totheark auditions

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Seth: -turns on camera-

Seth: so... -organizes papers- this is day one of the Totheark auditions!

Seth: -puts papers down and sits in the metal chair which is inside of the college building-

-two hours later-

Seth: -head is down on small table in front of him-

-an hour later-

Seth: -examining a piece of glass which has a little bit of blood on it- huh

-another hour later-

Seth: -sighs, examining a knife which is also blood stained-

Brian: -knocks on the door-

Seth: oh, hi

Brian: hey

Seth: -moves behind camera-

Brian: -sits in chair-

Seth: here's your lines -hands Brian a few pieces of paper-

Brian: so I just read this?

Seth: can you put your mask on first?

Brian: I'll be a little hard to understand... but alright

Brian: -puts mask and hoodie on-

Seth: I like your mask and hoodie. I guess it's better than just wearing a mask.

Brian: yeah

Seth: okay. You can read the lines now. In 3 -adjusts camera- 2...

Brian: -flips through papers and goes to the first page-

Seth: 1

Brian: I can't believe it's been almost three years since Alex was killed

Seth: you already sound great... skip to this part -points further down the page-

Brian: gotcha

Seth: start

Brian: I feel like this town has gone cold

Seth: maybe you've gone cold... -thinks of what to call him- Hoodie

Brian: -skips a little bit- I just feel like a depressed murderer, stuck in a loop of death

Seth: you did great

Brian: thanks! And I like the name...

Seth: yeah! And who's back there? In the white mask and leather jacket?

Brian: oh that's Tim, or the masked man. Whatever works.

Seth: do you think he wants to audition?

Brian: I can check

Seth: okay

Brian: -walks up to Tim- hey would you like to audition for Totheark?

Tim: -clenches fist- (I didn't know it originally said fish)

Brian: woah woah there, Tim. You're alright. You aren't in the hospital. Think happy thoughts.

Tim: -slowly unclenches fist-

Operator: -appears-

Seth: -is too busy looking at a picture of Alex who has a red Operator symbol covering his face-

Seth: -sips on soda-

Tim: -punches Brian-


Tim: -pats pockets- WHERE ARE THEY??

Operator: -gets closer to them-

Brian: -unknowingly has pills in his pocket-

Tim: bRIAN! -tackles Brian-

Brain: -kicks him off- STOP

Tim: nO -tries to punch Brian again-

Seth: -has headphones on-

Tim: -snarls-

Brian: -picks up metal pipe and whacks Tim in the head-

Operator: -gets farther away-

Brian: -rips off mask-

Operator: -disappears-

Brian: ...Tim, are you okay??

Tim: -takes off mask and lifts his thumb up, still lying on the floor- I'm doing swell. Everything is fine.


Brian: so are you gonna audition?

(Gonna do a part two. Sorry this chapter was so long)

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