More Quotes That Should've Been In MH

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Jay: "Why did you just stop wearing your glasses all of a sudden? Did you just wake up one morning and your vision was perfect?"

(Like Tim's leg)

Amy: -whispers- "Someone please help,
I am being held captive by a mad man"

Brian: "Let's turn that frown upside down, you don't wanna be in a loop of unhappiness"

Tim: "Jay, whenever people say 'no', usually they mean that they will never do it. Ever"

Jay: "Rosswood"
Tim: "what"
Tim: "uh"
Jay: "aLEX"
Tim: "no, Jay"
Tim: "that seizure must've really messed you up"

Alex: "Let's play, shoot the liar"
Jay: "okay first, it's your turn"
Alex: "what? No"
Jay: -has a water gun-
Alex: "..."
Jay: "have you ever killed anyone?"
Alex: "—no"
Jay: -shoots Alex's glasses off with water gun-

Brian: "I'm just gonna stand here and act like I care"

Tim: "Maybe emotion pills should exist. Because like, I seriously cannot process emotion at the moment"

Jay: "Remember that one time—"
Tim: "no, Jay"
Jay: "I wasn't done"
Tim: "You were just going to say some weird memory, that literally no one remembers or cared about in the first place"
Jay: "true, but I'm telling you anyways"

Jay: -runs around Brian's home-
Jay: -continues running while singing: "there's a stranger in my house"-

Jessica: "Oh, so— I didn't wake up here?"

Alex: "I still miss Amy"
Jay: "You just killed Amy"
Alex: "Shut. The. Hell. Up. Jay. And. Let. Me. Have. A. Moment"

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