Monster Mansion

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After Misha left Suho also started walking towards the parking area to take his car.He take bracelet from his pant pocket before starting the Engine, he smiles genuinely ofcourse love does it ...

Suho POV

Insane, i am totally Insane ...why am like this so sudden ,am i loving her??? no i can't ... its ridiculous ofcourse i am a damn Dracula how i love human. Even she is not my mate then how come i fall for her. I don't want to mingle with this girl...yeah.. she is girl innocent girl.....she will hurt, if she knows my real identity. I want to end this now I blabbered myself when i left the car before i entered to my house.

yes, my house its not a home its just house.. because i don't have family to live or love then how come i call this is a home ..but i am not lonely ,sometimes Luhan ,Chanyeol will give some company,or sometimes DO appear to cook some unmeaning stuffs, Xiumin and Chen rarely visit me..

Especially Chen , we are not perfectly match we always start fight.Chen is too caring and spunky fellow he never allow me to start things which i like.when i feel suppress or depress what the human called i end up by drinking blood.

I like Blood , i am a bad creature i like to drink blood hot blood , human one is tasty but we won't allow to do that instead we suck animals. Balance yeah!! i can balance when i am mingle with humans not only me ,same goes to Luhan, Chanyeol, DO, Xiumin and Chen.

when i entered i take hot shower ...woof ..its really cool now... my house is simple and little dark too, Cuz i like hell which means dark.. if i switch on my light ofcourse my house looks like palace but i don't want that, i am a loner forever loner .. before i fall off the bed something bothers me ..yes ofcourse .. "Misha!!".......

She is really something ,that bracelet ..I wanna see it again, i searched my pocket for the bracelet ..yeah i found it ... I smiled myself unknowingly.. I kept safely in my closet i don't want Luhan or Chanyeol to find .... wait wait why i hide it .. she asked me to give tomorrow but now i am hiding. Shhh... what the hell am doing ?? Suho focus .. just go to bed you need some sleep right.. i claim to my bed trying myself distract from her..

Misha Pov

I happily wake up from my bed like princess .hahha.. this is my best home i like this very much..but i missing my father and brother ..but they said they will here very soon.. my father he is just assistant chef in small hotel ,he can't make much money ,yes we are poor damn poor to make money mom she died in accident when i was 12yrs old,however my father managed to care me and my little brother,one of the worst part of my life i don't have mom to hug. But i love my father he is my super hero he is the one why i am here why i am studying in popular school of Seoul, ofcourse he had dept to pay ,he got money from many of his friends for his shake i have to pass this school with good grades .

I am daughter of great chef yes i can cook well like him, after i finished my tasty breakfast i left home .. i checked three times whether i locked the door ,yes i did... good.. i started to walk..

for me it takes almost more than 45 minutes to reach school if i walk, so i take bus regularly it reach before 15 minutes,i can get sometimes for relaxing myself in school,for that i have to take bus at 8 clock , if i miss that bus i can't get another bus. But the thing i hate is i want to walk little long to reach bus stop, before that i have to walk one ghosty street ,no one will walk during that time..its really creepy for me to pass that street ,i never see any faces there when i walking.

I always wonder why no one walking this time,even if accident or robbery takes no one care,,,Shhh... ok i need to go ..I rushed myself to reach bus stop.. when i stepped away from that Street i exhale my breath like i achieved my target of crossing that horror street.

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