# 52 No! I don't love you #

Bắt đầu từ đầu

I walked towards Rithick. I yelled out his name but he didn't show any reaction. Immediately I pulled his collar of his shirt and slapped the right side of his face. He looked at me angrily.

"How dare are you Rithick? How could you able to change like this? I know about you well. Your heart belongs to only one person and she is not your girl" I said harshly.

"Are you evil? How can you slap my Rithick in front of me? If you raise your voice again, I can't be quiet again" said Shantra angrily.

"Rahul, don't get angry on Rithick. He is your best. I am always proud of your relationship. Please, don't break your relationship. Accept his wish Rahul" said Neethu with tears.

"No one can replace you, Neethu. You are really great. I can't see everything happening around me patiently like you" I said worriedly.

Rithick didn't tell anything. By seeing him, I can't control myself. I was starring at him.

"Let's go out Rahul. We should respect Rithick's feelings. Let us give space for his privacy" said Neethu and she went out with Mithila without looking at Rithick. Then, I came out.

I noticed Neethu was crying. I walked towards her. She wiped her tears at once she saw me.

"Neethu, I don't know the reason behind your tears. Please, don't cry Neethu" I felt pity for her.

"Ok Rahul. Please, you don't scold Rithick" she said again made me to feel poor.

"Neethu, Did you love Rithick?" I asked in one throw. I didn't expect to ask her in this situation but I felt she was in love with him.

"My love is gone, Just 15 minutes before. Yes I love Rithick" she said with tears in her eyes and love in her heart.

"Neethuuuu....Are you sure?" I asked shockingly with shivering voice.

"Yes Rahul, I am in love with him madly but now I realized I am a fool. He thinks me as friend but without knowing his feelings I developed love on him. Can you promise me Rahul?" She asked worriedly

"What Neethu?"

"Please, don't tell anything about my love to Rithick at any situation. He will leave me, if he came to know that I love him. Please, Rahul" she begged me.

My eyes became wet for the first time. Neethu was is in love with Rithick but Rithick too was is in love with her. I know how much he loves her. He was waiting for this moment. He told me lastly that after knowing Neethu's heart he will propose her but now he fall for Shantra. How will I tell this to her? What happened to him? Are he is a brainless idiot? I want to slap Rithick again. Did he becomes mad? My heart was aching after hearing Neethu's love for him. What will I do now?

"Please, give me a promise Rahul?" She said again.

"Don't worry Neethu. Don't ask me anything more. I am not in a position to give a promise but I assure you that I won't reveal it to Rithick unless the situation comes" I said to her. She didn't reply anything.

Later I dropped Neethu and Mithila in hostel and I went home. I didn't talk with anyone in home. I came directly to my room.

"Rahul anna, where is Rithick anna?" Riya asked me usually.

"Please, leave me alone Riya. Don't tell his name again."

"Why? Where is Rithick anna? Why are you talking like this?" She asked again causally .

"Nothing! Go out from here" I yelled.

"Ok. I will contact him" she took her phone and dialled his number. Angrily, I got and threw her mobile down.

"Are you mad?" She scolded me with tears in her eyes.

"You will never behave like this. What happened to you. Did you fight with him?" Again she asked.

"Your Rithick anna, is a selfish. Today he proposed Shantra, an evil spirit. Do you know that Riya? Neethu was in love with him. I don't know what happened to Rithick?" I said emotionally.

"Nope! I won't believe this. I know how much Rithick anna loves Neethu? He will never do like that. Wait, I will ask to Rithick anna at the moment he reached home. Now, where is he?" She asked.

"Who knows? He will be with that evil" I replied angrily.

"Anna, this is too much. How could you leave him alone? Do you know how much he cares for you everytime whenever you had faced worst part? Give me your mobile phone," She said worriedly.

She took my mobile and dialled his number. He attended, "Anna, come soon," she said in single throw.

"Riya! Where is Rahul? He won't talk with me right. Ok no problem. I am in party with Shantra. It will take time to reach home, so inform to mom" he said and hanged the call without hearing my reply. Riya was shocked hearing his reply. Really, I felt very bad and never expected this from him.

              # INTERMISSION#


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Hi lovely Friends & sisters!

Our story has reached the middle/ climax part. This is the main twist I planned for the story while writing. Have anyone excepted this while reading previous chapters except the last one?

How is the chapter? Are you excited?

Rithick was not like as what we think?

What is the actual plan of destiny?

Stay tuned....

As this chapter is the most important part in our story so I felt that I would take some time more to write it. I promised my lovely Friends and sis that I will update before Wednesday but your comments made me to write fast.  Really friends, your comments are encouraging me a lot. Please give your support..

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Her Savior💞Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ