Chapter Thirty~Two: You Too Player

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Ashton's POV
Short chapter

"Olivia! I'm sorry. Baby please! I can't live without you. I love you too much. I let my pride get in the way of our relationship. Yes you can lie to me a million times if your reasons are understanding. I didn't move your stuff at all. It's still in that pile." She looked at me with her cold blue eyes.

"Ashton....." She spoke up.

"Wait please. Olivia I've never begged for a girl like this. I miss you. It's only been a night but I didn't have you for weeks. It felt like years, I don't know how I did it. Actually I didn't do it. I stayed at the hospital.

I miss the smell of you when you come out the shower. I miss how you always wrapped your fingertips in my hair when you were sleep. I miss you making us all laugh and giving us some attitude. I miss the way your eyes sparkled when you were confused.

I miss you Olivia Amaia Carson! I want you back. I'm so stupid. I broke up with you because I was hurt." My voice was fully stretched out and I was straining. My heart must of been pounding at least a hundred times per second.

She looked down at the ground as I saw a tear slip. I picked her head up and looked at her.

"What about Spirit?" She wiped up under her eyes.

"I'm not going to compete with any other female for you Ashton. I'm tired of that. Don't you understand. Everywhere I go I bring drama with me. It's glued to me because I have unfinished business. I don't want to put you guys in danger." She cried as she tapped her foot.

"Fuck Spirit. I will never ever talk to her again. Olivia I love you and fuck loyalty or Jeremy whatever the fuck his name is. He can get shot up for all I care. I want you baby girl. Please just give me a chance.

I'll stop talking to Spirit for you. She's gone I promise you." She didn't move or look up at me.

Picking her head up I was met with dark brown eyes.

"Come on babbbyyyy..... You know you'll never be done with me. And if you think I'm going to let that dark skin bitch get in the way of what I want then please don't forget who I am. Don't forget who my father is.

I'll kill her Ashton." Spirit grinned as she touched me.

"I'll kill her."

Jumping up out of bed, I looked around. It was a dream. Oh my god, it was a stupid dream.

I looked next to me and saw Spirit. She didn't have any clothes on but her hair was flowing everywhere. I cupped my face as my eyes widened.

Why the actual fuck am I here?

I really ran to her after I just....... Olivia. I need to go find her. I need to apologize.

I slowly unwrap the sheets from my body. It's cold and I slowly tiptoe to put my clothes back on.

I look at Spirit very carefully hoping she doesn't wake up.

Slipping my pants on, I don't bother to buckle my belt.

Tying my shoes, I hear her faint voice.

"Morning baby." She smiles at me.

"Spirit.... We got to talk." I finish putting my shoes on.

Her eyes furrowed as she rubbed them.

"Are you leaving me again?"

"Spirit it's not like ---" I was cut off by her slapping me hard. I fixed my self and looked at her.

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