Forbidden Eternity. (3).

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"Excuse me...Excuse me...EXCUSEME!" I shoot up, too quick for my mind to register that I had in fact nutted the orange hostess.  

"Oh shit! Sorry" I fluster trying to sit up and grab her hand as she fell backwards with her hand on her head. I hit her pretty hard, I even heard the loud smack as we came in contact, but I couldn't feel any pain. She glares at me as she takes my hand, oh god, I'm such a klutz. I smile sheepishly as we both stand upright. 

"I really am so sorry." I continue. 

"Whatever, just go, we've landed."  

"What?! Already?"  

"Yeah, you fell asleep." She rubs her head still glaring at me. I see I haven't got a fan here. 

"Oh, err, well where are we?" This seems to snap her out of her mood because she straightens up instantly, a lump forming on her head already. Her eyes narrow and her mouth sets in a straight line. 

"I can't tell you that sorry, there is a limo outside waiting, so if you don't mind." She ushers me out. My feet clang on the steel staircase, the weather is exactly the same as London except it is now drizzling slightly. Good job I'm wearing my Ugg boots. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. The airport is small, quite cosy if such a thing were possible. The whole back of it is covered in glass, but instead of making it look modern it made it look even more country, the surrounding tree's and bright green grass didn't help either. A uniformed man steps out of the black limousine; he smiles an eye wrinkly grin as I make my way over there. He reminds me of uncle Jerry straight away.

He has grey hair that just showed underneath his hat, and his eyes were a warm brown. I smile back as he loads my suitcase in the trunk. He opens the door for me and I crawl in, it is magical. I wouldn't mind transport like this all the time. The seat which went from the back door, made its way to the front, curving where there should be another back door, all in grey. The floor is a fluffy cream and a small bar like cabinet is opposite the seats horizontal wise. The lights on the roof gave it a beautiful purple glow. I feel like I'm going to a party, not a boarding school. I shuffle over to the bar, champagne, Malibu, tequila... you name it they have it. I grab the Malibu, pouring it into a glass. The front of the car is blocked off by a window like wall, and I jump as it scrolls down and I can see the uniformed guy looking at me sternly. Talk about being caught red handed, I still have the Malibu bottle in my hands, my eyes wide as he looks at me. 

"Miss Katie, may I remind you the legal age for alcohol consumption without parents consultation is eighteen, and you my dear are seventeen, so if you could just-" I chug my glass before he can finish, quickly. 

"All gone." I winked. He looks annoyed for a moment but then smiles. Easy going. We set off to god knows where, the windows are heavily tinted so I can't see where we are going. I think they did that on purpose. When we finally come to a stop, I hear murmuring voices then the car starts again, only a few seconds pass before I feel a wave of heat pass though me, so powerful it nearly knocks me to the carpet. 

"What was that?" 

"Oh don't mind it, its natural when entering here." What the hell? If you enter some unknown place and that happens, surely its dangerous. Oh god, pictures of nuclear factory's and weapons flash through my mind. I shake them away. The car stops again, and the guy opens the door, I step out onto gravel warily. The school sits calmly before me, looking more like a red and black two storey mansion, windows cover the front on one part to my left where a leafless oak tree stood in front, obscuring a balcony where I could faintly make out easels for painting, next to it is a castle like round tower with a roof that pointed upwards in a never ending spike. An archway is going through the middle of the building, leading off into another part of the grounds the building is blocking, a patch of grass is just peeping out from the side and a few flowers were hung through the archway's tunnel. On my right are podiums holding a roof above a wooden double door, which obviously was the entrance. The roof of the actual building is flat apart from the round like column, its colour a deep brown if not red, where a stall sits at the top, Jesus, what would they do up there. The whole place is kind of gothic, I think.

A tall man with thick blonde hair walks out of the big double doors, a smile on his face but his forehead is wrinkled with worry, wearing a black suit with a white shirt popping out of the top and a blue tie. And, is that just me, or does he have red eyes? He came closer, and yep, definitely red, with a black ring around them...

He smiles slightly, and offers me his hand. I shake it hesitantly, only to find it quite cold, well the weather is cold so... he is quite good looking, for an older guy.  

"Hello, you must be... Katie Lewis, I'm Barry Linestead, you can call me Barry though." He smiles warmly, not revealing his teeth in a gesture i beleive to be welcoming. He turns and waves for me to follow him, and we step into the schools entrance, into an entrance hall. A grand staircase, its banister enscribed with pictures upon pictures of god knows what, floods the hall opposite me, taking up space as it starts out wide at the bottom, thinning towards the middle before widening again at the top, all the while a red carpet covers it. A wide hallway leads onwards at the top, and I can just make out the hallway seperating off at the end. The staircase also seperates off into a balcony like floor, going either way leading off into their own corridors.

Everything looks wooden though, a warm wooden, that reminds me of that school in X-men. God I used to love that film, I don't usually like older guys but phew, Hugh Jackman any day. A large circle rug that sprawls in the middle of the floor has an intriguing design, swirls upon swirls either a blood red or black. Hallways branch off the wntire bottom floor, some leading to what I can only make out now as offices, others just going on and on, on either side.

Barry walks straight towards another set of wooden doors, not nearly as big as the ones we just came through. And on them is a golden plate that said, 'Principal Linestead'. We walk into an office, the driver waiting outside, closes the door behind us. A huge mahogany desk is in front of a whole wall dedicated to a book shelf, and on the desk sits a computer, looking pretty high tech. Barry sits down and moves a few papers out of his way, clearing his desk.  

"Miss Lewis, we have a lot to talk about." He says seriously, leaning forwards and resting his elbows on the table, pressing his enclosed fists into his face. 

"Oh I know, I mean, I don't know why I'm not allowed to know where we are but I want-" 

"I'm not talking about that, any of that, please if you could remain open minded that would help a lot... and please, take a seat." I cautiously make my way to the seat in front of his desk. Open minded, about what? 


"Do you believe in... Vampires?"


Hey everyone, so yep, decided to carry on writing,



Fan ;) xxoxxx

Forbidden Eternity.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz