and her hair. It was really starting to irritate you and make you jealous. They were talking about his next concert, and when you tried to join the conversation Shawn would just talk louder on purpose so they couldn't hear what you were saying.

Another 30 minutes went by and you'd had enough. You stood up out of nowhere and went back through the Chipotle line because you were a die hard fan... then stormed outside to call an Uber. 

The Uber came and took you back home. You got inside and sat in the living room and ate your food. About an hour later, Shawn had come back home and saw you sitting in the living room by yourself.

"Why did you leave Y/N?" he asked dumbly

I didn't answer him as I went into the kitchen to throw my food away.

"Hellooo earth to Y/N!" He said trying to get you to talk to him

You still weren't saying anything as you walked upstairs and started to decorate one of the empty rooms that you had in the house.

"Y/N why aren't you talking to me?" He whined, following you

You didn't say anything as you started to paint some picture frames that you'd bought that day.

"Y/N I'm sorry for not listening  to you at the restaurant, please talk to me."

"I'm just doing what you wanted me to Shawn. You wanted me to be mute the whole time we were there, so that's what I'm gonna do now." You finally said

"No Y/N I'm sorry" He begged

You just looked over at him and continued to paint the frame.

"Y/N stop and talk to me" He grabbed you wrist

"No." was all you said

Next thing you know you were picked up and slammed against a wall.

"You are going to talk to me Y/N" he was mad

Oh god... You thought

"Talk to me Y/N." he demanded

"What. Do. You. Want Shawn." you were so annoyed

"Y/N I'm sorry, I love you and I'm sorry for making you feel any different today." He apologized sincerely 

You just looked at him for a moment, noticing how sincere he was being.

"Ugh I forgive you Shawn" You groaned jokingly and he laughed

"Love you Y/N" he said sing-songly as he walked out

You just chuckled and went back to painting.

A/N: Wow... It's been a minute since I've updated, I saw that my book rank went WAY down so I had to jump back on it! Make sure to check out my current book that has been taking all of my time 'The Assistant'!! Love you and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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