Chapter Forty~Five: Genders

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3 Months Later

Olivia's POV

"So what your saying is, is that I can't come with you?" Tre continued to bother me as I ran around the house looking for my purse.

"Tre! We talked about this. Ashton's going okay." I looked at him apologetic. He sighed and continued to hold our strong look.


"Stop it Tre..... You know these aren't your babies right?" I said staring up into Tre's brown eyes.

He gave me a look. He bent down to look me dead in my eyes. My body tensed up and then began to relax.

"Olivia... I know they aren't mine. But you've been here since you found out and I've been helping all that I can. So even when you have them, I will look at them as mine. If you like it or not." He said sternly.

I glared at him with hurt eyes.

"Yeah cause you were certainly helping when you told Ashton about me being pregnant with twins right?" I cocked me eyebrow at him as I walked passed him.

"Are you still on that?!?" Tre ran after me blocking me from leaving the house.

"YES TRE IM STILL ON THAT! YOUVE CHANGED SO MUCH!" I said yelling in his face.

I shouldn't be stressing like this but for the past three months, Tre and my relationship hasn't been the same.

"What happened to that nice guy I met in the park that night? What happened to that guy who made sure I was going to school? What happened to that guy who would lay next to me in bed and listen to me vent and cry about how crazy my life is?!?" I said stressing my tone of voice.

He stood there in pure silence, as if he couldn't find an answer even if I gave one to him.

"Okay then... So when you find him. Please come get me." I said shaking my head. I walked out the door as he snatched me back slamming the door behind me.

He pushed me against the wall where our breath was insinc.

"You wanna know what happened to that guy Olivia? That guy caught feelings for you. That guy started to fall in love with you, that guy has had his daughter dangling over his head. That guy has been fighting for his daughter for God knows how long.

That guy saw a girl who was hurting, so that guy tried to comfort himself while he was comforting her.

You were broken, I was broken. So two broken pieces make a whole right? You really wanna know what happened to that guy Olivia?

That guy got jealous when he saw you actually going back to that wanna be Eminem. That guy witnessed seeing the sonogram that one day. Something I never saw because my baby mama on some stupid shit.

So that guy is me, I'm broken Olivia. Did you never think that maybe this whole time I needed you? You needed someone to lean on..... Everything is always about Olivia.... What about me. I got feelings, I've been through some shit.

I want-----" his ranting was interrupted by his phone ringing. My eyes were blurred from the tears forming. He blinked his eyes hard as a single tear ran down his face. His eyes were a pinkish color from holding back all the stress.

He walked away from me to go to his phone.

"Who the fuck is this?!?" He said in an anger cry.

A few seconds had passed and Tre fixed his face. He wiped his emotions away in a flash.

"Where?" He said quickly.

"Is she okay?!?" He said as his emotions ran all throughout his face. He wiped his hand hard over his face. He shot me a look as his eyes went to a darker shade of brown.

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