Chapter Four

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Olivia's POV

The final bell rings and the halls fill with loud teenagers. I walk through the hall with India and Liz but we are as quiet as a mouse. I ran into Arynn a few times but she just gives me dirty looks. I don't really care because she doesn't put an ounce of fear in my body.

I can tell that a lot is going through India's mind but nobody bothers to say anything. She isn't even talking to Liz which was weird. I just stood in the middle and we proceeded to walk to our meeting.

We walk into this room full of the girls that I saw in my fourth and sixth period class. Coach missy explains what's going to be happening this week and the rest of the year and then we leave. The only downfall about this is that Arynn is in this class.

The coach dismisses us and India walks away from Liz and I.

"Where are you going India?" I run up behind her.

She looks at me with teary eyes and pushes away from me.

"I just need some time alone okay." She continues to walk away from us.

"India." Liz grabs her arm. India doesn't even look at her but she snatches her arm away from her and looks down at the ground.

"Don't!" Liz sits there while India walks out of our sight.

"I can't believe she's still on this!" Elizabeth speed walks out of the building as well, leaving me all by myself with books in my hand.

"What just happened?" I whisper to myself. I walk up the stairs to go put my books in my locker. Not realizing that someone was yelling for my name. I stood there on the stairs trying to make out who that person was. I shook my head and proceeded to walk up the countless stairs.

"Olivia! Wait girl!" I hear the deep voice yell my name again. I roll my eyes to the back of my head and stand there waiting for him to approach me.

"What do you want Ashton?" I look into his stormy grey eyes.

"I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier. That wasn't me." He ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair.

"Look, you may be a good guy you may be a bad guy but I truly don't care. You're obviously stirring up a lot of drama between my friends and I'm not with that at all. So please stop wasting my time and leave me alone." I turn back around to continue walking up the stairs.

He grabs my arm, with his veins popping out of his arm. I got the chance to notice that he had tattoo sleeves. They were brilliant colors, then I looked into his eyes.

"I'm not giving up on you Olivia!" He stood chest to chest with me looking down on me, making me feel smaller.

"I want you and trust I plan on getting you and there's nothing you can do about it. Whatever Ashton wants Ashton gets! Remember that Carson!" He breathed down on me sending his cool breath to do dances on top of my head.

"And what if I refuse?" I whisper to him.

I could hear him chuckle but my face stayed the same.

"They never refuse." He gets off of me and walks down the stairs. I grab his arm surprising him.

"Now you listen to me. You don't know me so stop acting like you do, I'm not like these other girls so you will not capture me, I refuse to be used by a white boy either, and finally, your not my type!" I say with poison dripping off my tongue.

"What you mean I'm not your type? Cause I'm white?" He questioned looking frustrated.

"Yes, I only date black boys and you definitely aren't black, good bye Mr. Diamond!" I walk upstairs leaving him stunned.

The nerve of some boys. I'm so tired of today, I've made an enemy, a boy who thinks he's going to capture me, friends who are mad at each other and now I have to go home and explain everything to my mom. I throw my books in my locker and run down the stairs to get in my car.

I'm so over today.

India's POV

"I can't believe this shit!" I scream throwing things in my room.

I poured my heart into this guy and he still chose that hoe over me. Am I really that bad. But karma is a bitch. I'm still surprised that Elizabeth and I are still friends after what I did.

I sit in my room frustrated. We are not suppose to be taking turns with him. He was suppose to be with me!

"No I was suppose to be with Elizabeth but I chose you." I hear that same deep voice that I despise. I look up and low and behold, I see Ashton in my door frame.

"How did you get in here?!?" I stand up ready to push him out.

"Your mom let me in."

Figures. My mom always loved Ashton as if we were going to be married one day. She hated him after a while but he had already found his way into my moms heart after she had been longing for a son.

"Ashton get out of my room!" I scream at him tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

"You know you don't want me to get out India!" He closes the door and locks it.

"You know you still want me baby girl." He pressed his body against mine sending chills through me. He took off his shirt revealing his six pack that I loved so much.

Then it hit me.

"No I don't want you Ashton! Now get out of my damn house!"

He chuckled for a minute and licked his lip.

"To think I chose you over fine ass Elizabeth." He threw his shirt back on and opened my door.

"To think you chose hoe ass Arynn over this Chocolate Queen." I looked my body up and down and slammed the door in his face. I waited for him to leave then I broke down in tears.

I betrayed my Bestfriend so bad, and she still treats me like I never did anything wrong. How could I do that to her.

Then I have to live with the fact that I'm the cause of someone's death. Yeah it's been a while but I'll never forget how I did it and why. I don't even know what to think of myself anymore......How could I have killed someone?

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