# 55 Did Neethu finds Nethra's baby? #

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I got a call, I think it was Rithick and took my mobile.
The mobile screen flashes Mithila. I picked up the call immediately

"Mithila, I was in hospital. Nethra's condition became worse. I explained her whatever happened from Morning to till now" my sorrows became light at the moment I shared with Mithila. I felt like I gained my confidence back.

"Neethu, don't worry. I will come now. Rithick went out with Shantra, he may be busy with that girl. So he didn't attend your call I think so, Neethu" she said. My anger on Rithick reached to top.

"Mithila, you stay there itself. I will be back soon and sorry Mithila someone is calling me in phone," I said and looked at my mobile it was Rithick. I hanged her call and picked up his call angrily.

"Hello Neethu, why did you call me?" Rithick asked in other side. His words had no love for me. When did you change this much Rithick? I didn't expect anything from him and my only intention was Nethra.

"Come to L.M hospital. I will tell everything after that" I said.

"Why and Who is in hospital? Are you in L.M hospital?" He asked me.

"Come soon as possible" I said

"Sorry Neethu, without knowing proper reason I can't come" he said. It was shocking to me but I never bothered because he is not mine.

"Nethra was admitted in the hospital. Don't inform this to Rahul,"

"What happened to Nethra? How do you know that she is in hospital? Wait there itself I will come soon" He said in tensed voice.

After sometimes, Rithick reached hospital. It was like I was seeing him after a month gap. I didn't have any feelings or emotions for him now. I hope he too maintained the same. He came closer to me and he asked about Nethra's conditions.

I explained him from the beginning. "Thank you so much Neethu, for being with Nethra this much time without any expectations" he thanked me selfishly.

What did he mean? Why should I expect something for helping my best friend Nethra. Did he think me like him? Selfish. I scolded him in my mind.

Meanwhile, the doctor came out after checking Nethra's body conditions.

"Doctor, I am Rithick. Nethra is my cousin. How is her condition now?" He asked worriedly.

"Her Condition was better compared to earlier. Don't mistake me if I ask you something personally?" Said the doctor.

"Ok. You can ask me doctor"

"Are you the great business tycoon Mr.Sanjay?" The doctor asked me as I was shocked at the moment because I didn't expect this question from the doctor. I didn't wish to show the identity of my daddy as it becomes viral news about Nethra's conditions which in turn collapse my family and make them in distress especially Rahul.

Rithick looked at me for a while, "No doctor, we are new to this place and I don't know about Sanjay as you said," He didn't show his father's identity out.

"It was Disgusting to hear. Everyone knows about Mr.Sanjay. He looks exactly like you," the doctor said with confused look.

"Ok doctor. When will you discharge Nethra? Is it possible to meet her once?" I asked.

"She is okay now. You can discharge her now itself,"

I and Rithick rushed to see Nethra. Nethra asked about her baby. I told that her baby was safe. Still now she was angry with Rithick and his family. She didn't like Rithick's arrival there.

"Nethra! How are you?" Asked Rithick.

"How did you know that I was admitted in this hospital?" Nethra asked. I didn't expect this question. What will happen if Rithick told the truth? Will Nethra hate me too? Nope! This wouldn't happen, it will make her condition worse. She was thinking that everyone betrayed her and she believed me hardly. She shouldn't get broken by knowing that I was friend of Rithick and Rahul and they were send me to visit her in Mercy home and report them about her status.


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Hardly, I have updated this chapter friends as I was suffering from fever.

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