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Sehun pov

BullShit!! who is that shitty little rat, where the hell she is from? because of her I almost went to jail but fortunately Kai helped me before I reached the Station. Now she said I harassed her, Oh that Grubby old fellow shouting at me dammit. I even wrote apology letter. Oh Fish!! where is she now, I walked fastly after I had stepped out from Principal room, my eyes roaming for her. I want to find that girl, she is great disaster to me, I won't leave her anymore, I need to show myself  to her. But my focus and attention was arrested by gorgeous laugh. Ha!! she only, how dare she laughing infront of me, My eyes burnt to see that ridiculous smile on her lips, I approached her fastly  I grabbed her fist I lift her over my shoulder, A small crowd gathered around us, suddenly I took her to chemistry lab, because no one come there, It was old one which is little dark and horror.......

Misha POV

 "Hey!!. what are you doing???put me down right now okay!!"... "You Evil jerk are you deaf ? why are you doing this to me, my waist hurts man, just drop me down.", I shouted  and even I punched him but he is not in  mood to listen. "Hey !! see we can talk okay anyways kidnapping a girl is not right thing leave me you stupid lardydardy!!",  He took me to Lab oh god it was terrible like my ghost street....

He put me down. God I fall on the floor, I threw anger gazes but his eyes were blood red color. oh god!! whats wrong with him???.

"What did you said before?? say it now??? .... ", he  raised his voice at me like a devil.......
 I hesitantly stand, his eyes were still burning constantly looking at me . ofcourse I only did mistake not him. Even he tried to warn but me. I was idiot who willingly got sealed. I got little sweat. I want Suho now....GOD please help me please send him message .. I was scared i need him very badly..This jerk going to kill me....

"Wh...What ..what you talking about ??",  I asked him just try to hide my fear ..

"About the harassment which I not did to you??",  He scoffed at me 

I said " I am mentally stronger than you....", I laughed lightly at him but_

"Don't dare to laugh", He raised his voice while coming closer to me 

I stepped back ..Oh god this guy what he going to do anyway??. I wanted to scream but I can't. Instead I gently warned him ........

"Don't try to hurt Suho, If you do so I  would do more. This is all I could say now ??? ",  ... but his expression was furious only on what I did at him, god his madness only on me.......

"Don't play Dumb, Misha, why in the world I want to get scold from that stupid old freak...why I want to write that damn letter without reason, why in the world I got the name womaniser ??..", He burst out his anger.Electric gazes attacked me heavily ....I gulped due to heavy shiver....

"See, you messed with my friend so I did okay", I said but he snapped 

"F*** it then"......

I widened my eyes at him my legs glued to the floor.......

"why you intently get into this Misha??? am I looking like a blockhead to you??" he grudge at me 

"Whatever you are I won't care, I am going now ,"I move forwards but he holds elbow tightly......

"what now??? ", I asked him with anger face........

"Talk now.",.... he commands me 

I laughed at him while pulling my hand from his grip....actually fake laugh to make sure that am bold enough to face him I nudge my arm because of his touch./I moved little backwards from his damn hotness .. he is too hot when he get temper  ........

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