ShAvE, nOw

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Jay: you should really go shave that goatee thing, Alex. I don't know...

Alex: why?

Jay: because... you kinda look like a biker who would step on puppies...


Jay: you should also lose the hats. Don't wear hats. Just. Stop.

Alex: -takes off hat-

Jay: and don't you need to wear glasses?

Alex: yeah...

Jay: then why aren't you wearing them??

Alex: -shrug-

Jay: are you just trying to look tough?

Alex: -shrugs again-

Brian: I don't think he should go back to his old, "I'm so innocent. You could fuck me in the ass, but not too hard because I might cry" look

Tim: he should just stay right there

Alex: well uh

Jay: go shave. Now.

Brian: do you reallly want to look THAT innocent?

Seth: -magically appears- I think he looks good either way

Alex: -blushes-

Seth: actually. Go shave.

Alex: what if I don't want to though

Seth: do you reaaally want to look tough? Because the bruises and scars kinda help... It just isn't your thing

Jay: you don't look like a Kralie


Jay: ...yes


Brian: whatever... He looks fine... Tim agrees too

Tim: what

Brian: you agree

Tim: sure

Brian: yeah, see?

Seth: gO SHAVE

Jay: -chanting: go shave-

Alex: fffffiiinnneeee I'll shave

-thirty minutes later-

Alex: I'm back

Jay: woah. You look different.

Alex: huh? All I did was shave

Brian: the only place that you didn't shave was your head... and of course your eyebrows... but um. Where'd your leg and arm hair go?

Alex: I shaved that

Brian: why??

Alex: -shrug-

Tim: I bet you shaved your chest too

Alex: -lifTS UP SHIRT- I did

Tim: oh

Alex: -puts shirt down- sooooo now what

Seth: you look better

Jay: -hands Alex's glasses to him, aND HIS STRIPED JACKET- Look. Now this'll be your, "not a murderer" look!

Alex: -puts the glasses and the jacket on-

Jay: -smiles-

Alex: -remembers that this is the jacket with his gun in it- ha ha ha ha

(Is anyone going to think about how Joseph looked whenever he had the goatee thing? Like in public. Tbh it would be like I don't know...  it would be weird)

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