Chapter Twenty-Nine Part Two: Suspicion

Start from the beginning

I had my hands intertwined before me, Dominic held out his arm and I took the invitation, hooking my arm in his. We descended the steps with all eyes on us, there was still music in the background but I couldn't hear it. We eventually reached the bottom, I received a kiss from Donna and Dominic simply shook his father's hand. 

After the greeting with his parents, he led me around to meet the Capo dei Capi of the other familia. Although they were all titled according to their language, there were so many more different ways to say 'mafia boss' than I'd ever imagined.

"There is a lot more people here than I expected." Dominic looked around, "They must be here to see you."

"You flatter me." I laughed.

"You're having fun with this aren't you?"

"This people are so.." I wrinkled my nose, "Posh."

He chuckled. A waiter came over holding a tray of beverages, all of them looked to be alcoholic.

"May I interest you in a drink?" he asked holding it out.

I shook my head smiling, "No thank you." 

He nodded at this then left.

"Why didn't he offer you a drink?" I asked Dominic whilst looking at the waiter.

"I don't drink."

"But you smoke weed?" I raised a brow.

"There's a difference." he said seriously.

I laughed. "How come you drank the vodka the other time?"

"I can drink small doses. Just not large amounts, thats why Leo took to the liberty of taking the glass from me without making a scene. He has awfully good timing." he smiled as Leo walked up.

"I don't know," I stretched turning to face Leo but still glaring at Dominic, "Seems kinda shady to me." I turned and greeted Leo as Dominic shook his head.

We stood distracting ourselves with small talk, completely getting along and even Claire and Abrielle had come to join us. It was going so well. Nobody was bothering any one else, people in other circles greeted each other with fake but kind smiles. Better than causing outright drama, the fake smiles were necessary. We were doing well with our mostly genuine ones up until...

"Glad to see everyone is enjoying the party," he walked up with wine in his hand and the other hand in his pocket, "Though its not my party. I like to see everyone having fun."

Vince smiled like prince as he joined in on the group, without invitation of course. Claire immediately stopped smiling and held her glass low. Abrielle shifted closer to her brother, Dominic stood with a still expression but still the same body language as before. I had neither a smile nor a frown. I was the only one putting an effort to show even a slither of kindness.

"Amara," he turned to me, "Glad to see you're as beautiful as ever."

"I agree," Clarissa walked up putting her hand on her brother's shoulder, "Your dress looks extravagant."

The small fraction of kindness I held slid out of my grasp, I turned to her. She had the smuggest look on her face, I hope no one tells her that her lipstick was smudging. Leave her be.

I saw out the corner of my eye many people turn their attention towards us, it was obvious the Italian and Russian heirs stood in a group together. They all knew nothing good could possibly come of it. I gathered as much fake as I could and managed a bright smile.

"Clarissa, I haven't seen you in the longest time!" I shook my head as if this was the most unbelievable thing that could ever have happened. "You should sit next to me at the table."

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