~~But you are my mate~~

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Sehun's pov

After that night I didn't feel good... I was thinking about her only whole night.. MY words are not real to her but my heart and my love on her is real.. I am living my life with her in my dreams... I need her in my life but I can't do anything... I hate myself because am coward to accept my love when She confessed her love........Next day morning I didn't go school instead I went to some business conference . Am coward to avoid Misha...If I see her again may be I can't control myself on her...If I say my love definitely Chelsea would do anything on her...

I was too busy in my presentation about my new product, yeah based on the idea given by Kai we decided to introduce new cell phones to the market....Sekai group of mobiles ...... Already kai told me many times about this but I didn't show any interest but now to change my mind I focused on this now.... Everyone appreciated about my new project everyone wished me but I don't know Why I feel low on something.... I keep thinking about Misha only all time...Am not mingle with anyone, Even Sojin asked me why am like this?? I simply smiled at her... But She only handled everything.. she is nice and intelligent girl.... I took her to lunch...I drove 20 minutes to reach Seoul's best motel ever for Millionaires like me... one of my dreams to take Misha with me to that motel like a date.. I wished before..but now I can't do that anymore.. ... I smiled myself....

"IS everything Okay Sir??? ", Sojin asked me while driving may be she feel weird because of my attitude....

"Yeah am alright " I said .......

After we entered the motel.. Servant took us to VIP's room........

Sojin sat opposite to me.... She warmly smiled at me... I smiled back to her making myself normal.........

"Sir, Mr.Watt called you many times while You were in conversation, ", Sojin said to me.....

"Yeah.. I call him tonight.. " I said simply.... I saw that strange look from Sojin may be she doubting me the way am behaving to her ..Because today am not usual

Servant entered and asked for the order.......

"one Ginger honey chickens wings and Mexican pasta with wine.... " I said and looked Sojin, who smiled at me ...

" Wassup??", I asked her .......

"Whenever Misha and me visit motel means she order this only... I remembered it ... " She said... Suddenly I felt little bit pain in my heart... I ran my hand on my hairs...... so disgusting ...

"Sorry Sir..." She said ... I mouthed "Its okay"..

Sojin ordered something like simple one ...

"Sojin.. ", I called her......

"Yes sir..", she replied me..........

"Misha.... went to school right?? ", I asked her...........

"Yes Sir... " she said............ I nodded simply and sipped my wine.......

"Are you Okay sir??" , Sojin asked me once again.........

"Yeah am okay...am good" I said


After we finished our lunch I dropped her .. Between I got call from Misha but Before I attend the call was cut.......... And I called her again ..its said phone has been switched off...... I had a kind of strange feel... is everything okay.. I went to meet Mr.Watt...it took more than 2 hours.. I saw my wrist watch it shows 7 at night.... I was too tired so I thought to go home..........Once again I called Misha.. Again it said Phone has been switched off..my heart said something happened to her...I closed my eyes for a moment and exhale my breath... I called Sojin and asked her about Misha.. She said Misha didn't come till and she said she called her too... She was panicked.......I told her not to say anything to her father .. I asked her to say like she went to her friend place for study.... Sojin started to cry what if something happen to Misha..and I encouraged her like I will bring her safely.... then she calmed herself..............

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