Chapter Seven

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Olivia's POV

I pull into Elizabeth's driveway. There's a guard there and everything. He calls into Elizabeth's house and the gates open up. I drive into the garage that was already opened for me. I see a smiling Elizabeth and I can't help but laugh.

"You seem happy!" I yell out my window.

"Girl cause I have to be!" She yells while opening my door.

"You got the snacks?" She cocked her eyebrow at me.

"Of course I got the snacks!" She grabs the bag out of my hand and we run inside her house.

Her house was huge! We walked into the kitchen to grab some drinks then we ran upstairs to her room. Her room was decorated in pink and yellow. It was cute and girly. Two things that I love.

"I have so much to tell you Liv!" We both plop down on the bed staring at each other.

"Okay before you start I just got one question." I popped a piece of chocolate into my mouth.

"Shoot." She laid down on her back staring at the ceiling.

"What happened between you, Ashton and India?" She turned her head to look at me and she sat up.

Running her hand through her hair I could see that her face filled with pain and regret.

"Wow. This is about to be a long ass story Liv."

"Well I'm sleeping over so I'm up for it." We sat up staring at each other. She got up to go close and lock her bedroom door. Sitting back down she let out a long sigh.

"Okay, well Ashton and I dated for what, maybe six months and I was honestly living the life. I was head cheerleader of my division, he was the best player in the school, we both were rich and had our life planned out. India and I were still Bestfriends of course but I never knew she liked him. She started doing little things whenever we were around her. I could see the disgusted look in her eyes when she saw me, then you know something special happened to me." Liz's eyes started to water and I could hear her heart beating out of her chest. She broke down in full on tears and I couldn't help but cry with her.

I didn't even know what she was going to say but I could feel her pain.

"Elizabeth it's okay! You're okay mama!" I hugged her trying to calm myself down as well.

She stood up and wiped her eyes.

"Ashton had got me pregnant and we both were full out thrilled. Yeah I know it sounds crazy cause we are young but we were in love, we planned our life out already and everything was perfect. Our baby was suppose to be due today." She broke down in tears again.

"OH MY GOD! What happened Elizabeth?!?" Her face turned a bright red and the tears looked like it was staining her face.

She whispered very low, "India happened." She laid back down on her bed.

I looked at her with a question mark on my face. India? How could India be the cause of her lost baby? India doesn't even seem like the type to do that.

"I know what your thinking Liv, and yes she did do it. I almost died." Liz looked up at her ceiling trying to make out what to say next.

"H-how did she have anything to do with this?" I began to panic as I heard my voice crack.

"She had came over to my house. I was a total of three months pregnant and for her being my Bestfriend I couldn't wait to tell her. She had came over and she had confessed her 'dying love' for my dude. I was so mad at her, she always ruins something for me, something good for me. I yelled at her for being such a bitch and a slut. Then the words slipped that I was pregnant with his child." Her lip trembled as the tears met her mouth. Her hair was sticking to her forehead and she rolled over to grab a blanket that was under her bed.

"This was suppose to be her blanket if it was a girl and this was suppose to be his blanket if it was a boy. I couldn't decide which one cause I was too happy to care about the gender." She handed me the pink and yellow Winnie the Pooh blanket and the Thomas the train blue and cream blanket.

She took back the yellow and pink blanket and held it close to her stomach still looking at the ceiling as if the baby was going to drop down from it.

"She was obviously mad that I had slept with him even though he was my boyfriend and the fact that I was caring his child didn't make her anymore happy. She found the closest thing that was near her and it just so happened to be our basement. I don't remember much, I know she grabbed something from the counter and then I blacked out."

I put my hand over my mouth as I wanted to cry out to her. "I don't curse or whatever but I would of beat the shit out of India. Like she would not be on this earth anymore." She tried to laugh but it came off weak.

"Yeah that's what I had planned."

"Who found you?"

"Ashton did. He was coming over so we can go pick out some colors for the nursery and all. He came in and didn't hear me so he told me that he checked every floor until he found my lifeless body on the bottom of the staircase. I was already bleeding out and he just knew that our loves were gone." Tears started running down her innocent face again.

She huffed.

"He ran me to the hospital but it was too late. I had passed out and had a really bad concussion and the loves of my life were gone." She cried out, sobbing into the blankets.

I couldn't help but cry to making her room go blurry.


"Yes, I was having two babies. We don't know the sex cause it was way to early but there were two, so I sleep in my baby girls room. I hold onto the fact that I could of been having a girl and I stay in this room every night thinking about her." My body trembles at the fact that she lost something over jealousy.

"The boys room is on the other side of the hall. That was going to be AJ's room if I had a boy, but no that is no more."

"I'm so sorry Elizabeth....." I squeezed her tight.

"Yeah I'm sorry too, that's why I needed someone to be with tonight to get my mind off of their birthday but oh well." She wiped her face with her sleeve.

"Ashton should be over in a bit, he texted me about it. I hope you don't mind." She looked at me with blurry eyes.

"I don't mind at all. Can I invite someone?" I asked unsure if that was appropriate or not.

"Who is this someone?" She cocked her eyebrow at me with her red eyes.

"August...." I smiled looking down at her bed.

"August Jackson? Hell yeah he's fine as hell? You'll have to tell me that story later." I giggled trying to lighten up the mood.

"Call him over!" Liz called out to me while she dialed Ashton's number.

Honestly this shit is crazy I never knew somebody was capable of doing something like that. I only have one question. Why is she still friends with India?

I grab my phone and pop a starburst in my mouth.

Text Convo

To: August😏
From: Liv

Liv- Hey you should come over to hang out it would be fun.

August😏- yeah okay that would be cool ma😍 send me the address

End of text

I text August the address and I close my phone. Elizabeth walks in the room.

"Okay August said he'll be here in fifteen." I smile to her.

"Cool. Ashton will be here in ten." She smirks at me.

"Great a whole five minutes with Mr. Diamond." I roll my eyes at his name.

This is about to be interesting.

Elizabeth up top

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